I really like the Garchomp one. It works really well. But the others look good too. You seem to have a decent style down.
The first is my favorite by far. The lighting is excellent and the flow is good. The 3rd one, can't remember the pokeman's name, is the only other one i find good. The rest just are boring colors with bad lighting.
I realized something. PUT DOWN THE BLACK BORDER, AND WALK AWAY SLOWLY. There are other borders you know.
hmmm i like them, although the one of that guy from Madagascar seems a bit plain. This is just my opinion, but i think he should be pointing to something, although i do like the simplicity to the sig.
I love your style of sigs, not many can get away with being so simple. The top one is by far my favorite. Also, the arcanine sig is awesome as well. All of them are really. All are fcking win, except for the Madagascar one. Something about it's just meh.