Foundry Ephasus

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Zombievillan, Feb 28, 2009.

  1. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    update 9-19-20
    Old pics broken - will try to retake them

    4-10 PLAYERS, Supports FFA Slayer, Team Slayer, Capture the Flag, 1-Flag, FFA Oddball, Team Oddball, all Assault variants, and all Territories gametypes

    Recommended: Team Slayer, Multi flag, 1-Flag, Assault, and Nuetral Bomb is fun.

    Well as with most of you,I wont be forging on Foundry much anymore with the release of Sandbox and I wanted to hurry and release this latest map of mine asap.

    Basically, Odessa (my last map) failed greatly and I had to make a comeback to show that Aerialis wasnt going to be my only decent map. So for once I decided to actually plan my map out with a layout design and everything and I came up with this.

    EPHASUS is a competetive map that uses about 95% of Foundry. I wanted to actually use the entire map for the first time in my map making history. Some people might think of it as very aesthetic but really, its not. I tried to make everything on the map have a purpose but I still want it to look good. Gameplay is always important but nobody wants an ugly map either.

    In this map, bases alter with each gametype and also with symetric and asymetric. In words it would get confusing so I will have to desctibe it to you with the pics.

    Okay, in Team Slayer, Team Oddball, and Territories; Both teams use the default Foundry bases which have been totally remixed. Here are some pics of these:





    Like I said, these are the bases in those games alone. In other games the bases change. I wanted CTF to run across the map from corner to corner but that would not have been as good for Territories or Oddball so in Multi Flag, The Defenders keep the same base as above and the Attackers base is caddy cornered from that as seen here:



    This gives the maximum distance between flags as possible in Foundry. These are also the main bases in symmetrical Assault.

    Now, what was the attackers base in Slayer, Oddball, and Territories; Is now the defenders base in 1-Flag and 1-Bomb. The attackers, who dont need a base in those 2 gametypes, start in the area thats caddy corner to that base which is seen here:


    Are you still with me? Basically, in symetric Flag and Bomb games, the teams get the two bases that are cross-cornered and in asymetric Flag and Bomb games, Defenders get the other default Foundry base and Attackers get the area cross cornered to that. Not too confusing eh?

    Any ways, here are some pics to fill in the gaps of the rest of the map to give you a better idea of the gameplay.

    This is the view from the front of the Defenders Multi flag base

    The ramp on the right leads up to this center structure



    To the right of that pic is the structure that holds the Active Camo room:


    In symetric games, Rockets spawn up on top towards the back which you can kinda see in this pic:
    In asymetric games the Rockets move up towards the curve so the attackers cant just start and have rockets so fast.

    This is what the other side of the map looks like

    Overshield room, Sniper spawns up on top of the stair/walkway



    This bridge is just to the left of the attackers Multi flag and Assault base. Through that hole you can see the structure by the Attackers 1-Flag and 1-Bomb Starting area.


    One more detail I should fill you in on; The back hallway is open so that you can cross sides. This offers another path into, and out of the Defenders base in symmetric flag and bomb games. It may seem too much of an advantage but trust me, and all the testers, its not as powerful as you think. Trying to sneak through the hallway can cause deadly grenade bombardment if the opposing team sees you go there. I also did my best to "camp proof" the hallway. Since it is open to one side, I knew that it would be easy to camp with the Oddball so I used fenceboxes so that you can shoot anyone trying to camp in there. Heres a look at that:



    Nowfor the weapons list

    6 BRs - 2 spare clips - (4) 10 sec, (2) 20 sec
    4 ARS - 2 spare clips - 30 sec
    2 Carbines - 2 spare clips - 30 sec
    1 Sniper Rifle - 1 spare clip - 150 sec
    1 Shotgun - no spare clips - 150 sec
    1 Rocket Launcher - 1 spare clip - 180 sec
    1 Needler - 1 spare clip - 90 sec
    1 Brute Shot - 1 spare clip - 90 sec
    2 SMGs - 2 spare clips - 30 sec
    2 Plasma Rifles - 30 sec
    1 Plasma Pistol - 30 sec
    1 Magnum - 2 spare clips - 30 sec

