I do a lot of mongoose racing, and also just love driving around. One thing that pisses me off so much is when the mongoose is flipping and immediately before it rights itself, I come flying off and turn around to see my mongoose sitting there in an upright position. I proceed to shoot it and and tell my Elite: "What is that?! Huh? Is that a nonflipped mongoose?! Yes it is. Yeeeeeees it is. So WHY THE EFF did you jump off it?" I just think that vehicle gameplay would be so much better if you could toggle the auto-eject. It's just too inconsistent. I mean the gunners on warthogs just sit there upside down shooting you for two seconds after the warthog comes to a complete stop. IMO, it would be better just to make it so you have to do it manually.
I agree with you. If bungie would've added in "Vehicle Flip Toggle" (Idk?) then it would've made the game just a little less frustrating at times. I hate just when your about to make a turn in a mongoose and it starts flipping, and then at the last second it throws you. One time it threw me off a cliff! lol. Good Topic. I agree.
Having personally turned off the "eject on flip" feature of Halo in the past, I can tell you that it's much more annoying if you don't automatically eject.
Its not a big deal. The reason you eject is because you will land upside down if you stay on. The reason it sometimes rightens itself is because when you get off it changes the weight and adds a push, changing its path.
No, not at all. Sometimes it is obvious that the mongoose is flipping back to being upright and you still get ejected. I know that getting off changes the directional vector of the 'goose, but that is not what I am talking about.
Face it. It's the best way to go. If auto-eject wasn't on then some of you would be complaining how much of a pain it is to maunally get of the hog and flip it. In ce we have scripts to turn off auto eject (Rider_ejection 0) and its just a PITA. It is better the way it is. Trust me.
Plus about 1 out of 10 times, you will eject crouched. This pisses me off because I usually get killed because of it or don't get to clean up the damage I did to someone.
That happened to me yesterday on Standoff. It's quite annoying, but hey, it doesn't happen very often for me. I still like the fact that they included the auto-eject though, as it's been a life savor for me as opposed to a fault.
Halo was not made for racing. So the game mechanics that control that would not be set up for the racers mind. Think of it this way, when playing a regular game of slayer on a map with vehicles would you rather be trapped those few extra seconds on your mongoose or in that warthog as it takes just long enough to flip over for you to get SPlaserd by the guy on the other side of the map?
I mean, in your experience what are examples of why it is better to play with auto eject? What are the pros and cons of either situation? I know Halo was not specifically made with racing in mind. I was just saying that vehicles in general would be better handled without the auto-eject, IMO. And I do think in terms of Matchmaking, but I don't know what you are talking about when you say "extra few seconds." How long does it take you to react to the fact that your vehicle isn't going to right itself? I can almost always tell if the vehicle is going to remain flipped by the time I get auto-ejected if not before. I'm just saying that there are times when the vehicle is obviously going to stop rolling in an upright position, but you get ejected beforehand, and other times the auto-eject doesn't boot you until you sit there sliding on your back for a second because you anticipated getting ejected. I'm sure that some people would rather play with auto-eject, but I wouldn't, which is why I think you should be able to toggle it.
I think that if they allowed players to toggle the setting, it would just open the floodgates for complaints such as "OMG he had auto-eject disabled so [insert "bad" result here]." There could also be odd and unwanted side-effects, such as people being splattered by their own vehicles upon prematurely exiting the vehicle. Maybe instead of a toggle on a per-player basis, it could be a toggle in the Game Options menu, similar to indestructible vehicles.
A gametype option is an intersting idea. But I'm not sure that a manual eject would provide any odd and unwanted side effects that don't already happen, as you CAN get out manually before the auto-eject boots you. Also, any side effects with a toggle option would be a risk you would have to take. The toggle crouch can provide problems, as people in this thread have already mentioned. They talked about being in crouch mode when getting ejected. If you did not play with toggle-crouch on, you would never have to experience that. I just think that it wouldn't hurt to have the option to turn off auto-eject because if bad things result from it being off, you can just turn it back on. It's kinda like the control scheme "walkie-talkie." I have never heard of anyone using it (I'm sure a couple people do), but it is there nonetheless, in case you want to play with that option.
If a rocket hits right next to you and you go flying through the air, you don't want to sit there in an upside down hog for the next rocket to splode you. I don't see how auto-eject can reall harm you; if you're upside down you can't continue driving and let's face it, you're going to get out anyways.
Again with the "sitting upside down" thing. Seriously, you people must have the relexes of a dead cow. ...yes, I said "you people." :O Anyone with eyes, no offense to blind people, can tell if you are going to land upside down long enough before you do to get out manually. And as to "how auto-eject can reall harm you" comment: READ THE THREAD. I specifically explain why in my first post. Does no one have a valid argument as to why there shouldn't be an option? Well, that's no fun. Time to take it to the Bungie forums.