lies!!!!!!!! lol... The BG is good, but, and it is one of the hardest things about a popout sig, is that the render looks pasted on, and not part of the sig. It is why I would suggest not to do pop out sigs, because of how hard they are...
HA! it works Yeah, I just hate making the render smaller so that it fits, and I hate making sigs bigger than 400X150, so I've been practicing
Lol I know... thats always such a big problem, is making the stock/render smaller... and yea, thats my limit on sigs as well, 400x150.
Yes, Pop-outs suck, unless you have an original idea. Otherwise they screw up the whole signature. And mine sucks, I know. It's temporary until Diz gets his signature finished for the battle. Place her into the signature more, and have the boxes spread around her going outwards. Try to add some boxed in front too.