Things that Annoy You in Halo 3 Matchmaking

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by EpicFishFingers, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    The following things annoy me:

    - When you stick someone, but it burns out
    - When someone chases you with a shotgun, shooting you, takes 5 shells to kill you, then teabags you
    - When you get partied up with Brigadiers and Generals, no matter what team they're on
    - When you're one-shot and someone kills you by shooting you in the foot just as you get in cover
    - Double-beat downs and the odd double-assassination
    - That one guy who won't die after 2 Needler rounds, but kills you with 3 needles when you have full shields
    - When you accidentally jump off the edge of the map
    - When you carry the flag all the way back to your base, and someone on your team betrays you to get the flag score
    - When you get a message and read it, then close it and "respawning in 5..."
    - When you board the Banshee the other team is whoring and you see half of the boarding animation, then you hear yourslef die back where you boarded him and it says "... Splattered you"

    - And last but not least: When someone quotes half of these and says "it's just lag". That makes it okay?

    You guys post some!
  2. Big Maxy 117

    Big Maxy 117 Ancient
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    Hmmm.... My list would have to be:

    > Being against loads of generals and such.
    > Being against a team who just hordes all the power weapons.
    > Spawning just in front of an enemy and getting killed.
    > Having to spend an entire match trying to whack people with a flag to get achievements.
    > Having really unbalanced teams.
    > Getting killed. (=])
    > Never getting to play the fun gametypes like swords and such.
  3. Halostar317

    Halostar317 Ancient
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    I hate it when you have the sword and you lunge at a guy then he disappears then you get assassinated.

    I hate it when you are paired with generals and brigidiers on the other team and everyody on your team quits but you.

    I hate it when you have no shields and the flag, and you get br'd in the face one centimeter before the flag return spot, then your teammates don't notice and you lose the game.

    I hate it when you get sniped from nowhere.

    I hate it when you get a major lag wave and you spawn and your turned around and you die.
  4. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    Well the first one is simple don't suck and Brigadiers and generals wont be annoying...they are actually very easy I'm only 45 and general arn't even hard...unless you get the really good MLG ones.

    Second one don't read your messages in MM..simple enough.
  5. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    That 12 year old retard with the squeaky voice who has to shout all the ****ing time.

    People who try to be 'gangsta' online.
  6. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Elites in SWAT.
  7. The Number 0000

    The Number 0000 Ancient
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    I hate when you get paired up with people who Veto Guardian in matchmaking. (Like wtf??!)

    I hate when you lag, you appear in front of the entire opposing team, and they rape you.

    I hate when it lags and you carry the flag home to the return point, and it doesn't register that you've scored, and you get sniped. Then you lag and you were like ten feet from where you originally were.

    I hate it when people online spam threats of "Coming over to your house and kicking your ass!"

    Thats pretty much it for me. lol.
    You guys do realize that just because a you're facing a General does not mean he's good. It just means he has won a lot of games, and has been playing a long time. Yes they're usually skilled, but that doesn't mean he's all powerful. I don't know why some people believe this.
  8. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    What kind of response is that? I'm sorry that I don't spend 3/4 of my life getting better at Halo 3. I'm only a Major, so of course I find it hard when I'm partied up with them. not that they're not arseholes anyway...

    Just play as an Elite. Level the playing field. It's not like you see your guy when you're playing, except when you die. And when you die, you hear a funny dinosaur death noise!
  9. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Playing as an Elite in SWAT is taking the easy way out. Instead of making it harder for yourself to be killed, you should get better with the BR.


    • Wasting a full clip on someone's face with a BR, only to have them turn around seconds later and one-shot you with theirs.
    • Walking into a room filled with the other team and having the "hey, this isn't where I parked my car!" line fail.
    • Going full speed in either Ghost or Banshee through someone, seeing them be splattered, and then being jacked by that person five second later.
    • All the "heavy" map variants.
    • Having an idiot driver in your warthog who blames you, the gunner, when you blow up after he drives you into a wall.
    • People who don't play and just sit there eating bullets until they die and give the other team more points.
    • Being 1-on-4 or 1-on-5 in any objective match because your teammates quit.
    • Sticky grenades that very clearly go through the opponent.
    • People who boast about how they're going to rape me who wind up with a -25 K/D spread.
    • That one person every four or five matches who is blasting music so loud they're the only thing you can hear in your headset.
    • When no one else on your team has a mic.
    • When no one else on your team pays attention to what you're saying about enemy positions.
    • When your teammate betrays you 'cause they want the gun you picked up.
    • When those same teammate proceeds to waste all the shots on that gun.
    • Black screen when you're six kills from winning, only to see all of your teammates gone when you come back.
    • Losing that match because the enemy suddenly decided it would be a good idea to stick together.
    • When girls get flamed for no legitimate reason.
    • The fact that, in redesigning the dashboard, Microsoft failed to realize how inefficient they made the music playing interface in-game...
  10. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    -People who quit out in MLG when you're losing
    -People who think they can hack accounts
    -People who think being an Elite in SWAT helps
    -People who don't use mics in MLG or any ranked playlist
    -People who challenge you to 1v1's because they just lost
    -People who send you messages saying "Get ur 50 scrub" when you just won 15-2 before the other team quits
  11. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    All reasons why I'm not going to rank up any higher. It just gets too compettive, like it matters or something. the thought of Halo 3 accounting for anything is laughable in my opinion.
  12. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    I am a Brigadier because I love the competitive gaming. I play with lower ranked people a lot, and I go +10 without trying. I'm not trying to brag or say I'm the best, which I'm obviously not, I just like when teams actually have to work together and use tactics to win the game. If you are winning 50-30 every game, it isn't fun anymore. Close games like 50-49 are much more fun.
  13. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    - The Main Screen Song every single time I play.
    - Flag Droppers. IT ISN'T LEGIT TACTICS.
    - Spawning on a grenade on Standoff in the middle of a fire fight.
    - Noobz who like to play Team Slayer on a map with all the power weapons in their base.
    - Teamates who spawn in front of you and you waste a shot of a power weapon.
    - The other team not letting me steal their Warthog. :)
    - Standbying
    - People who Trash Talk.
    - Trash talkers who Insult you because you beat them.
    - Trash talkers who Insult you because you lost.
    - The Dictionary for not having a better word Trash Talking
    and people who sing into their mics, have static mics, people who scream and people who talk way too loud.
    #13 Undead Fanatic, Mar 1, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2009
  14. Nick Novikov

