sandbox; the downfall of forge?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by pinohkio, Feb 27, 2009.

  1. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Ok, as everyone knows the launch of the Mythic maps is growing closer every day and its at the point where some of the more elite members and forgers here have gotten to play through the maps but will one super map take away from all the aspects from all the other maps(pre dlc and foundry included.)
    ive been thinking and from the sounds of it, there will either be no way of geomerging on sandbox or a really tedious way that takes longer than sideways doors on foundry. Also with the three areas to forge in one might ask, "Why cant we just post tons of maps on sandbox, its an improvement on the main canvas known as foundry" well the answer is simple, geometry with the pre dlc maps, most thought therer was nothing to do forgewise, but in reality virtually nothing was known about forge, then came foundry, again not much was known until some very important people decided to think, "Hey i wonder what happens if i put a door the pushes into an object and put it ontop of an object on the floor, well that person pretty much found out how to geomerge, and now somebody has recently realized the same technique can be applied to predlc maps like last resort. The same thing happend with interlocking, somebody must have said, "Hey i wonder what happens if i take one object and spawn another object directly inside of it". That also can be applied to some predlc maps (to my knowledge only last resort.)

    If your not quite following than atleast read this,
    virtually everything that weve realized how to do in forge could have been done on predlc maps.

    but with the exception of one detail, each map has its own geometry
    Now i know we will all be overwhellemeed by posiblilitys with sandbox but if you dont want to make a crypt/desert/air themed map than dont use sandbox because as forge advances and evolves than we will come to realizations that we can do everything on predlc maps that we can do on dlc maps.
    im starting to repeat myself now but i just have one thing to say;
    When TDF went to college, many were hurt because they had lost a good forger, TDF didnt have all the forge technoligy that we have today and he still made great maps, and actually right now I dare any junior member who reads this to go to the featured map section and go to the last page and see what TDF has accomplished in the early stages and what has helped shape me to the ( for lack of a beter word) designer I am today, even if I do not have the forge skillls to accomplish what I see.
    Also there have been may other great forgers that have left, I just cant think of any right now
    and also look at the old greats like Shock Theta and sure they're still hanging around but as far as i know ther not creatng something beautiful with there talents like we all know they're capable of.
    (edit*) i took a closer look at cosmics new map, and like novak has said, you can geomerge on sandbox
    #1 pinohkio, Feb 27, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2009
  2. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    I guess I agree, but with Sandbox, we might not need other maps. It's as if we're getting 3 new maps to forge on, and we're given the options to go between each map. While it may be seen as a bad thing, it's opening up a lot of opportunities for new things, as well as leaving all the other opportunities on old maps open.

    You still can Geo-merge on Sandbox too. I've seen some pics of one of Cosmic's new maps and there's a whole base that is merged. I would post it, but I'm not sure if he would want me to or not. But trust me, you can still geo-merge, and I'm sure a ton of new tricks will be figured out as more people get the Mythic maps.
  3. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I disagree nearly 100%

    First off, Sandbox will not be the downfall of forge, but quite the opposite. I don't know about anyone else, but lately I have realized a major decline in maps posted here within the past couple of months. On top of that, fewer and fewer of them have been beyond average. Sandbox will fix this. The Mythic Maps have already gotten many people back into Halo, and Sandbox will get people back into Forging. Furthermore, the pristine forgers who were previously unable to accomplish ideas of theirs now have the chance to give it another stab. Overall, quantity and quality will see a rise.

    Second, what is this about Pre-DLC map thing? Yes, Pre-DLC and maps other than Foundry have their uses, but it's as if now you HAVE to forge on Pre-DLC to be original. The way some users ***** about how Pre-DLC is a "lost art" actually gets quite on my nerves. However, your arguments go beyond the typical one, almost to the point where it is hypocritical. Typically, people who encourage Pre-DLC do such because they are tired of the necessities of interlocking and geomerging, yet you on the other hand are complaining that Sandbox "lacks" these forging advancements (false btw, it does have these things still), and Pre-DLC have them. Pre DLC will not ever have interlocking and geomerging like any of the DLC maps, ever. Sure, you can stick a crate in the ground, congrats. What did you accomplish? Nothing. I have never seen that used for good yet. No, Pre-DLC will have it's uses, and has had it's uses regardless of the existence of Foundry, so why will it be any different with Sandbox?

    Third, no offense, but I think that was a shitload of ass-kissing with TDF. True, he did make maps back in the day, and some were good. But there are a lot of others who did the same, others who even exceeded TDF surely. Also, those were some good maps, but that are only the "good" maps. A lot of maps on Pre-DLC were sub-par infection maps (for example), or just re-arrangements of weapons. There will always be jewel somewhere in the dirt, but it doesn't make the dirt any prettier.

