I Don't Care for MLG, But is my Opinion Steered by Stereotype?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by EpicFishFingers, Feb 20, 2009.

  1. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I love Halo 3. I love everything about it, but although I spend most of my time being creative in Forge I do saunter into MM from time to time. And I'm not bad. I score high on a team if we're winning and if we're losing I usually have the most kills.

    But I hate the idea of MLG. Wasting my life being a geek sitting indoors all day on Halo 3 and talking like an arsehole to everyone online is not my cup of tea, but there I'm being a stereotype again.

    What's good about Halo 3 MLG?
  2. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    It makes you a better Halo 3 player than in any other playlist. It forces people to use teamwork and figure out tactics.

    'Nuff said.
  3. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    I am personally on the same track as you are right now. I hate MLG but I am good at Halo. idk why I hate it so much. trash talkers are extrememly annoying.
  4. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Is trash talking really exclusive to the MLG playlist? I hear trash talking no matter what playlist I'm in, and it's highly enjoyable.
  5. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    MLG is a competitive playstyle to halo3. MLG focuses on teamwork and strategy. Controlling high ground, controlling power weapons, team shooting. All of these are in reuglar Halo3. Think of everything you can do with a ball. Play throw it, kick it, roll it, etc. Now think of how basketball uses a ball. This is what MLG does to Halo3. It shapes Halo3 into a more competitive environment. Sure MLG players need to pratice playing halo with thier team. However, it doesn't take long. Some teams can play as little as two hours a day and get thier pratice in.

    As for people who play XBL MM most of them are all stuck up jerks who think they are better than everyone else. It not just in the MLG playlist its everywhere.
  6. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I don't want to get better. That would mean a large amount of commitment to geek culture.
  7. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Geek Culture

    Epic, you have 1,136 posts on this website. Your commitment to geek culture is not in question.

    Record of geek culture commitment:

    EpicFishFingers Commitment
  8. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    MLG is a playstyle focused towards the group of gamers that are competitive and want to play at a competitive level. Yes some people may take it too far when they trash talk but thats is mainly because you play most likely at the lower levels in the playlist. Once you get to about 40+ in MLG there are very few people that trash talk. Also in customs hardly anyone trash talks and that is why most of the MLG community likes customs alot more than the playlist. MLG players are just like you though. They are people that love to play Halo 3/CoD/Rainbow 6 or a few other competitive games. When you say that "Wasting my life being a geek sitting indoors all day on Halo 3 and talking like an arsehole to everyone online is not my cup of tea" you are being very stereotypical and also are saying that if you play MLG you have to conform to that personality while playing it which is very wrong. Actually most people at higher MLG levels or that are on MLGpro.com are very nice and cool about everything. Like transactionzero said, its not just the MLG playlist, its everywhere in halo, but at least when you get trash talked in MLG you will be hearing a 13+ year olds voice instead of an annoying 9 year olds
  9. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    STFU! Damn, I am a geek! Oh, what the ****?!

    Mind you, like I said I like Halo 3 for it's creativity, not necessarily for its gameplay. Forge > MM or Competitive MM
  10. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Overall my views on MLG are numerous and convuluted.
    On one hand i find a version of slayer other than generic in MM refreshing and good(A gametype more geared towards the Br?Sure why not.)
    At the same time however I would be of the opinion that we need multiple different "competitively geared" gametypes and that sticking with the MLG gametype is just as daft to consider competitive as default slayer is.
    As a body I find MLG ridiculous?I once tried to sit down and watch an MLG game,I found it painfully boring and anted to shoot the idiot announcing over it by the end.
    At the same time in essence I applaud the people managing to get paid to do something they love doing,which is as respectable as playing a physical sport or any other job.
    Someone who considers themselves to be a "Pro" gamer
    ie in the sense of the best not just paid to do it.
    should be able to walk into any sitution possible in this game and excel not just the carefully formulated senario's in MLG currently.
    Teamwork is achieved in many parts of the game not just Br mats.(2 blue+1 red=dead red)Nothing speaks more volumes than the devastation a decent warthog team can do given the opportunity.
    Overall I think to believe MLG is the "pinnacle" of competitive halo is horribly close minded.
    Its like someone found a delicious piece of pie.But their too busy enjoying this delicious slice of pie to realise there's other amazing bits of pie everywhere,of all different flavors
  11. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    MLG takes all the fun out of halo. What did bungie make halo for? having a fun time.
  12. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Competition is fun for some.Don't be so negative
  13. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Wait, you don't like Chris Puckett??!? The man is a king amongst men!
    I personally love watching MLG games, more so when it's a broadcast with POV switching and commentary as opposed to VoD of a single player. I can't wait for Meadowlands, MLGPro.com are having a whole weekend of streaming and I'm gonna be hard to wrench from my computer for that time. Watching games really fascinates me, I love to watch Halo at a skill level like that, I appreciate the game mechanic of Halo so much, and know exactly what's going on, how damn hard it can be, even though I'm never really gonna get to that level of skill. The teamwork factor is insane as well, find me another sport where constant, ridiculous amounts of communication is so key to gameplay (sure that's because of the nature of computer games with chat functions, but why doesn't matter, the fact is that it's still the case), it's such a team game and watching it played well is so entertaining for me.

