You guys will know if they are just some random kid looking to score points. And if I completely miss it (Which I most likely will) just let me know.
Do you want them actually sent to you, or just a link or my file share. Just a little confused at that part.
Other way around. I wanted the maps for my birthday and thats it. So I got the maps, but then I realised I still had halo wars reserved. Now, it wasn't actual money but a gift card that would get me halo wars. I only play halo, I don't want any other games. So why keep it and let it rot, rather than make someone happy. Im not trying to be a smartass or trying to get attention. I have done this before too. Giveaway: Unsure if you can afford the new maps? - High Impact Halo Forum and Fansite Also, link me to your file share.
Would everyone hate me if I won this contest even though I don't need the maps? Oh well, I'll try it out anyway.
I think that you should let him enter his screenshots but to give him another code over someone that doesn't have one wouldn't be the right thing to do imo.
Its a contest. If somebody joins a tournament with a prize of 1 million dollars and wins, you don't hand the money over to somebody else because he already has a million dollars. See what I'm sayin?
I love this idea, and I have somewhat of an idea already in motion inspired by one of the Halo novels. Hope to see some great screenshots from this contest. Will you make another thread to announce the winner showing their screenshot(s) and possibly some of the other ones you liked? Some contests have rules added because of issues that weren't thought of initially. If the contest starter decides to add more rules, it's to his/her discretion.
I sent you a link to each of the screenshot's pages and I've just realised that the screenshots have my old gamertag on them (Dmm White, same as my username here and on, its even in my email address), I changed my gamertag to David White. I don't know I can prove it to you other than you seeing that the gamertag Dmm White no longer exists and taking my word on this.
But why do you need another code when you already have one? This isn't a million dollars, this is a code for a map pack that has only one use, not thousands like a million dollars. And I sent in my pictures, tell me if I did it wrong or anything. Thanks for taking the time to do this.
That's completely different. There's no point in having two Mythic codes. Which is the point of this contest. Lunatic is giving away one of his codes because he happens to have two. If you won another code, this deal would end up right where it started.
I would like to enter however I already am getting Mythic on Tuesday with my preorder of HW:LE. I might just enter for the fun of it though.
Sorry man, It's for people who aren't gonna be getting it on tuesday. It's still nice to see you were interested though!
Living in a lonely world. Yeah I know. Bah, now I know how the Europeans feel when we get stuff and then they have to wait a few days...