    1 Active Camo - 180 sec
    1 Overshield - 180 sec
    1 Bubble Shield - 90 sec
    1 Power Drain - 90 sec
    1 Regenerator - 90 sec
    6 Frag Grenades
    4 Plasma Grenades

    Weapon placement on this map is very balanced. The Shotgun is in the very center of the map and takes the exact same amount of time to get to it from both bases, no matter what game type is played. In all symmetric games, both teams have equal chances at the power weapons, but usually 1 team gets the Camo and the other team gets the overshield.

    Please download and give your thoughts on the map before it is completly wiped out by all of the Sandbox maps.
    I had a good time building this and a lot of fun playing on it and I hope you feel the same.

    Thanks to everyone who helped test and gave me their thoughts during the process that was EPHASUS.

    Just a few:

    Adelyss, Deathtoll, Vorpal Saint, Phreakie, Pvilleplaya,
    Christphrbrnnn, Pucketter, Goatnutts420, Thesilencebroken, cheesepuffs andso many more that I cant remember (sorry), Thank you all for your help and support.

    Incase you missed the link at the top, Here is another one:

    #1 Zombievillan, Feb 28, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2020
  2. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
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    WOW!, honeslty its been a while since i saw structures as original as this, I can't wait to play, i love how you chnaged the bases for different games like last resort. This is probably one of the last maps i will download befoer I get sandbox, it looks amazing and makes foundry look new again (to me anyway). 5/5 Qued
  3. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    This map plays very well. My favorite is still team slayer though, even though you went to great lengths to make all the other team games work. One of my favorite things about this map is how you make the weapons change depending on where the teams spawn so it is evenly balanced. I have pretty much told you everything I like about this map during testing so not much to say here. I must say though, this map is very good and I hope this gets featured.
  4. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    Agreed this map is quite enjoyable, I had the pleasure of watching this through production until about 75%. And then you finished out of nowhere and I was like D:

    Anyway my favs would have to be team slayer, one flag and one bomb. I give you an extra 10 points due to that fact that a needler is present on the map. I hope to see more MAPS in your future. *cough* It's a good thing you finished this one because I think you have another awesome one brewing in the oven.
  5. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    I've tested over 9000! games with you on this map, and all of them were quite enjoyable. I've already told you everything when we were testing, so I won't rewrite them here. It is well forged and has a great layout. My favourite was one-bomb, though we never actually armed it and team oddball, though we lost by one point. Great Job!
  6. NYYanks33

    NYYanks33 Ancient
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    It has been a while.I like it.It feels really smoth and no bumps.I will be watching you when the Mythic Maps are out. 5/5
  7. II AceMasta II

    II AceMasta II Ancient
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    I got the liberty of testing this map and to be honest it played quite well. I dont know if you kept the flag return point but it made gameplay very interesting and fun to play. I liked team slayer the most out of all the games i tested. My favorite part of the map is the stairs they look so cool, almost like machinery.
  8. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    I'd like to take the time to say.
    "I'm glad to have the honor of reviewing this map instead of just posting this:"
  9. AI_Twitch

    AI_Twitch Ancient
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    With the first few pictures, this map is a great example of how geo merging and merging does not make a good map. However, with the later pictures the enviornment is much better and plays better as well. I like the stairs crossed with each other for the sense of a bridge, along with the area surrounding it.
  10. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I am editing my post because of Sarge's TGIF that we did. I brought this map to the party and here's my review.

    This map plays very nicely. We played 4v4 multi flag and 4v4 Team Slayer. The Slayer game was very balanced. I think the game ended 50-46 or something like that so neither team had a great advantage.

    The CTF game was iffy. I felt that the Red Team's base was much more protected and harder to get the flag. Blue team's flag was very out in the open while red team's was a lot harder to get to. Nevertheless, Red team won by a little too much (3-1) seeing as we had the same teams as the TS game.