    I like MLG as a body (not without exception, but in general), they focus on the community and internet aspect so much since it's their basis as a gaming body, I love having such an opportunity to get in on the action just via my computer. This is a pretty pertinent discussion right now though, with Meadowlands 09 being the first event that MLG are charging an entry fee for. This, along with the event set up change which pins the focus more tightly on the Pro Teams, shows that MLG are moving towards a more professional and therefore an arguably less accessible level. I think this was always going to happen if MLG took off, and it's sadly the nature of Pro Sport of any kind being a capitalist venture than any widespread acceptance comes with such a change to the beginnings of the sport. But, if it does take off as I think it deserves to (it being a comparable passtime-come-sport to things like cards or darts at the very least, both of which can be highly competitive and skillful if not so physically demanding) then I see other bodies coming in to fill the wake and allow for a spectrum of Pro and Amateur competitive gaming.

    Exactly, if it wasn't fun for some then they wouldn't play it, money's at stake sure, but the amount of time you have to put in with practice to be a Pro is just insane if you don't even enjoy what you're doing. Same goes with the playlist, people wouldn't play it if they didn't enjoy it. To each his own.

    But in terms of what you said about competitive play, I think it's not so simple as a case of MLG being 'one style' of competitive play. Sure it's not the be all and end all of what is competitive in Halo, this is evident even in the fact that MLG does not only use the BR and Carbine, but also has power weapons and power ups tailored to each map. But the BR is the staple weapon of Halo, let's face it. It's one of the most common weapons, useable in the most varied situations, and arguably allows for the most developed and varied skill range within a single weapon. The Carbine is a lesser used alternative but it fulfills a variation on the function, not having quite such a diversity of useability as the BR but having some clear advantages in some situations.

    I think the idea behind the BR focus is to put as much emphasis as possible on player skill in any situation. Things like the needler just mean that, even in a semi close quarters battle, one player can just be dead against another no questions. With the BR you can be a shot down, even one shot, and still out BR your opponent and have a chance of winning. Overpowering aspects such as the needler homing, and the pushing effect of the bruteshot are just too situational yet not governed by solid team play in the way that things like Sniper and Rockets are.

    And that's what it comes down to, the BR competitive principle can be taken too far if you ask me, when it's literally all it's about. That's why I dislike Amp and Ons, they're all about the BRs, the map Geo and Layout seem to offer no distinct platform to a unique gameplay, just a truly blank arena for the BR to do its thing within a team set up. But The Pit and Construct show the perfect balance if you ask me, the map has a character and feel within itself which the team must consider as much as their weapon choice and who they are playing, and the power weapons work so well with the map. The Snipes and Rockets bring variety to the play, split roles within the team, yet demand this team work to be used properly. Things like the Needler and Bruteshot would never do this.

