
Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by DimmestBread, Dec 28, 2008.

  1. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Created by DimmestBread


    4-10 Players

    MLG Team slayer
    MLG Oddball
    MLG CTF (onslaught ctf)
    MLG King
    *Compatible with any version of the above listed gametypes

    Hello, this is one of my first MLG maps that I have made. This is made for the Forge like a pro contest. It is based on my asymmetrical map Alpine, which is in my sig. This map is symmetrical. It uses the entire area of foundry. There aren't any actual bases, but the closest things are the two towers. There is a middle tower and two side towers. There are two sets of teleporters that act as a lift and camping them is hard and it doesn't work. This map has a lot of vertical gameplay, and the lines of sight are about medium range.

    Overview Pictures:


    The tower

    The middle

    The stairs (sliced off the corner so you can see around it)

    Teleporters (closed in so you can't accidentaly go through)

    Other Pictures:




    Gamplay Pictures:

    I'm never picking up rockets again

    Three versus one: I lost of course

    Camping next to the teleporter doesn't work now does it

    Nice headshot... one me

    Well thats my map. I know your not supposed to have teleporters but they aren't exactly banned so I thought I would try to make it work. Please leave constructive critisism.
    Special thanks goes to G043R for helping me so much.

    EDIT: Who rated my thread and didn't post. wtf?

    Heres the download link if you missed it above:
  2. NYYanks33

    NYYanks33 Ancient
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    How is this MLG?
  3. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    How is it not? Name a thing in there that is banned by MLG. Keep in mind I said banned, not discouraged to use.
  4. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    0 as in a new spin for mlg. i love the cutting of the corner idea. its open and probably very fastpaced. i hate mlg with a passion, but for those who dont, i am sure this would be fun.

    *except, teleporters aren't the wisest choice. 5/5
  5. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    There not but they work very well. they act exactly like the lifts on construct.
  6. xXxI4 shotIxXx

    xXxI4 shotIxXx Ancient
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    Im queing this right now off name alone.I got a map with the same name check it out see what you think.Great minds think alike I guess.To your map though from what I see every thing is interlocked smooth, I like the others like the cutting the corner.
  7. NYYanks33

    NYYanks33 Ancient
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  8. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    they are not banned, but they are discouraged to use. Doesn't mean I can't though.
  9. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    They aren't commonly used because, it's an instant movement across a map. Sometimes they can make spawn camping worse, but if they are used correctly, they are a great tool.
  10. xmercanarybobx

    xmercanarybobx Ancient
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    if your going to use a teleporter....its a good thing that you used a 1 way nod so you dont have tele hoppers in the map.....overall nice map!!
  11. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Thanks for the backup Jay. I basically used them as a lift.

    they are reciever and sender...
    EDIT: Oops, didn't quite understand your post. Ignore what I just said and thanks.
  12. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Very true. For example Xyience has a teleporter and it's one of the most amazing amazing mlg maps out there.
  13. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    and so does Insanes new MLG map requim.

    Yeah I just realized someone necro posted the crap out of this like an hour ago. i forgot I posted this in december.
  14. TheRagingBeast

    TheRagingBeast Ancient
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    I've seen your maps and I think you don't clearly understand the concept of MLG. I'm a forger at both MLG forums and here, and you can't put so called "MLG weapon set" on a map then brand it "MLG".

    That's all I can say, if you wanna know why I will tell you, but I will most likely get flamed because people here at FH don't understand things from my perspective and MLG forums' perspective. So take the criticism or argue?

    About the forums thing between FH and MLG the arguing gets annoying, no offense but we know a lot more about gameplay and you guys are just as good as forgers as we are, but like aesthetics more, where we like good gameplay and skill. So lets have peace.
  15. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    it seems you were indirectly saying that this map is aesthetically pleasing. In case you were, its not.

    This was MADE for MLG because people told me to do something new. Would you say you have seen this done before?

    No its not like the average or good MLG map, it has different gamplay, but it has vertical gameplay, something many MLG maps lack.

