sandbox; the downfall of forge?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by pinohkio, Feb 27, 2009.

  1. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    It's less dead than people think. I am a firm believer in AZN FTW's philosophy (And not one of the many hypocrites who prasie Pre-DLC maps and then turn around and make a generic Foundry map). There are many interesting structures that have yet to be used in an original way and I still enjoy forging on them.
  2. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Then I would love to be pleasantly surprised. I've been around ForgeHub for little over a year now and I would wager that I've seen almost every combination of pre-dlc content out there and re-done several times over. Granted, there is pre-dlc content that's a lot of fun, but user-created content has surpassed the limitations of pre-dlc.

    I don't dislike AZN's philosophy on forging, but saying people are "true forgers" becasue they forge pre-dlc is rather elitist. In the end, I respect the person who takes the hours to make something truly original rather than applying make-up to an older map.
  3. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Hopefully you will be with my next release, which is, as a matter of fact, on High Ground. Although I agree that the majority of ideas have been redone over and over, I still feel there are many ideas left that no one has been willing to think outside the box far enough to create.

    Although I agree with his points, the fact that you are forging on Pre-DLC, or you aren't, has nothing to do with being a 'true forger.' It all boils down to the fun and originality factors, which can be achieved on both DLC and Pre-DLC maps.
  4. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    The great foundry flood passed.
    The great screen filter legendary dlc flood passed.
    The sandbox flood will pass.
    Chill out man this stuff is going to happen when you expose the population of the internet (I mean weve all been to the internet right?Its not all smart concise people)

    to an ability to share their ridiculous creations.The idea that they should stop releasing content t avoid these flood is like us saying we should all stop having babies because then there will be no war

    Personally the map that has brought me the most joy,mMM,custom and forge-wise?
    Sandtrap.From chaotic awesomeness to the elephant to the "Mammoth" and other ridiculousness i still find it an awesome map
  5. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    same here, i was so tired of halo and forge, and especially this retarded community but then once i got my hands on sandbox i was just like "holy ****."
  6. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Just having ideas does not make you a visionary. Take the arrogance stick out of your ass mate it doesn't get you far unless you can prove you are as good as you say. And judging by the threads you've made here (yes I have read them) you are far from visionary and barely average.

    Forging evolves. People will use what ever map gets the feeling the creator wants to get across. if it happens to be Sandbox or Foundry over High Ground or Epitaph then so be it.

    I tell you what mate, I am an aesthetics forger. I like having interesting things in my maps for people to look at. But I will not sacrifice gameplay just to have those pretties. A while back I tried to make a conquest map on Narrows. It has some very interesting geometry and the cliffs, water falls and the other bridge down the canyon are great to look at. But due to it's lack of large immovable objects the map was very breakable and that ruined the game play, so now I am attempting to remake that geometry on sandbox. Should I not do it just because you say I shouldn't? **** you I'm not.

    If you don't want to play it, fine don't download it I honestly don't care. But other people who don't care what map you use to make your own and are just after a solid gameplay experiance with interesting changes between maps so that it never feels repetative will.
  7. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Elitism and stupidity prevails against creativity. Sigh.

    Perhaps you don't want to use High Ground's geometry. Maybe you want to alter it so much that using High Ground as a base map would hamper your map. Enter Foundry/Sandbox. Now you can create your own geometry. I'm thinking of Kentucky Tango, here. That's the one basic flaw I'm finding with the majority of the "I SUCK ON AZN FTW'S ****" argument's. A lot of times, I'll find myself wanting to create an entirely new map, not a blocked off room in the Pit with a few different weapons. Yes, using the old geometry means that it takes less work, but you're also compromising your own creativity by limiting yourself. I could use the outside of Epitaph to work on my Catawalks map, but that means that I have to block off all of the shield doors, and I have to use the pre-made portion of the map that was meant for something entirely different. Whereas, if I made my map on Sandbox, I have A) death barrier B) the ability to make my OWN walkways, and subsequently, I can make them have their own paths, and C) I have the benefit of every item I want to add on. Perhaps I want to add a Hornet (For some unknown reason). Can I do that on Epitaph? Let's see, Ghost, Mongoose...oh, darn. No Hornet. But on Sandbox, not only is there a Hornet, there's also a Banshee, Chopper, Warthog, Scorpion, Wraith, and Prowler. I can also add weapons not available to Epitaph, such as the Missile Pod.

    And then there are some maps that are completely impossible to make on any map that's not Sandbox. What about this one that was showcased by Bungie?