    So in conclusion, I disagree with your opinion. Sandbox will do the opposite of what you predict, and re-ignite the spirit of forge. Forging on Pre-DLC these days (in most cases) is only comparable to weird Teenage fads to be "original", such as creating a Facebook because everyone uses Myspace. Forge on the map most effective for what you want to create, don't just do it to be "original". The latter is actually just idiocy. Why don't I agree 100%? Because now I will have to put up with a shitload of bad maps for a few days, but I can live with that. Now excuse me, I have a Sandbox idea to get to.
  4. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    Sorry, But it is hard to read posts like that.
    Try and fix some of those typos.
    I didn't take the time to fix all the grammatical errors you made though.

    As for the thread:
    I think that just because Sandbox does not have (to everyone's knowledge) the items required to geo-merge, the quality of the maps coming from all the premiums, or just anybody who is good at forging, will improve somewhat. Also, It seems that this thread was more made so that you could have a long thread, (even though it's not that long) and not so you could discuss a serious topic with everyone. You never really backed up most of your points, and overall, it just left me where I began. (though now I have a rather annoying headache from staring at the computer screen fixing all those typos)
    Pre-DLC was good, but the available tools at hand now overcome those by a mile. Once again, I think you just wanted to have a thread, and didn't really care what it was about.

    Also, I agree with him as much as he disagrees with you.

    I just noticed, you never pressed the shift or the caps key EVER in that thread.
    Or the ' key.
    We need those.
    without them, most sentences are weird looking.
  5. Biggles2

    Biggles2 Ancient
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    Its done the exact opposite for me, its brought me back into forging.
  6. l33tmeerkatslol

    l33tmeerkatslol Ancient
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    Sandbox is not the end of forge. It is the beginning. Even people with terrible forge skills will get involved, but that is okay. The idea is what counts. If it is a good idea, someone might pick up on it, and make a v2.
    More maps will be made. Maybe a new mini-game might be even bigger than Grifball. Sandbox will unlock unlimited possibilities for everyone, not just for certain people.
    And for the whole, "No Geomerging" thing...who cares! We won't need it! I completely agree with xX. Geomerging was useful at times in foundry, although this new map will not need it. Bungie designed all the objects and the map so we won't have to go out of our way to block off some of the tiniest things. This will also invite new forgers to create things that won't be judged by there stupid merging.
  7. SM3JAY

    SM3JAY Ancient
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    I agree with you partly. I agree that Sandbox will sort of take all the thunder away from all the other maps. However, just because everyone is building on the new maps doesn't mean it is the downfall of forge. Quite the opposite. You see this will attract more forgers than ever before and actually most players will create some of the best creations we have ever seen on these new maps. So with what you said I guess I mostly disagree because people will still create wonderful new creations on the old maps, there will just be more building on Sandbox or Orbital.
  8. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    guys, i just posted what i thought, TDf was one of the original people whom i looked up to when a was a junior mem and was the only one i could think of
    also, all i meant by this was that i think there will be a total overload of sandbox maps and the texture will just be bland.
    thats all
    #8 pinohkio, Feb 27, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2009
  9. The Number 0000

    The Number 0000 Ancient
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    I believe you have come upon some mistake. Sandbox will not be "the downfall of forge". Yes, you are probably right that no one is going to focus any work on foundry, and predlc maps. As said by Sweeney, sandbox gives you an entire new canvas to work with, and not just one canvas, but three. In all actuality, the crypt part is about the size of the main part of Foundry, if I'm not mistaken. Sandbox has really put my excitement up another two notches for what maps will come out in the future, and what possibilities are out there.

    I also disagree with you, because even though Sandbox is by far the most anticipated one of the maps coming out, I am very excited for the other two Mythic Maps, especially Assembly.

    You do not have to be on a predlc map to be "original." Being original is just doing something no one has seen before, and I'm sure there is something to be had on Sandbox that no one has ever seen before.
  10. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    If that is what you meant then why didn't you write that?
  11. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    I have a slight problem with this statement.

    Who the **** are you? Visionary?

    Also, not everything we can do in forge now was possible on pre-DLC maps. Geomerging? Interlocking? hard to do with no immovable objects. Yea we could have interlocked turrets but what the hell for? Look at maps now. The are still being made on other maps not just foundry. Variety is the spice of life mate and always playing on the samemap, no matter how differently things are arranged will get boring and people will still make maps on older maps and other mythic maps.

