MLG Downside v6

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by On The Flip Side, Feb 26, 2009.


how good do u think my map is dont foget to check pics and play it

  1. i should quit forging

  2. i need lessons

  3. terrible

  4. sucks

  5. average

  6. good

  7. awsome

  8. exelent

  9. really good

  10. pro circuit map meterial

  1. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    Don't flame because he called you out on your map. What you did was essentially map plagiarism, that is, using somebody else's work without giving them credit.
  2. On The Flip Side

    Senior Member

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    u no what u guys r so egoish that u think u can jus tell somebody else how what they did was rong well maybe instead of always downing every body map ud give them credit for how good they did insted of always being a *** like seriouly if ur going to send me somthing back on my map if its bad ****ing keep it to urself only send me good things about my map or me otherwise shuttttttttt upppppp and map pilgarisim what the **** dude dont be such a nerd ok this is halo not court got it
  3. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    yeah, were definitely the egoish ones.

    seriously though you dont look cool at all when calling someone a nerd on a halo forum. And stop being so emo with us telling you the flaws in your map if we didn't do that to map makers they would have trouble knowing what to improve on.
  4. On The Flip Side

    Senior Member

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    seriously i jus to u to only say nice things and jus to let u no i am going pro and i have my own personal hackers so if u dont chut up ur acoount wont be there ok
  5. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    kid, be real, ur not going pro. I keep up with pro rosters and a good amount of semi pro rosters and i have never even heard your name. U seem like the avg 13 yr old kid who thinks they have a future going pro yet (1 No team is going to consider bringing an immature 13 yr old to a pro or even semi-pro level team (2 You seem like you are another one of those kids who thinks they are the best but once you actually go to an event you will realize there are thousands of players that are better than you yet there are only 16 pro teams. (3 Your using a booster to level up in MLG so that proves that you probably arent even that good.
    On a final note. You probably dont even know the basics of hacking and if you actually do so what ur gonna hack my forgehub account im sooooo terrified
  6. On The Flip Side

    Senior Member

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    actually im am going pro and u dont even no my tag so yeah haha kid u dont no anything about me 2 things u should no i have my own personal hackers and im pro got it now beat it this will be the last time i talk to u
  7. Twilight

    Twilight Ancient
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    Probably the most generic and boring map I've seen all day. No offense or anything, but add some personality to your map.
  8. Moose I

    Moose I Ancient
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    Are you serious TC? First you take the complete back section of Lockdown, and then we criticize it so you can either correct your mistakes or learn for next time, and you start cussing at us? What??!?!? This is forgehub, and we shouldn't have to tolerate e-thugs like you. You are the definition of a little halo 3 kid. You think you're going pro. You're not. You think you can hack accounts. You can't. You think can cuss at people and get away with it. You can't. Hell, I bet I could whoop you in a 1v1 and then we'll see who's pro.
  9. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
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    Ha your hilarious, what even is a personal hacker, honestly your probably not even a high skill 20 in MLG. Stop stealing maps and don't post another thread here unless you have built you map from the ground up. Don't steal parts of other MLG maps and then insult them when you cleary wish you had the ability to forge something of that quality.
  10. On The Flip Side

    Senior Member

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    sice nobody in here thinks im good ok add my account its FT Yshlaw since u think im no then lets see how good u really are instead of talking crap to me ok so add me when i get on u will get raped hardcore ok kid
  11. Twilight

    Twilight Ancient
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    Whaaaaat? Am I the only one who can't read this guys post?
  12. MovieGame

    MovieGame Ancient
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    Very fun map, I played oddball on it and it ran smoothly. 3/5
  13. On The Flip Side

    Senior Member

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    thanks alot

    see now that is a person who played my map every knows that it is better than lockdown im going to have a new map up today its only for flag and that twylight kid or how ever he spelt it ur not the pro twylight so dont take his name got it im pretty shur id kick ur ass pretending to be a pro who do u think u r and thanks again for the compliment
  14. Moose I

    Moose I Ancient
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    Halo 3 Career Stats

    Your K/d is horrible you've only played 5 games. Your k/d is 1.36. Ive played over 200 games and my K/D is 1.68. So basically, you are very bad at this game and you steal people's maps. I will 1v1 you if you want but you will probably quit out after I get a Frenzy on you.
  15. On The Flip Side

    Senior Member

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    u no the funny thing is that u spelt my tag rong and i have played 108 games ok so yeah get ur facts straight before u talk no the saying think before u talk u should use it more often and go back to ur hooked on phonix and if u want to spell my name right thats wat copy and paste is for ok im preety shur u cant get past a 30 in mlg i garente im way higher in it than u and im way better
  16. jujumonster

    jujumonster Ancient
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    Its pretty obvious you cant take any criticism and or use spell check. You stole a part of Lockdown and you're getting pissed off that people don't like your shitty map. Also, please don't bring someones' rank into an argument when you're in a forge forum.
  17. On The Flip Side

    Senior Member

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    listen this is to anybody that comments on my map from now on ok any body can say something negetive about some ones map but how about u guys try to look for somthing good in my map instead of allways bad ok anybody can say that ur maps is bad

    looks like u guys stoped commenting i want u guys to comment but i also want u to say nice things even if its only the name or my name ok jus try to say something nice
    #37 On The Flip Side, Mar 6, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2009
  18. PulpFreeHero

    PulpFreeHero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    there are huge holes in floor of the middle platform... and yea the top gold is stolen from lockdown..
  19. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey kid, how much did you buy that account for?
    Oh and btw you really need to stop making maps, all you do is steal parts of other maps and your forging is terrible. I mean seriously, who the hell makes holes in top mid?!?
  20. mac attak420

    mac attak420 Ancient
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    the reason why people arent saying anything good about this map is because there really isnt much on there thats good. I dont care what you say about not stealing lockdown but its definitely the same part. I really dont know if ur going pro or not but i could care less. This is forgehub not mlg so when u start talking about rank people are so confused because this is a website meant for forging interesting maps. If you cant handle criticism then you obviously are not very mature. If you were you would be like "ya i really liked the top gold on lockdown and wanted to see if i could use it in a better way" then maybe people wouldnt be on ur ass about this. What you fail to comprehend is that you posted this map on here for peoples opinions and suggestions and then you turn them down claiming that they can only say positives? If you werent such a cocky little b**** maybe you would get positives like "I like the middle" or "I like how you used that part of lockdown that way". If you still dont believe that used part of lockdown then look at these pics and show me where urs is different. []Lockdown - By NeXn and KR0NIC SM0KE - MLG Forums

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