    Show me how to make that on any other map.
  8. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    Why is it that all of a sudden when we get the greatest forging tool available, everyone becomes obsessed with saying "I'm more creative because I use non DLC"? I mean sure, if I want to remake Skyrail, then I'm going to go do it on Avalanche. If I want to make Conquest map number 174638, then I'll go try to make one on a default map where I can block off pathways. But I want to make my own goddamn map. I'm going to use Sandbox.
  9. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    To your point about geo-merging on Sandbox:

    I don't know the item list, personally, but I know the old-school method of merging will always be there, and it's not as bad as people think. It only takes a little more time & patience, if you can handle that.
  10. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Wait, you got your hands on sandbox?
  11. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Possibly got a code of someone who bought halo wars.EDIT...Or bought halo brain isnt working right atm
    I honestly don't get how someone can be given something that has no ill effects of any kind on anything they couldhave been doing prior...and complain that it has ruined their prior experience....
  12. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    hahhahaha learn how to spell. And this has to be the most ignorant article I have ever read. So many assumptions without facts
  13. Sworn Shadow

    Sworn Shadow Ancient
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    I disagree Sandbox will be the new beginning of Forge
  14. A Pixel Assasin

    A Pixel Assasin Ancient
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    Nah, Sandbox is going to be amazing.

    I sound stupid saying that, and while I agree the Pre-DLC maps can be great, Sandbox's full potential still hasn't been realized. Sandbox isn't even officially released, yet some great maps are being released already, even by amateurs.

    I think the only major limit with Sandbox is your imagination.
  15. Mytic

    Mytic Ancient

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    So, First off this isn't debate forum xX5w33ny70ddXx, I would like to State that to you. Next I want you to read every thing about what I do in forge. Just because I was placing A wheel on a PreDLC map doesn't mean I'm a fan of aesthetics. It actually Shows a maturity that has been earned over forging over time.

    Second, I been reading over peoples posts that ignored my comments about how: PRE DLC, Sand box, Foundry, AND what ever map pack term you would like to use, it comes down to Forge is not a map editor,"IT will never be one." So yes there are good forgers, and bad forgers, but it isn't about gameplay vs. aesthetics then. It boils down did you achieve something in what you forged when you set out to do it, or did it come to a half finished project someone else can pick up and improve on. So re coining the term Good forgers and bad forgers again doesn't even really exists. Those bad forgers you refer to are often the resources the good forgers feed off of, in a lack of words to speak of. IT is also good to note at least here at ForgeHub both the people feed off of and the people that Download the maps Forgehub features are the same people. The community is addicted to people taking there idea's and improving them.

    So, yes I'm fully free and open with people Spamming the forums with there own sandbox creations. It is a cycle that shouldn't be broken, in how forgehub works; it is very much like a river with a bed of rocks. You have to wash down the rocky bottom till only pebbles and pearls will be found.
    Each new member slowly makes a niche in this community, and changes something so stop thinking people are your enemy and grow up. Because like the riches of today only last for today, tomorrows riches are for someone's mouth to feed.

    All I feel is that every map should still be picked on, and played with intensively. People say the old PreDLC maps are old and lack new creative ideas. No, it is people have lost faith in there own creativity.

    So, I dare you to wrap me into something I'm not.
  16. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    This is a debate simply because it is a discussion with varying opinions, clearly. However, I feel as if the thread title is a bit of a misnomer because I feel that the greater issue here is DLC vs Pre DLC, not exclusively Sandbox. Also, I would like to address the purpose I quoted your comment about the wheel, seeing as now it is quite easy to misinterpret my intention as to smash you, when in reality I was just pointing out the objects Pre DLC maps have to offer.

    While it is true that Halo Forge will never be like Far Cry, or even Game Developer map design even, but it is a Map Editor. You edit the maps, hence Map Editor. Now, you might have intended Map Creator, which would be far more applicative. However, to say Forge is not a form of Map Creation is also false. As Foundry has proved, and how Sandbox will prove, we are capable of making maps that completely detach themselves from the original map. While it isn't like starting from scratch, and we are limited by our immovable objects, creativity is there all the same. It is just a simpler Map Creator. This brings me to my second argument.

    It is true, Forge began off with the rearrangement of weapons and vehicles. That grew from having random "power weapons" to placing objects with gameplay in mind. Then maps such as Hobo Heights emerged and brought a whole new meaning to Forge. People made due with what they had available, and continue to do so to this day. They take advantage of the freedom Foundry and other DLC maps provide us. While AZN's theory of looking toward other maps to make your ideas work is fine, you have to realize that you should take full advantage of what is possible. For example, let's pretend Hobo Heights was not created yet by the time of the Legend Maps. Now, according to the theory shared by some and expressed in this thread, you could create this idea on Narrows (I am aware that the first was on Last Resort), and therefore should not create it on any DLC map. This is fine and well, but it could have been made better on Blackout. With the immoveable boxes to act as floors, no longer would you need to use various crates and turret cases to suppor the zombie.

