Official Steam News 02-24-2009 07:28 PM -------------------------------------------- A free update for the Xbox 360 version of Left 4 Dead is available now via Xbox Live. The update includes a host of fixes, tweaks and new features, including enhancements to Versus mode for improved competitive play. The full change list is: General - Fixed Survivors being able to climb surfaces marked for versus infected only - Fixed a class of SurvivorBot bugs dealing with rescuing downed players - Players can no longer grab ladders while flying through the air after a Tank punch - Shooting near a car with an alarm that has already fired the alarm will no longer make chirping noises - Fixed mini-gun physics exploit - Fixed propane tanks (and other physics objects) causing players to fall through elevators - Fixed rare achievement bug issues - Fixed several map exploits Versus Changes - Added HUD elements to show status of other infected players - Fixed instance where a Survivor changing to the infected team would be attacked by infected bots - Normalized special infected melee damage - Fixed exploit where infected players could run away and teleport back to gain health - Players can only change teams once per map - Players can't change teams while other players are still loading - Tank spawns at the same % through the map for both teams in versus mode - Made the Tank and Witch spawn directly on the escape route - Increased chance of getting the Tank or Witch - Fixed team swap issue Hunter - Easier to pounce a Survivor who is meleeing - Increased Minimum damage a Hunter pounce does Smoker - Fixed Smoker tongue tolerance - Smoker now has to be killed or the tongue destroyed for the tongue to break - Survivors cannot bash someone off the tongue until the Survivor being pulled is paralyzed or hanging - Tongue attacks that fail to paralyze or hang a Survivor will use the shorter ability delay timer - Fixed cases where the ability timer was not using the correct time - Fixed case where you could point at a Survivor but not register a tongue hit - Fixed Smoker tongue not targeting and landing properly through PZ ghosts - Smoker tongue does damage every second while dragging paralyzed Survivors Tank - Bashable objects now appear with a red glow - Tanks hitting a car with an alarm disables the alarm permanently - Tank frustration timer is only reset by hitting Survivors with rocks or fists - Reduced autoshotgun damage against Tanks Witch - Witch spawns at the same % through the map for both teams - Avoids spawning within a certain % of the tank - Fixed an exploit where the Witch could be woken up and tricked into attacking Survivors All I can say is ****ING FINALLY! EDIT: Also, since all servers are dedicated and not hosted by players, it will take a while for the patch to take effect on every server. Just be patient, people.
Tell me about it! From what I've heard, the Smoker isn't completely useless now. I just finished my homework and can't wait to try it out.
Thank god. The mini gun was annoying as **** whenever I was shooting it would make me randomly get off.
I think that's there intentionally. If you pull back at all you just hop off to get off at a moments notice. What the patch refers to is where people could bash the minigun and launch themselves.
He's more useful on long range Blood Harvest since they can't see you and most people don't know that you have to kill the Smoker or break the tongue. Other then that, he's still just as useless.
When I was playing I actually felt like I was doing something as the Smoker. I almost always do some damage now before they get free.
The Smoker has always been a useful special infected. He just needs to be used in the right places and in junction with the other special infected. A Smoker by himself has to be used very strategically. I'm glad they got this patch out as I enjoy playing this game a lot.
YAY! I love this game. It's so simple, yet so fun. I am glad the patch finally came out. There are some nice fixes in there. -Donuts
Yes, but when we compare that to what 1 Hunter can do. It's nothing. That's the problem. Everything the Smoker can, the Hunter can do better. 1 Flame Hunter at a 25 damage spot can kill 1 Survivor in 5 seconds. That's the absolute best a Hunter can do. Compare that to the best a Smoker can do, without glitches, is kill someone if they lag behind and are at choke points in much longer a time frame then the Hunter. The Boomer is the instigator. I'd rather have 3 Hunters and a Boomer then 2 Hunters, a Smoker and a Boomer.
Gr8 work steam, dedicated servers, what absoloutley every game needs.... Hunter hasnt fixed at all tough
Telrad, this isn't a discussion on which special infected is better at killing survivors. Hunters obviously do more damage in many situations, while the Smoker is a valuable tool in a select few situations. Smokers are good for pulling survivors off high places and splitting up a team if they aren't careful. The Smoker was never meant to be an effective killing machine like the Hunter. If it was three hunters and a boomer, it would be way unfair for the survivors. If anything, the Smoker was made to be 'worse' in many situations to balance the gameplay. Luckily, with this patch they have finally made it to where it isn't boring or a complete frustration to play as the Smoker, imo.
When they said easier to attack a meleeing human, did they mean they fixed the glitch were the person could punch the hunter over and over again and the hunter couldn't move? God I hated that.
I never turned this into a 'which special infected is better at killing' thread. I'm just saying that they barely did anything to fix the Smoker. Smoker is still pretty useless at what it's supposed to be good at. A much better change would have been the ability to pull survivors through Hordes as the Smoker can only work with a clear sight at the Survivors, which is terrible because you need the Boomer to really do damage. It's still frustrating to play as Smoker as its still too annoying to do any serious damage. Also, it's possible to get up to 4 Hunters. The limit is 1 Boomer, 1 Smoker and 4 Hunters.
The developers consider it a glitch to have more than two hunters on a team. And, imo, I think the Smoker is just fine now. Just must be how I play.
Are you sure? Do you have any direct source? 'Cause the way I see it, it makes the game balanced. Why? Imagine this. Player A takes his Boomer pukes on 1 survivor and Kamikazes the next. 2 Survivors are now Boomed. Player B has 3 seconds to spawn and when he spawns, he gets Boomer since player A died. He does the same as Player A and now the next 2 are Boomed. BTW, Booming more then 1 Survivor cancels the ability to spawn as Boomer, don't quote me on that though. Anyway, Smoker is not fine. His whole ability makes him horrible. He's useless in CQB due to the wait time before they can't attack. Result is that he dies in Close Combat every time. Boomer excels here and can boom them without problems most of the time. Hunters can keep punching them. In long range, he grabs someone from far away and the survivor can kill him in this period of time. The entire length of the tongue can be easily shot to free the Survivor and then he finally gets to the same level of a Hunter. Boomer shouldn't be spawned if they are far away and the Hunter can get a damage bonus, double damage and sometimes triple damage depending on factors that can be controlled. All the places the Smoker is really useful are really specific and the Hunter and Boomer can do better anyway.
So your saying that the height of a Smoker game is to be able to move the survivors 1 inch back to be promptly killed. You do realise that all the other infected aren't nearly as specificly needed in certain situations compared to the Smoker? You do realise that the Boomer does a better job at moving the survivors back a couple inches? You do realise that the Hunter is better at causing choas?