    If nothing else they will do it to make their map stand out amongst the sandox/foundry maps.
  12. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Apparently, having new members joining FH, making new and crazy-awesome ideas for maps, bringing in all their talents and skills to our community...that's baaaaaaad.
  13. Mytic

    Mytic Ancient

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    Ouch, Seems like some one point of view can be taken as a threat. I think the opening point has a wonderful core idea. I know we are all loving how SANDBOX is going to be. My personal worry is that there could be a flood of Sandbox maps made and made to quickly.

    I think the biggest think I see is that Pre-DLC, or Foundry shouldn't exist. Each map should be forged on equally. I was playing on HighGround the other day and I was working on an idea. I noticed this thing People don't even load up the PRE-DLC maps in forge anymore. I knew this because I was placing a Wheel on the map and My friend freaked out saying how did I do that. Simply to say people don't know the limits of the old map.

    I all to often heard people complaing about spawns on the Pre DLC maps, as well the weapons on maps IN matchmaking. What if we spent time improving the base maps of matchmaking instead of leaving it in bungie's hands. Forge wasn't a Map editor and Sandbox is as close as it can be, but was it really ever built to do such a think?

    So, Yes in my terming the end of forge Starts with Mythic map Sandbox. We get something worthy for the trade, but we shouldn't lose focus ever of what forge truly is.
  14. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    So, what's this magical thing I keep hearing from every Pre-DLC evangelist Forger, this mystical force known as 'true Forging'? I'm sorry, am I not a 'true forger' if I decide to maximize the potential of my map by not limiting myself? I don't mean to direct this at you, Mytic, but you conveniently opened up the line.

    Yes, there's the 'problem' with new users flooding our forums with so-called 'sloppy maps'. So what? Forge Hub should be about sharing and critiquing other people's maps to help THEM be able to create better. It should NOT be for the sole benefit of being an ego boost.

    The introduction of Sandbox means that more and more people are going to be able to access their creativity. There will be people who are new to the Forging scene, who joined because they saw how interesting the concept was.
  15. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    god damn the majority of you people can be oblivious, do you not see when sand box launches in the U.S. and Canada then there will be a neverending flood of desert dune senery, mied of course with the overly dull background of the crypt and the bleakness of the skybubble.
    -also to waylander, by visionary i meant like i have all these grat ideas for maps but i cannot create them for i have a lack of skill, sorry for not having a perfect vocabulary at 2:00 est
    again there is something in the predlc maps that is not there in foundry; our old forgehome, and that somthing is variety. in foundry, there is a big emty room, not that great for an outside themed map. then you look at highground, the perfect place for an offense based outdoor map that actually looks like its outside.
    who knew there could be this much contreversy over a simple statement?
  16. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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  17. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Now that maps are easier to make with the introduction of Sandbox, I think people will focus more on gameplay rather than pure aesthetic value. I think this map is going to improve the overall quality of the site.
  18. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    ^^ there. Those 2 sentences finish up this whole argument.
  19. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    The only problem with Pre-DLC, is that everything in the world has been done before: explotations in maps, floating bases, gimmicks, and so on and so forth. Yes, the pre-dlc maps have variety, but they are their own maps. What are you going to do? Add a crate or two to highground? Good job, you placed a crate on highground. Enter foundry or sandbox. Now you can make anything your mind wants to.
  20. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    God damn people can be stupid. Sorry, you opened that line.
    So let me get this straight, I mean I need to make sense of this horrible argument since I am obviously oblivious.
    Now, if I read that correctly, you said that Pre-DLC has aesthetics that make them good? Wait, hold up, you mean that aesthetics make a map? If I made a asymmetric map on foundry, I should have just varied High Ground because it looks better? No, I must be getting the wrong idea here...
    Alright, maybe I am not crazy. A wheel... a wheel?! I see no use beyond aesthetic addition that serves. No, I am convinced now, your arguments revolve around the old mis-guided theory:

    aesthetics > gameplay

    Well that isn't true, gameplay has been, and always will be better than aesthetics. I want to make an assymetric objective base map with a theme. Well there is no way in hell I am going to use High Ground to make something like that. Pre-DLC has set geometry, and sometimes I don't want my map to play like High Ground. Yes, I know this was only an example but please provide a better ****ing example next time.

    Yes, sandbox maps will flood these forums, but the same happens with every new map pack. GET OVER IT! It will not last. Clearly foundry didn't last, so why would Sandbox be any different. I'm not saying you have to like it, but before you start making claims such as "sandbox; the downfall of forge?" think out a real argument to support your case.

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