The Grand Finale

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Aschur, Feb 28, 2009.


How fun do you think that Grand Finale is?

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  2. Not Really Fun

    1 vote(s)
  3. Kinda Fun

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  4. Fun

    5 vote(s)
  5. Really Fun

    7 vote(s)
  1. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Created by Reigning Chaos

    Made for the specific gametype Escape¿?¿
    Plays best with four people on four different teams.

    With the gametype gravity is increased to 200% and speed is reduced to 50%. People spawn with a needler and are invulnerable to damage for 10 seconds.


    This map was inspired by the last level of the halo 3 campaign.

    You can hear the explosion behind you as they near closer, and closer. The horrible truth finally dawns on you, if you are to survive you must past through the valley of explosions in front of you, and even if you manage that there is only room for one in the frigate... you'll have to keep the others out, even though they helped you get this far.



    There isn't much more than you can see to it, all you have to do is get to the cargo bay of the frigate and defend it from other people while you capture the territory. However getting ther is quite difficult until about one minute when a gravity lift spawns in the air, which will help greatly to getting to the cargo bay. At about two and a half minutes a second one will spawn further in the air making it possible for a straight shot to the bay.

    Once the territory is captured you have about three seconds to get to the territory or the person who captured it will win the round

    There is a power drain and a plasma pistol in the cargo by to help defend it if you choose to not use your needler.

    Thanks deathtoll77 for helping me test it out and thanks to anybody else who helped me out.

    Please do not spam on my thread, I take my posts seriously and will report you if you spam. This is your only warning

    In case you missed the link at the beginning > Grand Finale
    Same here > Escape¿?¿
    #1 Aschur, Feb 28, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2009

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    pet peeve of mine. effects on pictures. they r really unneeded and just make it so confusing to look at and the text for the headers is just wak. a border is fine, just not making half the picture blurry. it doesn't help to put the focus of the picture in the blurred part either
  3. Wolverine

    Wolverine Ancient
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    WOW! Looks amazing. All very smooth and great gameplay. One wall in the cargo area is messed up. Could be a little longer but other than that 4.5/5
  4. NYYanks33

    NYYanks33 Ancient
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    Very good use of Avalanche.I like how its outside the map.You should make one on Sandbox for more effect.
  5. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    I always wanted to make a minigame using that middle area, but I never could think of one because of the death timer. Good job. Once I have played a game, I will review the map if I remember to.
  6. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Dude, this idea is so epic it's not funny. However, it could be applied slightly better. As in, making the cargo bay a bit bigger, but the rest is great. However, the effects on the pictures are unnecessary and they don't look too good. But the map is very nice. 4/5. Great job.
  7. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    This really has a good resemblance of the final level. It looks like such a fun game to play with your friends.

    Please include an explanation of the game type. Has the gravity changed? Has the speed changed?

    I can assure you, I am very excited to play this. Sadly, I have exams!!! Wahhhhh....... I clicked the download button anyways so it's queued.

    Why put Energy Blockers? It kinda hurts the eye. It would be better for me if you remove them.
  8. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    This map look really well forged and planned out you have my DL the map looks reallly fun and the game does to i cant wait to play this with my friends. Really nice interlocking and i like the use of outside of the map on the forrunner structer that is really cool. Though i have one question isnt this more like the end of Halo CE? oh well i give you a perfect 5/5
  9. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    To be honest I didn't really interlock much at all, but thank you, I plan on making an updated version when I finish moving and get my xbox back.
    No, it is modeled after the huge jump at the end of the last halo 3 campaign level.

    The energy blockers are supposed to be the thrusters to the frigate. As I said, I am planning on making a cleaner version with some changes to it, some aesthetic changes, some changes to things that will affect gameply slightly.
  10. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I finally managed to get a game on this yesterday and I must say that I didn't find this too much fun at all, rather that it was annoying. The fact that all of the teams spawn in the same exact area is not a good idea, as there is a lot of jacking vehicles and spawn killing. Maybe if you had the vehicle platform seperated into four sections and have each team spawn in their own section, that would be better. It's really hard to get into the actual frigate, unless you use a chopper. Even when the grav lifts spawn, it's really only possible with a chopper. Also, the second shield door ramp is unreachable: You die before you can even go near it. I don't know if you put it there to distract people or whatever, but I just found it an annoyance.

    I'd have to rate this a 2/5, as it needs some serious work.
  11. JarHead

    JarHead Ancient
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    Wow this looks like someone really took there time on making this because it is nice. It has a very nice look to it. keep it up
  12. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    oh yes now that i have played on it i see how it is and it does remind me of the final jump in halo 3 i just looked at it wrong and i thought the walls where interlacked ramps. Anyway it played really well and i found it fun although i was wondering how do you get to the cargo hold before the grav lifts spawn and how come tere are two ramps but i still give it a 5/5 great map you should make a v2 on sandbox
  13. ShibbyLib

    ShibbyLib Ancient
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    This is interesting, a custom game inspired by the campaign... Thats got to be a first. The one suggestion I can give is that the gametype could be swapped to a attack/defend gametype. Where there are two teams one that holds the frigate and the other that tries to get to it. Although this has probably been done alot this would be great for this map.
  14. Sensei Salami

    Sensei Salami Ancient
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    Wow, I got a few games in on this last night and... wow. Its really fun when you get about three people all in ghosts trying to go off the ramp at the same time.
    Once the second gravity lift spawns the focus shifts from getting there to killing whoever is there.
    By the way, are those mancannon on the side to launch you in? because thats exactly what they did for me. Great map, keep up the good work.
  15. KUBLUH the forger

    Senior Member

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    I remember when you first showed me this, i thought it was great, but that was a while ago, its nice to see youve posted it, IT IS SO FUN!



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