Only Problem with Sandbox

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Sarge525, Mar 1, 2009.


What do you think?

  1. Will get more good than bad

    2 vote(s)
  2. Will get equal amounts of both

    0 vote(s)
  3. Will get the same as we are now

    4 vote(s)
  4. Won't matter, the good ones will still come

    16 vote(s)
  1. Sarge525

    Sarge525 Ancient
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    The thing that sandbox does, other than being the best map for forging to date, is allow unexperienced forgers to make maps. Now this isn't necessarily a bad thing, but because of this I believe we are going to get a lot more maps of low quality gameplay but passable aesthetics. And, honestly, alot of these people are lazy, so you get maps where floors are just thrown down on the sky bubble because there's no "need" for walls due to the death barrier. But walls add a level of gameplay and style that maps need in order to play well. The map hasn't even been released to everyone yet and already these kind of strewn around maps are already popping up. You can't just have a fully open map, particularly if your placing snipers on it... There needs to be a larger amount of closed maps worked on which I just haven't seen yet. Granted it may be a bit soon to start griping about the shovel-ware, but if the forums become littered with these sub-par maps in a mass quantity, well than some maps that deserve a look at may suffer. Hopefully, this doesn't become a problem, and we get a large degree of good content rather than bad. But seeing how accessable sandbox is, there probably will be a lot of crap coming our way.

    But, the best of luck to forgehub, I don't want this site going to s**t.
  2. lunatic

    lunatic Ancient
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    Hey man, I know what you mean. For instance back when I use to map for Halo Custom edition would be trashed with crap maps. The thing is though, it didn't bother me. It was just a bunch of kids trying to have fun and show off what they have made, they were proud of it and wanted someone to take a second look. Now, like you said you want more high quality maps. If I were you I would just look in the featured section for maps....I mean it's obvious but wouldn't that make the most sense?
  3. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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    I saw a map that had a single wall floor leading to a small piece in the middle of the map... that's not good. It needs to have complexity! And that's what inexperienced forgers lack. that is all
  4. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Says Mr. Tredmill.

    People don't come to FH because they want others to gloat about how much more 'experienced' they are. They want constructive criticism, and help with making their maps better.
  5. maddflash

    maddflash Ancient
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    The solution to that is for moderators to be able to categorize maps upon review of pictures/download or whatever
  6. The Number 0000

    The Number 0000 Ancient
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    You may be right about this, but that's what this site is for. It's to help inexperienced forgers get better. There will be some bad maps on Sandbox, and I agree with you about walling off maps. But we shouldn't immediately rule the bad ones out. Help them to become better, and let the bad map become the good map.

    Besides, if you want good maps then Fret Not! We have premiums. lol
    And yeah, as said above, I'm sure you can just find all the extraordinary ones in the featured maps section.

    In the Mythic Map Pack Preview Announcement, Cosmic Rick was working on a map in sandbox that looked amazing. Good Content is on the way. Happy Faice.
  7. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    That would be a horrible idea, to have staff say which is good and which is bad. No one has the right to discriminate anyone's map in such a way.
  8. lunatic

    lunatic Ancient
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    Sounds dumb to say, but it's hard as hell to judge a community on what they create instead of who they are. For instance- Their content is just incredible, but the people there are literally demons. If this site produced lower quality forge maps but had a huge community and nice people I would stay here. I don't care if people make bad stuff as long as they are cool....Ya digg?
  9. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    I don't mind sucky maps. It's just a game. However, if you take party leader, put it on a sucky map, and say "i don't care if it's sucky, it's my map" and everyone's complaining it's boring and sucks but you don't end it, then I get pissed. That's why I don't let little kids into my party.
  10. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    There is a slew of bad maps already from a little map called foundry. Sandbox changed nothing, and interlocking and geomerging are not what make a map good. There isn't any issue here, I'm not sure why people think there is.
  11. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Well it's been almost a year since the biggest wave of people joined. That was havoc. A new wave is going to come now, and I'm hoping we are prepared for it. I bet you anything that moderators are going to have to be increased for a while. Plus, you have to keep in mind, that not a lot of people knew about FH before foundry. Now everybody basically knows it that visits You throw sandbox in there and BOOM!
  12. lunatic

    lunatic Ancient
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    ...If you run a site don't get mad with their members because they are making things and posting it on YOUR site. AKA- supporting it.

    What do you do? Make a stick thread that explains and cautions why not to release your first map or something along those lines.
  13. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Trust me. Our moderators love you. This is just some random guy.

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    I let'em in. Its just i keep them there to make fun of them for a little if they seem a bit annoying. Then when i kik them out, they come back crying asking me why i kiked them..... Then i do it agian. LOL!!!!
    any ways, i dont give party leader to anyone no matter what, so no probloms.
  15. Sarge525

    Sarge525 Ancient
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    While my original post may seem a bit harsh and even one sided, my basis for concern is the potential for mass amounts of maps. The accessability of sandbox will allow everyone to "make" a map that has a relatively decent aesthetic appeal. As well with the eventual release of the maps on XBL, everyone will soon have them. As others have stated FH is much more popular now than ever so we can expect to see these mass amounts of sandbox posts. Now while this won't hinder the availability of good maps, ultimately it should increase the amount, it should also increase the crap that spams up the map threads. And THAT is more my concern.
  16. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    Sandbox contributes, but i think it is the fact that there are soo many ....noobs i guess, since the Feature, every day there is at least one post that isn't up to standards, sandbox will only instigate more crap posts, but is not the real problem.

    i don't want to sound like a mean bastard, there are plenty of low ranked people who do want to get better and all that rot, but the ones who just leave their post without pics?? grrrrr.
  17. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Actually, there's another problem with Sandbox that I've encountered: a bug in the Sky Bubble that, when you throw energy drains, trip mines, and other things off the edge, instead of falling endlessly (as with grenades and regens), they will land on the plain that's supposed to only exist in Forge. Not too much of a problem, though it's kinda funny to see a poorly-tossed energy drain land on nothing...
  18. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    A minor issue , barely an issue at all. My biggest complaint is that some of the wedges and corners don't seem to be the right height for anything. They aren't quarter or half box height, they aren't wall height, they're in their own world.

    But thats what months of making ramps on Foundry was for right?
  19. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Oh of course. Foundry was great at building ramp-making EXP.

    And as per the original concern raised, I really don't think ForgeHub will have too much to worry about as concerns the influx of new maps. If Foundry hasn't brought the majority of forgers to ForgeHub yet, I think Sandbox will take care of the rest. Granted, I don't know too many forgers who produce great maps who aren't on FH, but then again I don't browse forums in search of good maps anymore. I don't honestly think we'll get another huge influx of members to the site like there was with Foundry, but if there is another influx, I don't think it'll change things much (other than increasing forum population, but that's another issue entirely).

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