Valley Forge v2 by Gunnergrunt Here's a link to the original Valley Forge post. Description When Valley Forge was first posted, members commented on the lack of cover on the valley floor. Although Valley Forge supported vehicles, players had no chance of survival when crossing the open space found at ground level. Upon request and complaint, a new valley floor has been constructed. Evidence of human construction can be found among the large stumps of ancient trees that now cover the floor of this once barren valley. There are now several decent objects of cover strewn across the ground. These objects not only offer relief from the fire of combat, but they also allow quick access to higher elevations of the map. Because this map was built with vehicles in mind, there is still enough space to maneuver comfortably around the valley floor. The cover has been placed in key areas of the map to obscure certain lines of sight. Although new cover has been erected, players will noticed the quick flowing game play remains the same. Not only does the cover improve game play, but it also improves the aesthetic appeal of the map. Players can easily picture themselves in an outdoor battleground setting. The natural effect gives the map a larger, more realistic feeling. Weapon placement remains nearly the same as the original Valley Forge; the only change being a different needler location (in the long tunnel under the small hill). Valley Forge v2 was built with the sole purpose of providing the increased amount of cover that was demanded by members Weapons and Gameplay Valley Forge has: 2 snipers (increased respawn time) 1 laser (increased respawn time) 5 battle rifles 2 needlers 2 plasma rifles 4 plasma grenages 4 frag grenades 4 SMG's 1 gravity lift (increased respawn time) 1 ghost 2 mongoose Because weapon placement is nearly the same as the original map, this section will be brief. Players will now find a needler in the long underground tunnel below the small hill. If you would like a more detailed explanation of the weapon gameplay, visit the post linked at the top of the page. Pictures Hollowed out tree trunk Large tree remains Large tree trunk (skilled jumpers will find this tree useful) Entrance to sniper cave Trees growing up the side of the cliff Construction vehicles and hollow trunk The valley floor Valley floor (other side) (note the bark-like affect within the trunk) Overview of the new cover View from sniper cave (note the obscured line of sight) Jumping access to higher elevation Action Shots Vehicular combat supported Mid range, long range Ground level combat Splatter addiction Mortar control (note that the wraith is immobilized. It's mortar launcher only covers half of the big hill.) A big thanks to all my maps testers (..and the many more who are not listed) Download
This was an awsome new version, I think some cover is over used like the crates up against the wall. When someone would throw a grav lift, everything would go crazy. Fantastic map though. I think it should get featured!!!! Could have done with out the lag
Much better than the first, and I believed that the first was great too. The cover is much better, one word of constructive critisism would be to maybe do something with the bridge and stair ramp along the wall. It just looks a little akward, but that's insignificant. Great job
excellent, far better than the first. merging/geomerging are perfect, the gameplay looks top notch, genius layout. what else to say??? great map.
Never actually played the first, but the interlocking and open vehicle fighting space map looks pretty sweet. Guess I might DL lol. All I have against it is the wraith. I'm not sure, but it makes game play seem a bit unfair. Oh well, 4/5.
I get that comment a lot my friend. The wraith is actually immobilized. All it's good for is the mortar launcher which covers half of the big hill across the map. It can always be easily destroyed by the spartan laser or boarded from the left side tunnel (the wraith can't shoot that far to the left)
the map looks very well forged. very nice looking. i can tell you spent a lot of time on it. i think that the map can support a very nice game, but its a little open. nice job. i really like the base towards the back. its niceeeee.
I must say that this map looks a lot better than your first version. I especially liked the cover you added in the "valley". It makes it a lot more fair, in my opinion. Even though the Wraith Tank can be over powered in the right hands, it still makes for unique gameplay on Foundry. I'm not used to it lol.. but it's kind of a good thing. The Machine Gun Turret on the cliff adds a good feeling to the gameplay. When I played it, it was a major spot to control, and it created some interesting encounters. Overall, I give v.2 a 4.5/5
What I really like about this map is that its unique. You managed to make a unique make on foundry (theme wise), and the weird part is, this map doesnt even contain much cover. Yet gameplay looks great judging by your action shots.
This map looks pretty good. Looks great for big team games perhaps, with all the vehicular combat. As in your first version, I like the overall layout. You hardly ever see foundry maps that utilize vehicles effectively, and this map looks to do so. I also really like the immobilized wraith, and with it's limited firing range it would not seem overpowering, and still be somewhat effective. Great Map. I might download later if I have the chance, but like everyone else, I'm saving all the space I can for Mythic. Keep Forging.
nice map, this is definitely an improvement from the first version. this map looks great because it isn't all mlg, it has a lot of 'scenery' to it, and it uses most of foundry. good job, i'm downloading this. 4.5/5
WOW i loved every aspect of it. if my mum wasnt a ***** and took my xbox i would be on it now. i love the hollowed out tree. its rad. 12/10
LOL! MY GT IS IN THE LAST PIC! (l33tmeerkatslol) We had lots of fun testing this. It's a really good map. DL!DL!DL! I'm definately downloading. I hope we can play again soon gunner.
Great job, I like the map before you made changes and now it looks even better than before. Hope to see great maps out of you in the future, and keep it up!
Seems to me like you havent tried this map yet! Valley Forge v2 supports vehicles quite well actually and they are used often. There is plenty of room for the vehicles to maneuver on ground level and the ghost can even drive up the ramps to the big hill which gives it much more efficiency.
Map looks great. gameplay is arlight. It would be better if some strategic lines of sight were cut off. meaning... put columns for walls to prevent being able to shoot people accross the map. The map is what I call "thin". Make it thicker. Thicker maps separate battles and give both sides a chance for surprising the enemy. Separating battles is important. Think of Guardian... you can't see all parts of the map... so if your teammates are being killed at top mid... but you are in blue room... it separates you from helping your teammate for a while... which means... the map requires strategic gameplay...Plus it's harder to double team.. which people usually hate. and not just scanning over the whole map from one location seeing where the enemy spawned. On the contrary though.. thicker maps should ALSO help double teaming in a way that both can enter an area from different locations to ambush someone. So basically as a rule of thumb I would say Make your map thick My definition of "Thick" : Design the map so you HAVE to move places(because lines of sight are blocked) and so that you CAN move places without worrying about being shot from more than 3 angles at all times. BUT also design the map so that strategy is put into play, and that there are multiple pathways to take. It's hard to find the perfect combination though. I'm not a perfect map designer myself but it's what I've learned from downloading and testing so many maps. NOW I'm not saying that your map doesn't involve strategy... but Your map seemed thin to me so I decided to write a whole bunch of crap on my opinion. Sorry for picking YOUR map to do my teachings in. lol
I have tried that several times. It really kills the whole effect and feeling of the map. I have tested it with horizontal and vertical pillars spanning the entire map. The gameplay just turns into the standard, generic, forged-map-style killing. I wanted this map to be different from the accepted and common style of maps which have developed on foundry, and it needed to keep its unique feel and gameplay. I appreciate your suggestion though!
You know, I really like this. It's really creative. I will definitely get a game on this tonight, and be back with my comments. Again, this map looks very creative, and is separate from the rest of the pack. Whether that is good or bad remains to be seen.
you know hwat i really like about this map? well everything, but my favorite is how you used pretty much everything for cover and structures, except boxes and walls. Thats pretty amazing to say the least, and i love the risk and reward factor in this, my only gripe is the turret, its kind of in a weird place. Maybe you should move it our put it against a wall so they have to take it off