Found this gem over at LG. Glad I don't like matchmaking, this must suck for the rest of you. (This ***** isn't working for some reason)
I really can't believe Shishka didn't see this issue when they were deciding which maps to put into matchmaking. It was painfully obvious to me the instant I played this map on CTF, but I assumed the idle reset time was longer than that. Funny to see it actually happening though, its great how many ways they tried to get it out.
Possibly the largest fail ever recorded in Matchmaking. This video is the very reason why we say "NEEDZ MOAR INTERLOCKZ". It's pretty pathetic that Smashed is actually in's even more pathetic how heavy it's weighting is, Smashed comes up like 40%* of the time in Team Slayer.... *Probably an exaggeration.
Everybody says that, but I've never actually been put on this map. I had one or two close calls but it was vetoed both times.
I love the noobs that comment on your video. Just reading them makes me laugh. Ok so we all know that the user maps are complete fail. They downright suck, and are close to unplayable. But sandbox is coming, and maybe bungie won't f that up too.