    The forging on the map is very good and all of the interlocking and geomerging is flawless. It's been a while since I've seen structures this original. My favorite part is the walkway made of stairs leading to the sniper.

    Very good map... 4/5
    #10 AceOfSpades, Feb 28, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  11. pvilleforger777

    pvilleforger777 Ancient
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    After some awsome test on this epic map its definetly goin stay on my hardrive. The feel of this map is amazing with a great flow, this map well built with alot of great effort put into it great job zombie 5/5
  12. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Nice. And you're right, Odessa did fail. LOL.

    I can see now that you like to use vertical barriers for some of your structures. I especially love what you did with those stairs making an all new structure that has never been seen before. Also, your use of the shield door is great. It's so clean and sometimes and does not even look like a shield door.

    Personally, I don't like Shotguns on maps. For me, the Mauler is the way to go :D

    You did an awesome job on this. I hope to be amazed when I see your Sandbox maps.
  13. Sworn Shadow

    Sworn Shadow Ancient
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    Looks Great lots of merging keep up the good work.
  14. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Well there's not much left to give you praise for, everyone else has already taken care of that! But here are my favorite parts of the map. Geomerging the bridges into the top of foundry was a great way to keep people off the little ledge up there. Very clever too! I loved the way your bridge-made-stairs looks, also a great idea. The map has a great feel to it as well. The bases are perfect, just perfect. I like how you can crouch under your ramps everywhere too. It reminded me of some of the halo CE maps actually. The amount of geomerging was very impressive and very well done! The camo and overshield placement is excellent too. This map earns a spot on my harddrive for a few months at the least. (as well as 5 stars and a download).
  15. Pwnography

    Pwnography Ancient
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    Okay, sick MAP. Love it, but how did you merge into the ground so Well. I always fail
  16. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    I have not posted in a while, but this map just caught my eye, and I knew I had to post. I have read the other posts, and the gameplay seems to be pretty good, although I won't know until I test it, but the aesthetics are simply incredible. The walls are all perfectly place, and it adds a new feel to the bland U.N.S.C. boxes that are foundry's most abundant item. The structures are also amazingly unique. It looks as though no object was left unused, with the amazing fence box-windows structure, and the awe-inspiring staircase structure. It looks as though you took as much time on each structure as someone might take on a map. There are no bumps or annoying ridges in sight, and everything is neatly planned out to fit into the overall feel of the map (although I'm not quite sure what to call that) The geo-merging is also amazing, with objects merged into the ground and walls, back alley, and also merged in with other objects! This looks like the best map that will be on foundry for a long time, and not because of Sandbox.

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    Ok, so i DL and played a cupple games, and i have too say that the geomerging on this map is by fay well done. What you got going on in the blue hallways is very neat, and makes me think how much time it took too get that done right. Another thing i did, for some dumb reason (dont ask), i played infection on it, and its real fun with the map lay out you got for it...loool! of course i played slayer, and had some interesting, fun, fast pace feelings playing on it. I guess its b/c the way you have it as an asemetric map. Any ways, to me its a five out of five map, and hope too see more from you.
  18. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    damn, this looks pretty sick nasty, ill dl for sure.
    i really like your structures, they're original, beautifull, and they're great for gameplay. like the camo spawn, when i saw it i practically orgasmed.
    cant wait to play it :D, 55/5
  19. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Mmmm Tastes like a salty forgasm in my mouth. I've been invited into the party every so often and checked up on your progress with the map...and I must say some of your original ideas were no match to what they were changed into to make the map even more sexy.

    The map has the looks and game play to be a great overall map to play on.

    ;) Nice work zombie
  20. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    After reviewing this map in person, I can see the high quality of your creation. Not only is this map aesthetically beautiful, but the asymmetric gameplay appears great also.

    From my perspective I see no flaws with the gameplay as far as geometry. So in reality this may not need any "fixing". However, I haven't played any multiplayer matches on your map yet, so I could be incorrect with the perfect gameplay.


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