Hello, this is my second map post so here it goes... MAP GAMETYPE Well there are two zombies at start, and the rest of the humans spawn looking through fence boxes at the zombies, after 30 or 45 seconds( i dont remember) there is a bridge and a wall corner that assist the zombie while getting out of the chamber. Scattered around the map are various weapons ranging from some brs, two shottys, rockets, flamethrower, and much more equipment. The humans start with magnums and needlers(not unlimited ammo), so there shouldnt be much camping, and the zombies have a sword. The humans have 125% damage, and zombies 50% resistance(gametype may change depending on what you guys think). there are overshields and activ camo that eithor humans or zombies can get, but if you are human it is pretty dangerous getting these. There are three main structures on the map, the safehouse thing, the vehicle place/ storage, the junkyard(actually pretty safe if you use it right), and the weird builing thing with some equipment in it. zombie spawn humans after 30 seconds equipment house(fairly empty on the inside)
u should post this after when u have everything ready instaed of posting this thread about some map that nobody has any idea about... not cool and should be infracted
okay i will post pics now, so chill down. i am rushed roght now and i want to get the map up as soon as possible before i go to my dads house and cant really do much there, cuz no xbox. and why did you even post that comment anyways, it has nothing to do with the map itself, i shouldnt even be posting till the pics are up so just shut up and chill
You can't infract. He had 24 Hours to post the pics or it would be deleted. So STFU. Now onto your map, I love how it has a delay on the bridge and wall but can you add more detail on the equipment and game types? How many people should be in a game? Now onto dislikes (evil music)... o.o. I disliked the fact that zombies are either going to get camped at the beginning or just quit because they're frustrated. I think you should add a bit more cover for the zombies at the beginning because it'd be pretty tough not to die at that beginning place. Alright hope that helps! 3.5/5 for Look. I can't judge gameplay because of course there is no download links :\. As I said with the pictures, incomplete post. You have 20 hours from this post time to put up download links .
ok to prevent spawn camping, i made it so that only one respawn point was inside that fenced in area, and the rest were on the outside closer to the humans(so if you want to live another 30 seconds longer, dont kill the zombies when the game starts)...and i will add more detail to the description once i play my xbox and look at the specific gametype ahhhh!!!! i hope i can play my xbox and put the download stuff on my file share so i can post the specific gamtype download before school tomorrow!
wow you must've been in a huge rush to forget to put it on your fileshare :\. But i do like that you prevented spawn camping a bit.
Nice map, but from what I've seen, not much for ascetics :|. Ah well, this IS in the casual map section, not the ascetic map section... Anyway, looks good, like the junkyard idea, cause that is the biggest frickin' junkyard I've seen. 4/5
i know, i was running out of items witht the money glitch and i accidenatlly placed like every item in the junkyard and accidentally deleted a lot of em , so it could have more stuff
hah, but yeah if you kill the zombie before the bridge spawns, they are gonna be out thewre with you as you're trying to get weapons and a good spot
10% resistance is almost always a bad idea. Even if you think you've covered for every contingency, there's going to be a way to kill the zombies if they're really that weak. For example, after one game, the humans will know where the zombies spawn, and can spawncamp while someone goes and gets weapons. The zombie waiting room really serves no purpose other than to give the humans 30 extra seconds to get somewhere nice to camp. Which will be a problem with the whole 10% resistance thing. Get rid of the waiting room, at least. The zombies need to be able to go right after the humans, they're at a disadvantage already. That gives you some extra map space too. Increase the zombie's resistance too.
I thought it might be a bad idea cuz of the whole poor active camp spawn for zombies, but there are a lot of scattered human spawns that I changed around he map, so it prevents staying in just that one building.:/
ok i changed it to 125% for humans and 50% resistance for zombies and cheddar boy, how many ranked/ any matchmaking games have you played???...do u play a lot of customs?
Ok, about the waiting rooooom , well the zombies respawn win good camo and for the humans to at least travel the map would be helpful for heir survival. I think also the alpha zombies having poor camo the whole time helps for their advantage...
ok i will update and interlock random stuff this weekend, i will have my xbox ungrounded from me.. is there anything else that i should fix?
Your quadruple posts, maybe? Looks like it would work well, but nothing really stands out as making this an amazing map.
cant the humans just shoot the zombs (hah i made up a new word for zombie) through the fence walls? AT LEAST put up some sheild doors so the zombs ( ) cant get repetitively owned. oh and maybe make ONE zomb spawn in the base so that if the zombs get lucky they spawn in there and so the humans have to watch their backs
hey, only one respawn poit for zombies is in there and all the starting points, but the rest of the respawn points for the zombies is outside the fenced in area...ao if you kill a "zomb" at the start, they respawn outside where the humans are, and also the respawn traits make it so that they are invisible for like 5 or 10 seconds...so watchout!
u no wat **** u. this map thread shouldnt be ****ing up until it reacjs all requirements.... hipocrite
someone contain this kid, he has been sending me nasty private messages and is ruining my day next time try to spell hypocrite right, will you please, and actually write stuff that relates to the map.