If anybody out there could possibly hook me up, i don't care how you do it, with a Mythic Map Code with the release of HaloWars i will give you a 1600 MSP card code that i still have not pealed off. Message me on XBL. MY gamertag is: xZonKeD PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! ----ON THE RELEASE DATE OF HALO WARS----
Those codes are going for $40-50 on ebay... 1600 ms points probably isn't going to cut it. It's probably worth waiting.
What Striker said. I also doubt anybody is going to sell you a mythic map pack code for so little lol...
Trust me, if Foundry can last us almost two years, I'm sure Sandbox will give you enough enjoyment for three to four years. The possibilities are endless and I am sure that we'll see plenty of maps being submitted on Forgehub for a good long time. You can wait, I'm sure Bungie won't make it only purchasable through the Limited Edition of Halo Wars for too long. Give it at least two weeks after at the minimum before you see it as a stand alone download.
its going to be released on the marketplace on April 7th (what has been heard and what is suspected) PLEASE READ OT IT SAYS ON THE RELEASE DATE OF HALOWARS NOT AN EARLIER DATE LIKE TODAY
Here is a plan... Why not just by Halowars and get the codes there? Honestly you're going to be paying about the same either way.
l0l i can give u mythic c0de 4 3200 MSP, just give me pointz firzt. lul. Kidding. Get it on Halo Wars LCE.