Could I have some GIMP user teach me some GIMP skills? Whoever is fine but I would prefer LockdownN if he is available anytime soon. Could whoever gets me or Frag PM me and I will give you my MSN or Skype(If I ever DL it again) Edit: You guys should think about doing more of those tutorials like what Lock did with his C4D lesson. That was really I helpful
I just might be able to help you, however, I need you to tell me what you wish to work on. I will then simplify the list of people who can help you, then give you that list so that you may choose whom you wish to help you.
Yes, I am. We shall contact through profile posts. This way we'll have record of the discussion in case anyone disagrees with my style of teaching.
OK well I really just sort of want to learn some basic skills and improve my all around awesomeness. Ya know...So like I want to learn how to make a good light source really, good composition, good smudging, good use of effects, good use of Gradient maps and filters and stuff. Just ya know general skills in GIMP but can we do this tomorow some time?
Sure, why not? If I'm not busy, I'll try and contact you myself, but I most likely will be so I'll try and get LOCK to help you.
OK sounds good. I be ready for tomorows XD Lets just hope I don't get loaded wit hMath or I may have to cancel my shizzy
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Hey, I was wondering if anyone of you could have a video of yourself making a sig. I've seen some on youtube, but the sigs weren't that great. That would be pretty awesome and could help a little, thanks!
If I ever get my laptop back, i'll Screencapture Video myself making a signature. Actually, from now on, i'll start doing that.
*UPDATE* Thanks Hari for the vector tutorial! It really worked! Although my first try was fail. But i will be posting my new sig up in a little, with it using your directions. Thanks again!
Alright, thank-you. Glad to see the teachers doing this. Now your part is to rate Hari on his teaching. Rate him 1-5 out of five.
Hari Sig Creation: 5/5 Teaching: 4.5/5 Photoshop CS3 Hari is excellent with signatures, and he made it very understandable for someone like me to get how to vector. Although the vectors im making now aren't great, there alright for beginning vectors. Thankyou again Hari, you helped me A-L-O-T!