Highway Æ Highway Æ is a map which was based off my Highway ß map on Foundry. The Sandbox forging opportunities have given me the chance to make this map how i originally intended it to be like. The arch is greater in size and vehicles can easily drive over, through or underneath it. The gameplay on this map is both fun and competitive and plays in a similar fashion to the default layout of Sandbox. Recommended game variant: I recommend a 4 vs 4 Territories match on this map as it uses a lot of this maps assets. Weapon Loadout: 6 x Battle Rifle 4 x Covenant Carbine 1 x Spartan Laser 2 x Rocket Launcher 1 x Energy Sword 2 x Shotgun 2 x Brute Shot 2 x Needler 2 x SMG 2 x Plasma Rifle 4 x Spiker Equipment Loadout: 2 x Regenerator 1 x Bubble Shield 1 x Grav Lift 2 x Trip Mine An assortment of Frag, Plasma and Spike grenades have been placed suitably around the map. Youtube Map Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSkpMecR8Us&feature=channel_page Overview 1 Overview 2 Arch View Top Level Of The Arch / Spartan Laser Spawn Middle Level Of The Arch Bottom Level Of The Arch / Energy Sword Spawn Base Structure Side Of Base / Rocket Launcher Spawn Shotgun Spawn Side Structure 1 Side Structure 2 Action Screenshots Download Highway Æ Here!
i honestly see nothing special about this map. to me it look like you just took default sandbox and added a larger middle structure. sorry, no originality, no good concept, horrible for vehicles(a splaser and each base gets a RL? thats hell for the drivers!), and it just doesnt stand out like most of the other sandbox maps do. this is like most of the foundry mas posted here: nothing special, just different spawns and layout.
I don't believe that you have had time to even play it yet and so you can't tell how well it plays. It disappoints me that some people in this community think that a map is all about aesthetics and not gameplay.
That is the definition of any forged map. This map is one of the better maps posted on Sandbox yet. It isn't all single walkways and jumps like most of the maps built in the skybox that were already boring the day Sandbox was released. I don't wanna try and out-BR someone just to fall off the edge of a three-foot wide walkway. There is a good mixture of vehicles and power weapons that can take out vehicles with ease. You have to work together to effectively use either. The layout of the bases is good, and well interlocked. Again, I like this map much better than any other one that has been released (except for Cosmic's of course), and look forward to people getting over the skybox or to someone finding the magic formula to making masterpieces up there.
Gameplay Well, he did mention gameplay regarding the vehicle/laser conflict. Other than that issue, the map does look like it would play well. It does come off as kind of vanilla being similar in a few ways to the default layout, but I'm sure the reason Bungie chose the default layout was because it played great. I will give this one a shot because, while there's nothing that stands out as amazing on the map, it does look solid and balanced.
I disagree completley. I think the middle structure looks unique and the map looks nothing like the original sandbox. It has 2 bases at either end thats it, so do practically all maps on halo. And think about it standoff has a splazer and rockets at each base and the vehicles can be devastating on that map. I haven't played this so I can't make a real judgement but neither have you so don't critisise the map when you can only speculate as to how it might play.
I disagree as well. The middle structure has a really good concept, that enables movement for both infantry and vehicles, and a good mix of cover. I don't think that Warthogs and Choppers are underpowered, because RL have very little ammo, and miss often. 4.2/5.
Map is epic. Played it and had a ton of fun. Makes me say "AIIIEEEEEE!" in joy ;D Oh, and the Bubbow is in the middow of the Orbitow.
The way that you've added balance (laser and sword are easy to 'nade) is really beautiful to me. Not only is the middle structure aesthetically pleasing, its geometry is fresh and creative. Love it.
i couldnt disagree with you more. perhaps changing the layout is a definition of a forged map, but he barely changed it. give me one thing that is unique about it? i wish i could be wrong about this so it would be good, but it is just too similar to the original. and you certainly do not have to work together to effectively splaser some vehicles that only have 2 bases and a middle structure for cover, if you are half decent. and rockets mean you can hide behind something and just pop out and rocket any vehicles coming near you. i have seen many great sandbox maps here, and look forward to playing them. this obviously is not one of them. the thing is, the only thing he changed were aesthetics. there is, once again, nothing unique about this map! the only real difference is he gave each team easy access to too many power weapons, leading to downplayed vehicular combat. what exactly do yuo think he changed gameplay-wise? it seems to play out the same besides vehicles are now worthless unless you are just in a mongoose picking up the flag guy. first of all, the "2 bases at either end" are about half the focus of gameplay, and there were barely any other notable structures besides those in default anyway. the middle may be ok if there is an inside, but its nothing special. there wasnt even any interlocking required! this means that anyone with a controller and half a brain could make it easily. and the reason standoff works well is because it is such a large map. rockets are only useful if you are close or they are driving in a straight line and you predict where they will be. this map imply isn't large enough to give vehicles a fighting chance. with a scoped in splazer on standoff, you could maybe hit a vehicle across the map, especially because of all the rocks and obstacles in your LoS preventing you from killing them easily. in this map, you can scope in and easily destroy any vehicle given a few seconds. if you are in cover and un-snipable from the front, this would be easy to do to all of the enemies vehicles. why do you guys think this map is so great? it certainly will not be remembered by many, and is not very different from default sandbox except for weapon spawns and the middle structure. it certainly doesnt stand out, and i would never DL this.
