my birthday is teh 8th and i don't know if I want to ask for the limited edition. If i get the game im probly gonna get limited since they made it probably unfairly one sided for the limited people's leader stuff (or by cards are they talking about a trading card game like pokemon or what) but is the game even worth it? It looks like it would become terribly repetitive in a short amount of time. Like a game youd get at gamestop for half price. (and as for the mythics, a friend said he was trying to get a code for meh b-day if I don't get halo wars.) also, will the limited edition work like battlefield BC where All i had to do was load grif's gold edition disk and i always had the limited stuff from then on? Yes I have played the demo and think its fun, but seems like a game that will be repetitive. Main questions: Will it be too repetitive? Is it worth $60? Is the limited worth $80? If you have the limited do you have an advantage over those that don't? sorry bout the grammar and spellings, im not in the mood.
Well, honestly I hated the demo. I just don't like RTS games. If you like it then get it. If there is something else on your mind you can get that and wait for a Halo Wars price drop. That's what I did with halo 3. And the map pack if your friend is getting it for you it's a 2 for 1 anyway, right?
if you like RTS games, then definitely get it. halo wars is one of the best you can get on a console, and its halo themed. if youre not a fan of RTS games, dont get it.
Well, download the demo for sure so you can see whether or not you like it. I personally had no previous RTS experience before the Demo, and I absolutely love it. It has a balance that new and experienced RTS gamers can both enjoy. I've played the demo (standard skirmish on Hardcore on a single map with only 2 of the 6 leaders) so many times I've lost count. If you enjoy RTS, you'll enjoy this game. So, get it or not. If you are only getting it for the mythic then don't waste your cash. Ensemble really gave it their all for this game, and it was no throw out for cahs like Mario Baseball or anything. But you should try the demo and see.
I guess i shouldve mentioned this i guess ill add this as an edit: I have played the demo (thus why i say i think it might get old) and think it is a well made rts. its just the possibility of repetition that turns me away. The main questions im asking are: I know its a good game, but is it worth $80 to get the limited? How much better is it? (minorly) are the "leader cards" anything ingame or just part of a trading card game?
the leader cards dont do anything in game, they are just a collectors item. if you are aalready getting the maps, dont get the LE. that mainly the advantage of the LE. unless you really want the graphic novel and those cards.
Ohhh ok. It said "cards that give you powerful leader abilities" and i thought it meant ingame. Ok then I'm just going to get the regular edition if i do get it. Thanks!
Same I can't stop playing skirmish. I beat it on heroic a few times. It's awesome to make armies of infantry, banshees, hornets, warthogs, honor gaurds ect. And the cutscenes look amazing too. I don't think that wont happen for months because there are ways to make bases, leaders, maps, and gametypes. Some of my retarded friends say I'm gay for still playing Halo 3 and Wars and that nobody plays them anymore.
I'm a hardcore RTS fan and think this game is crap... Its incrediably dumbed down. As one of my xbl buddies put it.. It should be called Babies First RTS. EDIT: But It would be a great way to get into the RTS genre as it is techinically Babies First RTS and is probably the most simple RTS ever released. But if you do get sucked into the RTS world through halo wars I would start looking for games on the computer because the consoles just can't handle real RTS's.
I think if you're a hardcore RTS fan you'll be disappointed with Halo Wars, simple as. Halo Wars is essentially a "My First RTS" game. Plus it's had to make some sacrifices to make it "Console-Friendly". Now, with that out the way. Personally I love Halo Wars. I'm a bit of an RTS noob so it really suited me as a great way to actually get into the RTS genre. I'm aware (from RTS friends) that it is "dumbed down" but it doesn't bother me at all, there's enough things to allow for multiple strategies. You don't have to worry about learning the whole RTS genre and spending 3 weeks just familiarising yourself with everything before you can actually achieve anything. In fact the absolute, hands down, best way to play this game is with 2 or 3 people and to play group skirmishes - 2v2/3v3. This allows you to mix up strategies far more effectively and it's by far the best way to experience the game. You'll also experience the more unpredictable nature of human opponents which definately helps mix things up a bit. Campaign is pretty solid too. I haven't actually gotten round to completing it yet (I enjoy doing skirmishes too much!) but they do a good job of breaking it up and making you learn the different aspects of the game. Oh and the cutscenes are known to cause orgasms (Anyone had the "Moses" moment yet? You'll know what I'm talking about!) Yeah you can't play as Covenant in campaign, bo hoo. Skirmishes are where it's really at anyway and you can get plenty of playtime with them then. I think the deciding factors for a Halo Wars purchase should be your familiarity with the RTS genre already, especially on PC. The more you're an RTS nut the less you're probably going to enjoy this game. The more of a noob you are the better. You need to at least contain a mild interest for the genre though. If you know you don't like RTS games then this one probably wont change your disposition. If you're curious of the genre and want to find a good "Starting Point" (or "Rally Point" as the case may be...) then I'd say this is as good a place to start as any. The other real deciding factor is in how many of your friends have it, because it's the online stuff and playing with your friends that will be the real clincher.
