Airsoft Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Mr Pokephile, Feb 23, 2009.

  1. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Airsoft Discussion Thread

    Well, first off if you don't know what airsoft is, please read up on it Here

    This thread was made the the civil discussion thread for airsoft. You can post your pictures, story's, and websites here. Please refrain from spamming as this is general chat.

    Feel free to post your guns if you do airsoft, :)

    Also, please When posting about your gun, please supply pictures if possible, randomly making up facts doesn't really help to this thread at all.

    If you have came here to argue whether Paintball is better or Airsoft is, please make a thread in the debate section, not here. This thread is for Airsoft, and airsoft only. Thanks.
    #1 Mr Pokephile, Feb 23, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2009
  2. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    I play at my cousins with his automatics, his friends brings over their weapons so we have a war with 4 Ak's running around his huge yard. I played a couple times over vacation break last week and I still have some little welts on the back of my leg. Those guns shoot at like 375 fps and from 10 feet away it hurts like a *****.

    If Halo Wars wasn't coming out I'd be interested in getting a sniper rifle that way I could just pick off people from across the street and if they rush me I can always run away faster than they can charge me.
  3. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    My guns:

    G36C Assault Rifle
    375 FPS

    MK23 Gas Pistol
    350 FPS

    I mainly use those, but I have two spring pistols, a shotgun, and my brother uses:

    MP5 A4
    400 FPS
    #3 Psycho, Feb 23, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2009
  4. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    People, if you're going to post your guns, post pictures you have taken. Otherwise, Pics or it didn't happen...

    Here are mine, Firepower XM8 (I know it's ****, but I got it from Bl00D for cheap and I just bought a metal gearbox for it that should hopefully boost it's fps to 350) and a KSC Beretta 92FS Springer...
    Sorry for the poor quality, taken with iPhone
    #4 Saberwing 9875, Feb 23, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2009
  5. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    Hey Sean.... WE CAN TAKE'EM!! NO WE CAN'T!! hehehe
  6. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    I got an AK, all i know is that it shoots little plastic things...
  7. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    lol i got two broken pistols, broken uzi, another broken pistol, broken shotgun, and a working shotgun lol; working shotgun hurts like a ***** when your friend shoots you from like six inches away lol
  8. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I have a full-sized metal 500 FPS sniper with scope, bipod, and shell-ejection, a Desert Eagle pistol that shoots around 350 FPS, a jammed full-auto MP5 that shoots 320 FPS(sold double-clip to friend), a broken 400 FPS Mac 10, a broken SPAS shotgun which used to be my favorite until it jammed, a semi-auto UMP shooting around 360 FPS, a Kitty Kat rifle that shoots 400 FPS with a curved barrel and broken stock, a broken AK that was terrible to begin with, and one of those mini-airsofts(Steyr).

    The Kitty Kat's barrel is curved because I pressed the barrel right up to my hand and fired, believing that the lack of air pressure would slow it down(it usually does), but it has air slots along the barrel. So I threw it across my driveway.
  9. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    Can you guys also post what brand names of guns you got please? That way I can tell if it is crap or not.

    Well anyways, I've been airsofting since I was 10 and am saving up for an ICS m4 right now. I need money, all I have is a tsd m3 tri shotgun :(
  10. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Holy ****! Your gun shoots money?!?!?

    BTW, Paintball's better, IMO.
  11. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
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    I'm pretty sure this is the AIRSOFT DISCUSSION THREAD.

    Airsoft, or gtfo.

    JG M4 Carbine (pretty good durable, cheap guns)


    My gun, except mine has an orange tip.

    415 fps w/ .12g
    390-400 fps w/ .20g (what I use)

    It is a really nice gun, and superb accuracy for only $150 dollars or so, with shipping.
  12. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hahaha, that's what I've been thinking this entire damn time...

    Here are some more pictures of mine.
    Firepower XM8
    Firepower MP5-SD3
    KSC Beretta 92F
    (I know the Firepower guns are ****, but they are mostly TM compatible. So I've bought an upgraded Version 3 Gearbox for the XM8)
    #12 Saberwing 9875, Feb 25, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2009
  13. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    GAHHH the gearbox for my XM8 is still on it's way... according to UPS tracking, it left LA at 4:52am Local time... on Feb 25th... I WANT TO KNOW WHERE IT IS DAMMIT...
  14. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    What kind of gearbox did you get? Specs please, just shell or full? Brand? And how much did it cost?

    I've never heard of firepower guns before, I'm guessing they're some sort of cybergun rebrand from some unknown chinese brand?
  15. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    Here is the link to the exact gearbox on the site I bought it from:
    JG G36C Complete Gearbox by: JG - Airsoft GI - Welcome to the ultimate

    As for Firepower, they're basically like Cyma... But given how hard it is to get airsoft guns here in Canada, It's better then nothing...
  16. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

  17. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    Back on topic, myself, Bl00D F1R3, and Cam1317... Bl00D is the one in the weird mesh leaf suit. I'm in the OD Combats, and Cam is in the normal clothes with the gay hat.
  18. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That looks like a nice playing area you got there, how large is it? The only area I have is this dried up trench/dam with a hill near it and annoying neighbors who call the cops. There's also this one CQB place about a 2 hour drive away but I don't have a good enough gun yet or I'll die. Just a TSD m3 trishotgun.
  19. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Saberwing and I play at this area right off a farm. It owned by the farm and its private property accept no one cares, You can't see it from anywhere on the road and its got hills, a meadow, sand dunes, bunkers and a lot more :)
  20. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    Hahaha, it's pretty nice. Alot of BMX bikers used to use it. And they built some massive jumps and berms and stuff, and then they just left... So now we've got all these little hills and ditches and stuff to hide in, aswell as some small structures.

    Don't you just hate when the Cops get called? Bl00D and I were playing airsoft outside this one kids house a couple years back... And like we were just playing on his driveway and backyard and stuff. And I've got a full black Sig Sauer P226 springer, Bl00D has a black M4A1 with an orange tip, and our friend had black G36C with an orange tip. So Bl00D and I are trying to advance into the backyard, but our friend is shooting at us. So I lay down cover fire, and Bl00D sprints over, and just as he reaches the backyard I hear a car and notice flashing lights... and I'm like ****, so I throw my gun into some long grass where they can't see it... The cops get out of the car just as Bl00D comes running back around to the front with his M4... And he just froze...

    lol, apparently this guy down the street works for child services... And he's never liked us, and he thought we were shooting animals with air rifles and stuff... Anyway, there are 4 cruisers for our town, and we had 3 of them come to see us... The cops thought the guns were cool though and were playing with them and laughing. hehehe

    Here are some pics from winter last year where we play:

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