I like the map, you can easily tell it is based on Highway B but it is alot different, which is good because alot of the time I see a map and it says it is based upon an older map, and they make it completely the same, there is a difference between remakes and maps being based on things. Anyway, the map looks like a lot of fun and I have to say it looks very well balanced. Dave the Rave52
Your concept of a great Forged map is bizarre, sir. You seem to believe that only creative Forgeries are worth anyone's time. This is false. When Forging, there are two options on the road of success: one, create something fresh, new, brilliant, and creative. Two, take something old...and make it far, far better. This is what was done here. Just because it doesn't match your description of a "good map" doesn't mean it has no worth. A map does not necessarily need to be unique in order to be a great map.
how exactly did he take something old and make it far far better? first of all, the maps just came out. and second, he didnt make it better at all. in fact, he might have made it worse.
Your status says you're watching porn...perhaps that's why your view is a bit narrow-minded right now. A moderator posted and said that his map was extremely enjoyable, especially with vehicular combat. Secondly, I posted about how balanced his weapon placement and geometry are. Third, what does the maps release date of this have to do with anything? Last, you have given no good reason for why he made it "worse."
you just fed me a bunch of bullshit. just cuz a moderator likes something doesnt mean its great. second, you never posted that his weapon placement was balanced, and if you did i didnt see it. even if you did, i have no doubt it was nonsensical and not true at all. third, i already said, because they are new, he did not take an old idea. and you still didnt say how he made it "far, far better". i posted several reasons why it is worse. if you would like to see some truly good sandbox maps, click these links: Correlation Utah Mambo Air Force
Wow, seriously? I'm loosing respect for you by the post. I'll be honest, I love original maps. But I just don't see originality in most competitive maps, because their practically always randomly built with no design. In a competitive map, it's all about original and fun, balanced gameplay. I can attest to this being designed, I helped Waz (mainly on the one on my Foundry, but whatever) with some parts of this and have tested it a good amount. What your saying is that whoever can throw together the most "original-looking" structures is the best map. There's a reason that maps with great looking structures like several of GD BlueDevil's maps (no offense) haven't gotten features, while maps that are actually designed and thought out but don't have great aesthetics often will get em. It's because they play well. I like Utah Mambo and I haven't played the other two yet, but Highway AIEEEE is really, really good.
I beg your pardon? I fed YOU? Lemme quote you: That is a perfect example of an uninformed, biased opinion. You didn't bother to check whether what I said was true, and then you based your feelings off of that supposition. =/ I said that the laser and sword are well balanced because they are easy to 'nade (the laser has small walls beside it, the sword is in a tunnel that can be grenaded from above). This shows clear thought on the Forger's part. As for making something better, I was referring to your own comment of how this is similar to the original Sandbox configuration, not some other map. Therefore, I was stating that if this is indeed inspired by the original configuration, then it has made it better by adding a fascinating middle structure. Lastly, a moderator's opinion ought to be held in high esteem; there's a reason he's in control of the board. He or she has clearly displayed intelligence, careful thought, and consideration in order to be elevated to a status of leader. Don't be so quick to bash them, sir.
Nice map man, it's nice to see some people using the middle floor too. Very balanced, and I like the simplicity of it. Also, to the guy who is arguing just to argue. Ever heard of the word 'OPINION'? Because it seems that you have it mixed up with the word FACT.
And yet, one of the maps you posted that you think are better (Utah Mambo) has a Splaser in the middle and 2 RL's at each base. Contradictory, much? However, I am not bashing Utah Mambo. I am actually doing a Forge flythrough of it right now, and I think it's really cool. I just thought you kinda contradicted yourself there. Anyway, I'm downloading Highway AE as well. I will give my full impressions of my Forge Flythrough in like 10 minutes.
Mini Waz, you done a really good job on this map, it is Epic, and I think it is a lot different than original Sandbox, I like how you made the middle structure it looks quite great. I like the laser spawn, good risk to get it, plus it will be good so vehicles can not be too over powerful like in normal Sandbox. Great Job! 5/5