^ That I bought it, best $80 spent ever. I'm on the fifth level on Legendary Campaign mode, it provides quite the challenge at times. As Budha said, the cut scenes are amazing, so when you are playing it's as if you are working for them, not just beating the level. Chrstphrbrnnn and I played some 2v2 skirmish, and Legendary enemies are hard (I am thoroughly convinced that they are not limited to the same rules as us, since by the time I create a 3rd building they already have 5 upgraded hunters and 10 other units). and then did some matchmaking. Sure it may be a dumbed down RTS, but there is still strategy. We won our match, and that was due to strategy. Anyway, not much to say that Budha already hasn't, just know that I love it (as a nooby RTS player) and Ensemble really hit the nail on the head with this one.
Everytime I see a video for the cutscenes I want to watch it but don't because that might spoil the story for me (I mean like the characters and stuff not the whole story) Spoiler covenant eventually loose
But should a halo title be the game to get you into an RTS? Halo has been known for easy to pickup and play but it still appeals to the hardcore FPS fans. Halo Wars doesn't, and a covenant campaign would be very interesting and added content. The thing that bothers me the most about Halo Wars is its lack of content.
I'm not a hardcore RTS fan (only played Civ on computer and C&C and LOTR BFMEII on 360) but to me Halo Wars was, like others said, a dumned down RTS. It is a simplistic, "causal" version of other games, for example Command and Conquer. Halo Wars is very basic, with limited buildable "base slots". These means certain bases can only hold X ammount of buildings, and you have to find new build zones to expand. As you play the game more, this becomes frustrating. The level of Tech and Resource output need coupled with the need for units makes the small building options even smaller. And expanding is not really an option, because unless it has turret slots or you can dedicate a chunk of your military as guards, your mini bases will be overrun on higher difficulties or Online. Halo Wars also had a very small choice of units availible to build. Each army has 2-3 basic infantry, 2-3 vechicles, 2-3 aircraft (which aren't that powerful at all) and one "super unit" (the Scarab and Vulture). The only variation supplied in unit chocie is availible through upgrades, which turns the game into a who can build the most of one super unit then buy all their upgrades (or use the cheap ODST drop/rush). Some variation may occur with different strategies and challenges, but to me the unit option are limited and become less exciting the more you play.(Imagine how many more units could have been added to the game like the Prowler or even an all-elite squad infantry unit?) All in all, I enjoyed playing Halo Wars, but even to me (a casual RTS fan) it is too simplistic and "bland". The most fun comes from skimirish, but only if the teams are balanced in skill. I believe most people think it is so fun because it is Halo themed, even if they won't admit it. I suggest not buying the Limited Edition (unless oyu cannot get the Mythic Maps any other way), and if you really want to buy it wait until it becomes cheaper.
I wasn't complaining, I was describing the game. And its in the game because Halo Wars is too simple to allow free build wherever you want like other games. There are not enough building options to allow it.
I've played many different RTS on the computer like Warcraft, Starcraft, Age of Empires, Warhammer 40k, and many more. For a console RTS Halo Wars is great. The controls are very simple to use. I pre-ordered it, but it hasn't been delivered to my house yet. I hope to get it soon though.
I'm for sure buying Regular edition with birthday money (i got mythic code for birthday yay) and I'm sure Ill love it since AoE is my favorite rts (for now...)