    Also, let's look at this another way. What if the DLC maps such as Foundry and Blackout were in fact boxed with Halo 3? Hence they too would be Pre DLC, and be available right from the start. I guarantee you several maps would have been originally made on these maps, rather than Pre DLC ones. Many ideas are simply much more conveniently made on maps with immovable objects. Sure, these Pre DLC maps have their uses, but in the end the majority of people who continue to forge and support these maps do so because they wish to be more "Creative". While it is true that I am a firm believer in the fact that the reason that Forge is so successful is that it allows you to create most any ideas you can muster, but the difference between good and bad forgers are the ones who think of creative solutions around limitations as opposed to those who give up or take the easy way out; but a smart forger will not forge on a map with even more limitations all in the name of "creativity". That is the same as intentionally racing a car, with flat tires. Sure you lose, but you get up and say "Hey! I still drove that car! That makes me the better driver because you can't." Because if you were the better driver, you could have simply won the race with a normal car and still prove your point.

    Pre DLC isn't necessarily a thing of the past, as it will continue to be played, and occasionally used in forge. It is, however, an old elitist idea that needs to be lost. There is a difference between good forgers, and bad forgers, just like there is a difference between a smart forger and one that makes things harder than they should be. Sandbox will not change this, it will just darken the line between these contrasting forgers, making these opposing sides more distinguishable.
  17. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    What Sweeny said.

    Sandbox can't possibly be a bad thing. More forge potential = good. Bottom Line.

    And if being original only comes from forging Pre-DLC, then I quit.
  18. Slindish

    Slindish Ancient
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    But now with Sandbox you have the enclosed space of Foundry, the blank outside part, and the floating skybubble area. So i don't really see your point here.

    Why does a map have to be on one of the Pre-DLC maps to be creative/original?

  19. Mytic

    Mytic Ancient

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    OK, your opening statement is your opinion just the same as Pinohkio made, but people attacked his idea that we should have everyone try and forge on every map. So this thread isn't about debating the effect Sandbox will have on the Community we have at forgehub. Pinohkio actually says we have a bigger plate to eat off of. Pinohkio STATED in his opening statement this was about forge in General and we shouldn't take the simply route. Now, reading your reply at the beginning your coming off as my idea's which are actually similar to Pinohkio's are Elitist's when there actually an open eye reply. Then reading your closing points your drifting to a point that forgers are good and bad. When reading that statement it seems elitists, not to piss you off but it seems like it has the potential of being read that way.

    Now, getting to the point off of Sandbox(I would not like to bring it up again almost) but we should just have a bold idea of what we want to do in forger on what ever map we want to edit on. There is no Good forger, but a good FORGED map. Forge does not alter just because you had one good map. So you never actually become a Good forger, your just liked.

    Finally, I state Forge is not a MAP Creator. Fact! My opinion is that we should play and forge on all maps. DONE
  20. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    No, pinohkio's opinion is that Sandbox will be the end of forge because it takes us further away from Pre-DLC maps. He said that Forgehub was founded on Pre DLC and Sandbox will result in them completely being ignored. Wrong, as stated many times and I need not repeat myself. In regards to my comment about there being Good and Bad forgers being elitist, you clearly do not understand the definition of the word.

    1. leadership or rule by an elite
    2. the selectively of the elite
    3. conscious of being or belonging to the elite

    Basically, by saying that true creativity is showed by those who forge on Pre DLC maps is signifying a specific standard that needs to be met in order to be deemed acceptable. In terms of the definition, Pre DLC maps are the selective maps of the "elite". For me to say there are good and bad forgers is not a demonstration of elitist thought. There are good and bad sports players, just like there are good and bad film directors. There are good and bad sports teams, just like there are good and bad films. The same applies to forge. Not everyone can forge (pinohkio himself said he can't basically) and not every map is good. The capabilities of the forger are indeed determined by their work, or at least measured by, but there are different levels of "good" in forge. There is cleanliness, balance, gameplay, creativity, originality, etc. A good forger can be very clean and precise with their interlocking and geomerging, yet does not understand what makes good gameplay. So in ways I correct myself, there are good forgers in their own right. However, there is still bad forgers. People who cannot make a map with any redeemable quality in them do exist, hence a bad forger and a bad map.

    Once again, I refuted your opinion, yet I cannot counter your comment about whether or not Forge can be considered a Map Creator. You simply said fact, without providing any "fact" and that simply won't do. I provided my reasons as to why Forge is, in it's own right, a Map Creator. To summarize my opinion on this entire issue, I will say this:
    Like everything in life, the easiest way out in Forge isn't always the best, but neither is the hardest. Pre DLC has it's uses, like DLC has it's uses, but in the end Forging on the DLC maps is far more convenient and effective in most instances, and therefor are used as opposed to their Pre DLC counter parts.

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