Debate Death Penalty or Life Sentence?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RaVNzCRoFT, Feb 21, 2009.

  1. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Say you've got a serial killer or a baby raper, who's going to miss them? At worst they could get out of jail and spend thousands of dollars on meds they may not take and commit the acts again, at best they leech off society while rotting in jail.

    What's the point in keeping them? Yes, most murderers do recant and can become normal members of society but the mentally unbalanced, what's the point? It seems like a waste.
  2. The Number 0000

    The Number 0000 Ancient
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    I agree entirely. Why should I waste my money on a person who has wronged the world. Capital Punishment is easier, and it would be quick and painless (depending on which type).

    I am all for the Death Penalty, and I believe that, just as Ladnil said, I shouldn't have to use my money to feed and house a criminal, just so he can live a couple of extra decades. I wouldn't give him a chance to escape and cause more harm to all of us. I would put the criminal on Death Row. Quick and Easy, and it removes the scum from our world. I understand the moral implications of putting a man to death. But in my opinion, some people just don't deserve the life they are given.
  3. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    Life sentence: More taxing on the finances, however, you've essentially taken away the person's life...

    Death sentence... cheaper, but you're not punishing the person, you're punishing the person's family and friends...

    Life sentence FTW!
  4. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Citation needed my friend.

    If that's true, then I really would like to know what kind of Rube Goldberg machines the government is building to administer lethal injection, because they're doing it wrong. Only way I can imagine that capital punishment could be cheaper than keeping a person fed and guarded for the rest of their life is because of the trial expenses. And frankly, that's a problem with the court system allowing convicts to appeal far too many times.

    What, the person's family and friends are perfectly fine with the person being imprisoned for life, but they'd be sad if he was executed?
  5. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    Let me refer to an example that happened where I live about a year ago... everyone hated me for my opinion, but I still stick with it to this day.

    There was this one kid, about 24. He had a daughter, about 6 or so. His brother was killed in a gang fight and because he was infuriated at the police for not stopping said fight. He then proceeded to, without any rationality, proceed to kill the first police officer he saw. He was then arrested, tried and was found guilty. The big debate was over life sentence versus death penalty. If given the life penalty, his life would already have been ruined, no chance of parole, he wouldn't be a burden on society any more. If, however, he was sentenced to death, the same outcome would happen, but his daughter would lose a father, never be able to see him again. At that point, the only person who was getting punished by his death was his daughter, sure the family of the cop was getting all the "righteous" justice they wanted, but at that point, they were mostly hurting his kid.
  6. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    What gives us the right to take a man's life because he took another's? What gives us the right to judge a person's life and decide that it isn't worthwhile enough to allow its continued existence?
  7. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    I have conflicting thought on this. If we assumed that everybody sent to jail was actually guilty of the crime, I would support the death sentence. The problem is that we would also be killing many people who did not commit the crimes. I think, instead, judges or juries should decide if the person either goes to jail or is subject to the death penalty- this way, we will have far fewer wrongly accused.
  8. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    I would consider the death penalty to be a poor choice. Let's be honest, our systems of law don't really work properly, so let's not give an irreversible penalty to someone, shall we?
  9. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    What makes you think we have rights in the first place?
  10. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    Death cause taxes and keeping in up in Jail, just overcrowding jails, so Death would be best I think.
  11. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    The problem with this is that we are never 100% sure that even if the person is found guilty that he actually committed the crime. There have been countless cases in the past years overturned simply because recent advances in DNA forensics proved that they were not the rapist or the weapon-wielder. While I don't believe the death penalty is an ethical punishment, if it is going to be used, we must know with absolute certainty the guilt of the person before proceeding.
  12. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    In the pure interest of adding more depth and insight to this discussion, try typing "Ray Krone" into Google or Wikipedia.
  13. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Let them choose.
  14. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    If they know for certain a person commited a crime, just kill that person. Keeps the population in check.
  15. Sweet Tooth VII

    Sweet Tooth VII Ancient
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    Life sentence, definitely.

    "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." -- Mahatma Ghandi
  16. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    I believe that whatever crime a person has committed, should be as closely as possible committed to them. Say you rape someone. You get your **** chopped off. Say you kill someone by pouring gasoline on them and burning them. You should have gasoline poured on you and be burned to death. It's the way it worked in many areas during the renaissance. They actually chopped your hand off if you stole bread.

    Child molesters in my opinion should be tortured though. I have no sympathy for them. They are the scum of the earth.
  17. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    I would give the bastard a death penaltey to go through who ever he has hurt or killed.
    Oh well.

  18. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    For Me it all depends on the Motive.
    Rape for the Pleasure - Life of Raping
    Murder for the Thrill - Death
    Revenge for being Wronged - If someone in my family had wronged him, like killed his kid and they got away with it. I might have to let him go. I wouldn't know because when it comes to things this serious or stressful you can't prepare for it. If I was the only witness to him doing this to someone else's family I will more than likely let him go.

  19. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    This is probably diving into another debate, but I'll try to connect this. We, as human beings have rights that are not granted to us by the government. Rights that can not be taken away by any government. These rights are unalienable. These are the same rights that we (Americans, and many other countries) fought for. So, if someone commits a horrible crime don't sink to their level by killing them too, no matter how much they deserve it.
  20. greenlanternguy

    greenlanternguy Ancient
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    From an ethical stand point by giving the man the death penalty you are taking his life and that is murder. God forbid it be the wrong guy five years down the road
    What the true problem is the amount of freedom and joys in our prisons.
    Life sentance should equal - crappy food that has all the nutrition you need, a cell with a toilet, and some form of religous freedom once a week for a half hour he can see a preist or rabbi or wat ever. Thats all no bed no pillow no outside no uneeded human contact no privlages

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