Sandbox...its been heartily degraded due to its lack of movable objects (ironic since we wanted more of their counterparts from the move to the first DLC pack) and thus the lack of switch-making ability. I'm here to disregard that notion and give you guys hope : P Inspired by a switch I saw on Chronnie's new Sandbox map, I decided to incorporate it into my zombie map as a means of streamlining the gameplay, here tis! The idea will be used differently in my map, as the two-part switch mechanism will be split, with the cause and effect parts being on opposite ends of my map. This was merely to prove that it could be done so that I don't get stuck later on. Overview In the first box (made of 2 closed TUBE PIECEs), also known as the Cause-end or the 1st part of the switch...there is: an inverted MONGOOSE 4 FUSION COILs (supported by SENDER and RECEIVER NODEs) a GRAV LIFT (supported by WEAPON HOLDER) In the second box (single TUBE PIECE), aka effect end, there is: GRAV LIFT (supported by a WEAPON HOLDER) Its effectively a mix between a mongoose switch and a min/max grav lift switch. CAUSE: all objects are set to never respawn/spawn at start the player flips the mongoose. which pushes a fusion coil, ever so slightly, into a grav lift which then propels the same coil into its bretheren, exploding everything inside the box (which is completely enclosed) including the grav lift EFFECT: The grav lift in the 2nd box spawns instantly as the first explodes, pushing two TINY BLOCKs down a track and opening the path. CONCLUSION: I know, its a simple switch, but I got tired of all you naysayers believing that sandbox would fail. You don't need super crazy switches to get the job done, hell, we still have pallets, a small crate/dumpster substitute (TINY BLOCK) and even antannae. So there, its done. Now quit your whining.
I was scared at first, but my fear went away when someone told me blocks(its nice they match the textures of everything else) were like crates and dumpsters which is all you really need besides pallets, grav lifts, and fusion coils. Although propanes and barrels would have been nice.
a ray of hope, in what was going to be a switchless future. nice job, you've show us that switches can be done. but i miss dumpsters. EDIT: but since everything on sandbox has the same texture, this means secret blend-in doors, yay
Yay for switches. I'm glad switches will still be incorporated into maps on Sandbox. Sandbox, although not perfect, has turned out to be an awesome addition to the Halo 3 maps.
It's difficult to take you people seriously, all can think is 'how'd he get those maps errr...' Anyway, ya, I can think of soo many good switches using radio antenas, i'm so pumped for mythic, I actually might get Halo Wars just for that.
***** please i did the first switch door on sandbox. tons saw it on the live stream. lol but yours looks cool, youll have to show me. mine was real dirty cause i didnt have alot of rounds/time to work with in a 10 player forge session with lag lol.
lol i know i just thought id throw that in there.. dont even know if i was first or not.. but its likely.
Damn! I was going to be the one to save you all with an awesome switch idea! Stupid mods who got the maps early beat me to it. I was going to use the damaged block.
One problem. You should be able to get in the mongoose through the wall now. Unless it is grabbed by the gravlift as well.
Not when the mongoose is facing the wall as it is in that 3rd pic from the bottom. Perhaps that's why it's inverted?
Ah ok. I admit defeat then. I will just have to comfort myself with the fact that Sarge cannot beat me at Hog the Hill.
Um, your thread title is sort of contradictory to the actual post...The thread title is saying that there is no hope for switch creators, but then you make a switch...
Lol, "Abandon All Hope Ye Who Forge Here" I didn't notice that before. Sarge, change your thread title.
Fairly sure it was mentioned that the fusion coils destroy all items inside the box, aka the mongoose too.
Its making fun of all the idiots who said "SANDBOX WONT ALLOW FOR FORGING WAAHHHH" so no, I'm not changing it.