These are example sigs. For a 500 point card for 1 month.A 1000 card for 2 months.And a 200 for 5 months.If I get enough buyers the price will stop.It will be free forever.
Are you implying that people should pay to have you make sigs for them? First of all, this should be posted in the Graphics and Arts section, not Gaming Discussion. Second, we already have several sig shops where people can request very high quality sigs for free. I realize you're new and I'm not being mean, just telling you how things work here.
R u kid meh? pay moni lol? Think about it. Whose going to buy LQ sigs, when there are plenty of people who will make much better sigs. For free. Improve greatly, then we will see if your sigs are worth buying.
Here's how this works: First, you become a legend in signature creation, then you can start charging. No one will take your offer up.
Take my advice, and do not ignore it. Those sigs are absolutely terrible and you are not going to sell these at all. The only people that can come close to selling them are the people who win the sigs of the week. People make so much better sigs than this, and for free. Ya, this should be locked
There's no need for a lock since this isn't against the rules, atleast to my knowledge. It's a bad idea, but unless he starts breaking rules in the thread it's fine.
Okay can i have a banner that says "Forge Like An Oracle" and can it please be in a midevil font or halo font and make it today if you can please then PM me about it.