Blaze's guide of what's HOT & what's NOT! This is a growing post, I will add things from time to time as we go along the way. Feel free to give me your opinions about what is in and what is out. So lets get started. Blaze's guide to what is Hot and whats Not in forge maps. (based on foundry creations) - Hot - (This is what's in, things that will have your map shine above most others and show that you put a good amount of effort into making it.) Having every immovable object merged slightly into the ground. It may not be 100% necessary but it does have it's pluses. such as, looks a bit neater and no chance of losing your nades. Ramps. Ramps are favored over jumps. They create better flow in the map and make moving easy between levels. Themes. Add a theme to your map, cause randomness usually just looks messy. Under budget. Most may not care but when you do this it really shows you put a bit more planning into it. Supporting all gametypes. People want maps that can do a lot of different stuff rather then just a few. Using different areas of foundry rather then the back square. It's okay to just use that back area but people like when you use different areas such as the back. Going along with that. I think sometimes just using the outer square gets a bit old. like me, I like to use an L shaped layout using one side of the back of foundry. Simple yet complex layout. People like when they can memorize the map. making the maps layout easy to navigate is important. If the layer is lost the whole match, he probably isn't going to be enjoying himself very much. - Not - (These are style that we've either seen too much of or is just greatly disliked. Basically the opposite of whats hot. In no ways are all of these "bad" but not the best thing to do.) Jumps. Jumps take time and cause complications more often the ramps. Though a jump here and there cannot hurt. Upside down stairs to create bridges. They are okay to do, but this trick has been used too often lately showing un-originality. randomness. It makes your map look well... sorta messy and doesn't show you put too much effort into it. and trust me, you can be abstract without looking like your being totally random. Remakes. There is a good one here and there but the majority of them are about the same. If you are going to do a remake, make sue you are not wasting your time because there are usually plenty already out there. Use this guide to help you plan your map. Things you should also plan before making your map: (this may seem noodbish but I think it is best plan EVERYTHING that you are going to do with your map, and here is some we forget) Keep though in your budget and item limit. If your map is enclosed make sure you plan out the objects you are going to need to block off your map so that it is completely unbreakable. Please do not criticize my effort to help you! This is not only my opinion but what i feel most people will agree upon as well.
Quiet, you. ^ Good idea for thread. I disagree with the merging everything. It good, but generally unnecessary. i like what you say about jumps.
I think back alley forging is an "in" because of new geomerging techniques available to forgers. It's so popular in Foundry maps recently.
You may not be criticizing him but he stated that he is going to add more in's and out's as he gets more opinions and such. It was probably easier to start off with four concepts that are opposites of each other to provide a better example.
sarcasm? lol. I know It's more that I am explaining the reasons why not too.... I guess. Maybe I'll think of a different way to put it. Some things that are in though if you don't do it then it's not out necessarily. Like the budget glitch It's better if you don't do it, but if you use it it's not out.
If you check the map forums, you will see that your "ins" and "outs" aren't true. People love all of this stuff. I don't think it's necessary to ground merge, you just need to place boxes well. I agree that ramps are superior to jumps, but jumps can be good in certain instances. I don't see why stair bridges are wrong, bridge bridges are less aesthetically pleasing. To an unorganized mind, all but perfect symmetry appears random. tl;dr: just because it's popular doesn't mean its bad.
ground merging shows that you put more effort into your map, I'd say. Jumps are good in some cases but it is easier for most people to use ramps and because of that creates better flow. I like jumps better myself but it seems the majority doesn't agree. so ya. I'm not saying they are wrong, just merely over used. I actually still use those myself. Thank you for your input.
I believe that having a well-organized (most-likely previously formed) layout is an important feature of maps as well, at least knowing how you want them to play before you make them, so they don't turn into unorganized, confusing messes.
I dont really know if you want to add this: Something the Hub tends to like nowadays in a minigame: splattering others...
Eh. I'm looking more toward just foundry maps in general but thank you for throwing that out there anyway.
Why isn't interplox on the Hot list? But yeah, these are the general rules of FH. Except the infinite budget rule, we kinda don't bother DLing a map just to see if the creator used the infinite budget glitch or not.
UPDATED! I'm not listing the rules exactly, just what I see people prefer in a map. I'm hoping, for intense, if you are creating a map but only have it set up for a few good gametypes, I want this to make you think again and encourage you to set it up for all or as many gametypes as you can, because I see that people like that.
good guide, I've never thought of doing this. And your exactally right on whats good to use and whats bad to use, I just wish this guide was out before I posted my map
Don't ever be hesitant to do a reconstruction or reworked version of your map. It is always helpful to redo things in your map, and now that you have posted it, you should have had a few replies telling you what isn't the best on the map. so now you can plan from there.
^^^ This dude knows what he is talking about. (ex-Premium) I believe we were talking about this last week. All of it, I agree with. The best things to do is make a good combination of Ramps and Jumps. If you make a jump on a more travelled area and the ramp not to far away so you can take a shortcut or use ramps because they are in. There is my two cents about this stuff.
Untrue. The budget glitch is very rarely needed. Most people use it because they don't plan their map properly and waste items when not needed.
He said sometimes. and yes it is sometimes NEEDED. even when you are planning. I planned out everyone of my own maps very well and to get everything that I wanted I used the budget glitch. It was needed to make the map the best it could be.
I completely agree with all of these points, I hate maps where you have to jump everywhere, it gets so annoying and even drops down the gameplay. I never really thought of some of these tips, so thank you BlazeIsGod, now when I make my maps I'll be sure to check by this post to ensure that everything is enjoyable!