Sorry if this is the wrong forum to post this in. If it is, I am happy for this to be shifted. Anyway, as the Halo Wars LCE came out in Australia on Thursday, I have had just over 3 hours to search around the new maps for the skulls. So far I haven't found the Orbital skull - I suspect it might be in the lift or under some forgeable objects. Anyway, here are the Assembly and Sandbox skull locations. Note: From what I've found, you need to be in forge to get these. Assembly: Spoiler You need to turn into the monitor, and fly up to the pipes connecting to the tallest structure (the one above the grav hammer in the middle). On the lower, middle pipe, you will find the skull. Sandbox: Spoiler You should probably fly around in theatre to discover where I am referring to. If you were to draw a straight line from the blue light object to the red light object (or is it the other way around? I can't remember [this is why you use theatre]) and kept going through the dunes, you would reach the skull. If you don't see it straight away, follow the edge of the sand around the map. Rest assured that it is there on the boundary of the sand. Anyway, (this took me about twenty minutes to do) now for the hard part. As you will find, the obelisks can (and will) kill you, even if you set the game options to players being invincible and 300% speed. What you need to do is create a receiver node and fly (with it) to the location of the skull. I find that the higher you are from the ground, the less you are hit. Basically, if you make yourself slow by constantly rising and falling (RB, LB, RB, etc.) you will find yourself an easy target, so only go downwards (once you are past the boundary) if you feel that you must drop the teleport more accurately, or make sure where the skull is. Chances are that as soon as you press the A button to drop the receiver you will be hit. Then just make a sender on the same channel, go through it and if you are unable to pick up the skull after a few tries, just do the same thing, but instead of dodging your way through the dunes, create a reciever on a different channel, go through the first sender, and place the second receiver closer to the skull. To get this one, I had to place the teleport almost right next to the skull, (so I could pick it up as soon as I came through) and even then it took me a few tries. Good luck anyway, and don't mess with the towers - they can shoot through shield doors, walls, or anything else you try to protect yourself with (correct me if you find otherwise).
This is inappropriate without spoiler tags. I've edited your post, but you should know (for future reference) to put spoiler warnings.
Simple you use [ spoiler ] <insert text here> [ /spoiler ]. Note that I spaced it out so that you could see it. If I didn't, it would be like this: Spoiler <insert text here>
Quick question, are they foregable? Also just for future reference... You can also do that by using [noparse][noparse] tags. watch: Spoiler not spoiled [/noparse][/noparse] (note that I had two noparse tags in there, one actually worked the other was for show.
Unfortunately they are not forgeable, so there wont be any skull slayer games . I'm pretty sure that they appear in custom games though, so you could probably have teleports leading to them if you wanted.
Thanx for the two spoilers. When I get Halo Wars LCE this week, I will find these skulls first thing. I knew someone would release them eventually. lol. Thx Again.