Difficulty Map Pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Gunnergrunt, Feb 26, 2009.


Best map?

  1. Legendary

    16 vote(s)
  2. Heroic

    3 vote(s)
  3. Normal

    2 vote(s)
  4. Easy

    1 vote(s)
  1. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Difficulty Map Pack
    by Gunnergrunt

    The Difficulty Map Pack consist of four infection maps. Each individual map consists of a human room and a zombie room. These maps were built for one purpose; to bring back the feel of the original zombies game played in halo 2. Still with me? Good. Moving on.
    The idea of this game is to shoot the zombies before they can get through the door and infect all the humans in the room. There is only one way into the human room, so there will be constant action, trust me. Because movable objects now reset and respawn over time in halo 3, I dropped those and added permanent barriers and obstacles within in the human rooms. Each map is to be played with the Zombies game variant, linked at the bottom of the page. Each Map is named according to how difficult it will be to survive as a human. Example: "Easy" has a large respawn area. Zombies will have less of an advantage. Human will last longer. These maps are best played with large parties, although any number of players more than 5 will function well. There is no time limit to each round, but human will all die within ten minutes (approximately) because they will run out of ammo in their pistols.

    This is the game type the Difficulty Map Pack is best played with. There is one zombie, with sword, no shield. The humans get one pistol, no weapon pickup. Respawn traits, invincibility and speed increase, last for a few seconds to allow zombies to reach the door unharmed. Betrayals are permitted but booting is not an option. When a human is betrayed, he has a chance of spawning on the "betrayal shelf." From that point, he has an overview of the zombies respawn area, but he is also trapped by the constant respawn of zombies. It adds a twist to the game. Okay now on to the maps!


    Obviously, Legendary is the most difficult map to survive on. This map is made of one short room (which the human spawn in) with minimal barriers and protection. The zombies' respawn area is also very small, including the additional respawn box. Humans has a very small chance of survival if they leave their starting room. Barriers have been set up, one on each side of the door, halfway into the room. This map also offers a slightly raised area of elevation at the back of the room. On Legendary, you will run out of ammo fast. And once its gone, you'll be cowering in some small corner hoping to go unnoticed! This map involves a small hint of team work. Alright enough words, picture time.

    Told ya it was small (note the bridge geomerged into the red light. Shiny.)

    Front of the room

    Zombie respawn room

    View from the outside

    Human Start (okay i'll admit, i'm showing off my ceiling)

    This is how the game works. You shoot. Zombies die.

    The zombies cleared the entire room


    This room is just a little shorter, and more narrow than Normal. There are no barriers on ground level, although there is a place to stand above the door (awfully close to the door). At the back of the room is where you'll find the most protection, but the humans never last long. The respawn area is quite small and the betrayal shelf is even smaller. Your best bet is to kill the zombies before they even step foot into the room.

    Looking into the room

    Looking towards the door from the rear of the room

    Betrayal shelf (where the betrayed can spawn)

    Zombie respawn area


    This is the average, standard, and equal zombies map. It is long, wide and offers a bit more cover than the higher difficulties. Within Normal, you will find railings at the back of the room to prevent zombies from lunging from ground level. The zombies have a barrier that protrudes from the ceiling above the door to prevent immediate headshots. There is one central barricade constructed of doors. That's where you're gonna get your kills until a wave of zombies break through the door (at that point, retreat to the secondary defenses.) The betrayal shelf is the size of a double box. Zombies will have to get clever to reach you up there. Although there only a 50% chance you'll respawn there in the first place. Yep, so thats the normal zombies map.

    [COLOR=Silver]View from the door

    View from the rear

    View from outside

    Zombie respawn area

    Set up at the first line of defense

    Zombies clear the room


    [COLOR=Gray][SIZE=3]On Easy, you will find that cover is abundant and movable. Barriers, barrels, pallets, the norm (and even a propane tank for kicks). Easy is, well, just that. Humans will have very little difficulty keeping the zombies out of the room. The respawn area for the zombies is large as well. The Human have plenty of places to fall back to, as well as an overhanging fencing wall in the back to impede zombie lunges (sometimes). Overall, make sure you pick some patient, fun-loving zombies.

    [COLOR=White]View from the door

    View from back of room

    View from outside of map



    #1 Gunnergrunt, Feb 26, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2009
  2. resync

    resync Ancient
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    great maps, some of the best interlocking i have seen. plays great too. It captures the concept of the original zombies in halo 2. I also like the different difficulties, it gives noobs a chance too:) 5/5 great job!
  3. megathumbs

    megathumbs Ancient
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    ill admit it looks good, but it seems that the only thing to do is to stand still and shoot the zombies as they come through a narrow opening that is the only way into the room. Looks to be very un fun for the zombies based on the number of dead zombies there are in the picture.
  4. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Haha did ya ever play the original zombies on foundation in halo 2? remember all the dead bodies? =P
    But the zombies don't have to walk straight in either... they can walk in backwards to avoid a head shot. Or they can bounce off the ceiling of the door to avoid instant dead. It takes about five shots to the body to bring em down. The zombies also have other tricks such as jumping past the door to waste the humans' ammo. Or luring impatient humans outside of their room. Don't you worry, good friend, zombies get to have fun too! (Plus the winner of each round becomes the alpha zombie of the next game...
  5. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    wow, I really like that you made an enclosed infection map. I really do not see these two often. But I would have really liked for you to have entered in the conquest competition because I think that you would do very well with an enclosed map.