    Nick Novikov Ancient
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    Getting partied up with noobs every freaking time.
  15. nitrotomato

    nitrotomato Ancient
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    Being betrayed for my sniper and getting rather annoyed (often affecting my performance in that game), and spending the rest of the game ranting at my guest about how crap and stupid that player is, only to discover post-game he got 24 headshots, a perfection, 2 sharpshooters, etc.

    Slightly different to yours, heh =P?

    Oh yeah, and my other one is having a teammate take out a vendetta on me cos I took his precious weapon before him at the beginning of the round and (HEAVENS FORBID) *Gasp* missed a shot with it! Being betrayed 3 times in a row without a single option to boot, then accidentally sticking a teammate in a tunnel, taking out 2 of my guys, and getting kicked. I have no idea how the betrayal booting system works, but it's random.
  16. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Ugh... I got a bunch.

    - Being betrayed for picking up a weapon and not being able to betryal boot them.
    - Playing in social with guys who have all 3 guests signed in and on your team.
    - Playing Lone Wolves when you have an insane lead in the beginning and everyone else getting seemingly impossible comebacks.
    - People with static mics who insist on using them in matchmaking.
    - Being trash talked at for losing.
    - People with no life who say you have none after they beat you.
    Ok seriously, they need to get laid.
    - Playing aginast people who grab all of the power weapons.
    - Vehicle whores on ranked games.
    - Lagging so bad that you lose because you can't get out of black screen in time.
    - Little kids who I mute and can still hear because they're so loud that they echo from other people's mics.
    - Playing with a team without mics.
    - Playing with teammates who suck miserably.
    - When an enemy warthog completely rapes everything in BTB without being killed.
  17. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    When someone betrays you for a weapon etc. and you can't boot them. You betray them cuz you're angry and you get booted.
    Edit* also getting like 30 kills and like +15 but losing the game cuz your teammates have 3 kills and -20
  18. Vinyl Hippo

    Vinyl Hippo Ancient
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    Mine would have to be
    Trash Talking
    Gansta Little People
    Squeaky, Loud Vioces
    Getting matched with apprentices who win with perfections
    People who say they can hack
    People who hack
    The warthog on the other team that won’t die
    Putting a full clip into a guy who then kills you in one shot with full shield

    And finally

    Spartans in SWAT =D
  19. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    - the " i'll hack you" guy, "
    1337hax0r: quit or i'll hack you
    DeeJ: ooh, oh no, a hacker. lol, you can't hack kid, shut up.
    1337hax0r: seriously dumbass, you think bugie will listen when you say you got hacked, they think it's impossible, but i will hack you
    DeeJ: hack me then ******.
    (game ends)
    1337hax0r: (sends invite) join my game, and i'll hack your IP
    DeeJ: no, i'm going to have some fun (the point of video games) playing matchmaking.
    1337hax0r: *****, you just won't join becasue you know i'll hack you
    DeeJ: virgin.
    DeeJ: nuff said

    -someone grabs your teams sniper, gets on kill with all eight rounds.

    -somone on the other team grabs their sniper, gets 9 kill with all eight rounds

    -poinless vulgarity

    Edit: flag juggling for no reason, just gives away which direction you are going, only use if you are bein attacked, or seen already
  20. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    I hate it when I get matched with someone who spends the entire match complaining about how its going.
    And the nine year olds who have arguments with their parents without turning their mics off.
    And naturally being betrayed because I acquired a power weapon

    Butt alot of your complaints seem rather silly guys :)
    I hate it when the other team doesnt let me have a power weapon?
    When they dont let me use the vehicles?
    Really now lol :D
    And flag "jugggling" basically lets you run at normal speed with the flag,its useful depite being very annoying.

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