    But, having said that, I do not think MLG is perfect. I saw Neighbor say once in a Q&A Blog that he'd like to see more weapons in MLG, possibly the Sword. I looked at that and laughed, but the more I thought about it the more I liked the idea. The Sword is a very sketchy weapon against skilled players, and pulling it out at the wrong time only means one thing: you just gave the other team a Sword... Sure the lunge is insane as a melee function, but against a solid team and on maps like The Pit, coming through Dark Hall or Rockets with the Sword out against a good team set up would be certain death and no time to defend yourself. I think adding the Sword in as a power weapon could really bring some interesting play to MLG on certain maps.
  14. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    That's why I don't like MLG! I don't find competition fun.
  15. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Well there you go.
    This the pie>cake argument then.
    Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's bad
  16. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Fair enough, no one's asking you to like MLG. Saying that you should like MLG is just as stupid as people who don't like it saying that others shouldn't. It just annoys me when people say that MLG is stupid because they don't find it fun, that they can't even imagine that others just might enjoy it despite the freakin great wall of evidence that points to this conclusion. If it wasn't fun, they wouldn't do it, simple as. People just need to accept MLG as something that many enjoy, even if they don't, and stop griping about something they don't even have to participate in.

    True, some MLG guys can get pretty annoying and try to laud it over others as some kind of higher breed of gamer. This is annoying, no questions there, I like MLG and I find this annoying. But this is not the fault of MLG, this is people being stupid, and people will always find an excuse to be stupid and up themselves, just ignore them and don't blame whatever cause they blame for their intrinsic stupidity.

    This is not directed squarely at you, EpicFishFingers, just something that really annoys me and followed nicely off your post.
  17. dangerbyrnes

    dangerbyrnes Ancient
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    i don't like mlg either even though that's all my friend wants to play

    i think it's way to competitive, and that whole use teamwork is bullshit, i want to work in a team but it always ends with my teammates saying im horrible with BR or you suck even when i do better than them.

    another thing i hate about mlg is tee fact that it makes the game only focus on two weapons BR and sniper. if you are pretty good at BR you cant play it, you have to be perfect(which i will never be)
  18. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I just think the gametype is stupid. Play standard halo for god's sake. If your so good then you don't need a special gametype. Anyway I like the idea behind MLG, and I'm sure it'll be as big as baseball sooner or later.
  19. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    MLG built a gametype with competitive, fast paced, fun to watch gameplay.

    To me, the most important part of that above statement is "fun to watch" Would it be entertaining to watch a standard Halo 3 game played by the best of the best? I don't think so.

    Standard Halo's weapon set is fun to play, but how much fun is it to watch two players run at each other with duals, and then both fall over from beatdowns? Or how much fun is it to watch a guy with a shotgun and a bubble shield? Not one player at the highest level of play will run into that bubble. Pretty much the same for the regenerator, nobody's going to challenge a team in the regen, they'll just wait it out.

    Standard Halo's weapon spawn system makes it so only the team that last picked up a weapon knows exactly when it respawns next. With that situation, they can effectively lock down that gun for the rest of the game, and likely win because of it. That's boring to watch because you know that the team that won the opening rocket charge on Pit for example is going to get the rest of the rocket spawns.

    Standard overshield in Halo is pretty much used as invincibility on Guardian already, so how would you like to watch a guy sitting next to that OS, and not touching it until a player from the other team decides to challenge him? He's going to win that confrontation, if it even takes place at all, more likely the other team would ignore that guy camping OS if they could.

    Vehicles? They alternate between way too powerful, and being a free kill. Nobody gets in their hog until they control the laser, so until that happens, a warthog is useless, but then when your team does get the laser, your warthog becomes a free killing spree at least. The warthog is basically another bonus for controlling power weapons. MLG's rules make the power weapon itself the reward for controlling power weapons, rather than giving you a power weapon and a warthog.

    Increasing the move speed makes gameplay faster paced, which I think is both more fun to play and watch.

    And the radar, I don't want to watch two teams spend half the game crouching around. And I even more don't want to watch a guy with a sword crouching in a room, and then just stabbing the first guy to walk in.
  20. theheat

    theheat Ancient
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    You are being very stereotypical, I play the MLG playlist a lot, after every game, no matter whether it's a win or a loss, we say good game, and usually get god game back. I see the most trash talking in social slayer, social team DLC, and team swat. Lower levels of MLG are bad for trash talking too though.

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