    Nice job on this though, very impressive, keep forging, you have pottential
  6. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Well thank you kind sir! As a matter of fact, i did enter into the conquest competition. The maps I entered were Drop Shock and Of the Essense, although neither of them have ceilings (both located in my signature). But let's stay on topic shall we? ^.^
  7. Sonic Boxers

    Sonic Boxers Ancient

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    sick maps, i personally love infection, and if these are infection maps then, 5/5!
    i could care less for the gametypes, these maps are prob the best ive seen in a while.
  8. A Badger Ferret

    A Badger Ferret Ancient
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    Gunner Grunt i tested heroic and legendary. ANd got under the map because back box didnt spawn at the begining did you fix that? Otherwise it as very good. I think ive tested all your maps and message me on halo 3 or private message me here if you want me to test and that goes for everyone here i will test any map you want but ill need you to test some of my maps.

    EDIT: I tested normal too now that i think about it. SAme offer though ill help test.
  9. Shlbamobinladen

    Shlbamobinladen Ancient
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    Play testing these was so much fun and you are right if you run out of ammo on legendary then you do start cowering in a corner knowing you will die. Fantastic maps though, everything was so smooth.(thats what she said)
  10. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    wow all the maps you made are really good. i like all of them. my favorie is the legendary. they are all very well forged. they all lookk very nice. the maps are all very nice. i think people will download all four of them.
  11. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    Awesome, Great, Great, Nice! I'll just say right now that the "easy" category is probably the least impressive. Nobody likes to be the zombie that dies over...and over again.

    But the first three maps have stunning aesthetics! The symmetry is great and you were justified to "show off your roof." Great variety!
  12. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Worry not, that problem was fixed before these maps were posted. Thanks for the offer, i'll send you a PM
  13. x Paralyze x

    x Paralyze x Ancient
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    The outside of the Easy mode would be good to build off of for a map imo.
  14. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    This is so heavily interlocked... You must have spent at least 4 days of solid forging to make these maps. They're amazing!

    Although these maps breaks the first rule of zombies: Always have more than one entry point; it looks extremely addictive to play. I'll DL the Heroic version I think.

    I'm surprised you didn't just change the gametypes, or have a combo of changing gametypes and maps. What are the traits anyway? This is quite possibly the most time I've seen spent on a map. It looks like you spent more time on each individual map than most people spend on their entire map. Well done. You deserve serious credit for that, if nothing else (and I doubt that these maps suck enough to deserve credit for nothing else).
  15. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    I realize this is the kind of infection map that strays from the qualities of a decent zombies map (one entrance point for example). But you're right, its very addicting and a different from a lot of zombies maps out there. To answer your question, the traits are vaguely specified on the front page. As for specifics of the game type, I chose not to list them. My reason being that this map functions well anywhere within those certain traits. I don't want players to feel restricted to only play my version of zombies. As long as you stick to the basic outline of the gametype, these maps will work great. And hey, there are probably tons of other ways to play these maps as well!

    Thank you for recognizing that these maps were built with a lot of time and patience! (Although probably not as much time as you assume. I draw each map out in detail before i go to the forge.)
  16. Black Magic105

    Black Magic105 Ancient
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    Yeah I played these maps a lot great job GunnerGrunt hey maybe u should put a mythic difficulty 5/5 the maps are sweet!
  17. skulltooth

    skulltooth Ancient
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    Wow! These are some of the best infection maps I've seen in a long time! Some of my favorites are actually on Pre-DLC. but lets stay on topic.
    I love how you offered different difficulties. But there is one more difficulty you could offer at the top, Mythic. Remember the Mythic Skull? Raises Legendary to Mythic. I say no cover for Mythic but thats just me.
    You got a full DL on all maps from me, I love the maps. 5/5! I'll rate gameplay in a bit.
  18. Eddie12390

    Eddie12390 Ancient
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    5/5. Great interlocking. Also, nice ceiling :p
  19. Wolverine

    Wolverine Ancient
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    All of these rooms are amazing. Perfect interlocking and i love the rooms. The first one deseves a shown off ceiling. It's pure fun. Legendary is great and even though its basically one hallway. Its fun basicly no need for improvement. 5/5 on both maps
  20. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Ok, I finally played all four of them, and here's my opinion on each.

    Ok, this is seriously just as it says: Easy. I think you made it almost too easy because even after we ran out of ammo with our pistols, we beat down zombies as they tried to crouch into the area we were camping in. It's seriously a noob map, but I like how it looks a lot.

    This really was the most balanced of all of the maps. People betrayed on this map a lot so that they could respawn on the betrayal platform, but they still died from doing it. The whole railing idea actually makes it harder for zombies by a lot more than I thought it would which is good when you're a human backed up into the back wall. This was probably the second best map of the four.

    Of all of the maps, this one had the most aesthetically pleasing human room. It also had a bunch of random hiding spots for the humans, which didn't help much but it distracted people in the game. Also, the zombie room has no roof, and that caused problems... For one of the rounds, the last man standing was a guest that somehow got out of the map. We didn't know if he spawned out there, or got out after beingn betrayed, because his main player had no mic in... I would look at that map again, because that's its only flaw really.

    This was the most fun map to play on. Humans felt screwed the second we spawned in the tiny room, and the alpha zombie walked in and wondered why the room was so small (lol). The two strips of cover serve their purpose for both humans and zombies, which really helped gameplay. The area with the red light against the back wall was the last stand area for the last couple of humans each round and it really made humans feel screwed. The side areas were a nice addition to the map, because it serves as a good place to hide while the zombies focus on the humans by the red light. Overall the best map of the four, by far.

    Additional Note: If you could, I highly recommend that you make a Mythic difficulty map and that you work on the Heroic map again to fix those errors with getting out of the map. Also, I would try to make easy a little less easy. Just move the fence walls up a bit so that they just don't have to crouch to get to that area along the back wall because it's just unfair the way it is now.
    #20 Master Debayter, Feb 28, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2009

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