    I'll take your critisism. I WANT IT. It can only help. What should I change or what do you have a problem with?
  16. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Pretty much you are saying that MLG Forums are better than ForgeHub. Way to generalize us. Stay on topic people ;)
  17. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    No he wasn't or I don't believe he was. They are better in some ways and we are better in others. Keep it clean.
  18. TheRagingBeast

    TheRagingBeast Ancient
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    Yes Dimmest, now what I am trying to say as you have to design something for MLG. For example this map has too many jump-ups which take away from any paced gameplay, jump-ups are only needed to get to a power weapon to make it dangerous, theres too many dumpsters here. Second there is too much lazy cover where you placed dumpsters, barriers, or A/B signs instead of making unique structures. Let me see map again then i'll come back and edit this....

    Okay so there seems to be more problems. The structures sort of seem random, and there isn't much incentive to go to most of those places unless theres a power weapon, and because jump ups people are going to want to take the ramp or just stay on the ground which is bad. Because if you're on the ground the whole time it creates weird gameplay and grenade spamming from the higher levels of the map. Also you want to refrain from using fence walls as cover unless your going to put a sheild dorr inside of it so you can't shoot through.

    Fix these things, do some more geo's (like the open double boxes bottom mid) and gameplay will be much better!

    Second edit: I wasn't saying MLG was better than FH, I am a member of both and I just think it's annoying when people (not saying anyone in this thread) start flaming eachother about who knows more about what.
  19. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    I don't think I have fence walls as cover anywhere. I have them as a floor in a small spot and as a fence for the teleporter so you can't accidentaly go into it.

    I believe there are 4 dumpsters in each back hallway area, 2 behind each tower and 4 in the middle.

    Now the 4 in the back hallway are there just so if you don't feel like walking around the wall, which would only take .2 seconds longer, you can jump up. Another is a jump up into the platform in the back so you don't just have to use the stairs (or there should be one there). The 4 behind the towers are there for good reason. I needed a piece of cover there that you could jump over, so that ruled out a box and I didn't want a barrier so I put a dumpster. Its sort of like a slolem course.

    Now the 4 in the middle do need to go and they have in a regular version of this map that I have made. I made them into ramps. Was that a good choice?

    For movement, Lets see. Well, the back alley area has a sniper on each side. Top middle has rockets and the middle structure is good to control. The far corners have teleporters so you will go there to get up higher safely and quickly. The middle has an overshield so you will want to go there. The towers have carbines and maulers. you would go where The AB signs are for quick transition from side to side.

    I know its hard to believe, but almost every structure on this map is there for a reason. If you remove any object, it will change the map. Its not random. It cuts off a crapload of lines of sight. Although this is old and I have done much more to this map recently. A lot of the things made for this map were like this because I ran out of objects.

    respond, I still want to see what you think of this.
  20. TheRagingBeast

    TheRagingBeast Ancient
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    Okay well for adding the ramps in mid that was a good choice. I'm just gonna dl map and get back to you instead of looking at screenies so I can see where your weapons are and get more detail. I'll do the edit thing again brb...

    Okay top mid needs a power up so move custom in between the 2 signs farthest from the back bases and put a sender node w/ a receiver node to the carbine. Or put camo in between the signs and put mauler where custom is. Like I said there is too many jump ups, so get creative and make a lift (never more than two in a map) or make ramps. As for the snipers, move them to top Carbine (top blue and red base), I know you'll say thats what the teleporter is for but it creates more diversity to have the snipers up top because there are three routes to take there. The brigdes, stairs, and teleporters. okay the back bases are the parts that need most work. I don''t think you understood when I said random structures and lazy cover. From back bases throughout the sides of the map, there is walls/dumpsters placed there for lazy cover. and the structures do block LOS but anyone can do that, or if I just threw down a doublewall, i could say it blocks LOS and provides coverm because it does. but thats boring and unoriginal. So for the back bases to the sides I say redesign that and make some ramps and a cool structure connecting where the two sides meet and the back bases. If you don't quite grasp what I'm saying, I can't say much more on the map, I mean you'd have to redesign and make bases that have purposes ( or more purpose) or live with this. And the map isn't very good, I'm saying that as nice as i can, but that's really the only way to put it.

    Check out my full foundry map and see if you know what I'm talking about, my map and yours are similar in a way:Ordinance

    I hope I didn't sound mean or anything......and if link doesn't work use my sig. Edit; I reccommend you download map to get a better look, and I'm not trying to advertise my map or anything mods....

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