amazing picture, I love the stance its a simple affect but on the arbiter with that background looks really good
Wow,There are a lot of wonderful things I like here. Its campaign The angle Lighting Arbiter Backround. The only flaw is the blurriness. Really good but not suprised for you.
Amazing picture. The lighting is awesome. The stance is awesome. The background is awesome. The fact that he is looking at the "camera" is awesome. Everything is... awesome lol. I love it.
ya the pic is really cool. i like the stance. its like the x factor. its really nice. the lighting is good too.
Thanks guys, good to know you like it, but I wasn't completely happy with this version (little too bright in places), so I took a few others of the same pic, with different lighting and effects. Let me know if these two are better than the original, and which one is best.
There both really good, I think I like the elite looks better in the original, but background is better in second 1. 3.5/5
That. Is. The. Best. Screenshot. I. Have. Ever. Seen. On. Forge. Hub. Period. Seriously, that is just frickin' awesome. I love the lighting. Unfortunately, I can't copy it to my fileshare. It's Bnet location won't let me do that. Oh well. I think the original version is the best by the way.
Thanks man. And about the location, I can't save it to my SS gallery ... there's some sort of glitch that won't let me delete any screens from my gallery. I may put it in my File Share later on, though. Again, thanks a lot.
Arbiter looks BADASS. What mission is that? How did you get him to do such a stance? Where in the mission is that? I agree, the only flaw is that it is quite blurry.
I shall never reveal my secrets. >=) Nah, it's on Floodgate. At Rally Point Alpha, there's a few elites that come down to help from drop pods. If you're Arbiter and you can get to one quick enough, you actually go inside of the pod by holding RB. You gotta be really quick, though, because usually when you reach them, you get a checkpoint that stops you from entering.
Cool the second one is less blurry in the best of ways.The first one has better lighting though so i would say the second is better because of clearness.Keep it up leeumm.
wow that is amazing 5/5 man pretty much one of the best screens i've seen a long time man hes like a mummy/god/thing guz hes gold ya know ya... is this on the storm
oh it was, lol my first reaction was wow this kinda looks like the storm lol, and can you stay in the pods for a while?
i don't know if thise owuld be possible, but maybe try to get the three campaign elites in there and take each picture, or do it with arby and mc? and i think i might try that man