good Paintball

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by A snorkel, Feb 25, 2009.


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  1. A snorkel

    A snorkel Ancient
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    THE Best Paintball Map!!! (i like to brag)
    i see all these paintball maps and they seem to be too big or have too little cover. i made this map a while back and now i feel like sharing it.
    my clan RGC (Renegade Gaming Community) and i have had fun on this map for quite a while. i am too lazy to go and look up the proper way to post maps so i'm sorta winging it.

    on to the pictures! they is a bit small but o well you can see what is going on.

    Half of map both sides are exactly the same. except the wire spool and barrel cluster change positions.
    other half of map

    Snake section.

    View from eye level just outside spawn box. looking at other spawn.

    the good thing about this is the fact that barriers are the perfect height to hide players. the tall ones you can stand behind and for the short ones to conceal you crouching is a must.

    i tried to make this map as much like an actual tournament paintball course as i could without really looking into it.
    the snake along the side provides cover from more than one angle and it it the only obstacle on the map that does so.
    the game play is quick so there is not a lot of camping being done.

    the game type features the plasma pistol as you weapon.
    i have found that for the authentic paintball feel the plasma pistol brings that to the game. the guns have unlimited ammo.
    like in real paintball it is a one hit kill, and only one life per round.
    the player speed is at 90% and gravity is at 200%. this lets you crouch jump over small barriers but what can you do about that?
    once a team is eliminated the round is over.
    there are seven rounds so first to 4 wins it.
    there are no grenades and absolutely nothing but scenery on the map.

    only works with 4v4 and fewer. any more and they will spawn outside the map. also only 2 teams any more teams and they will spawn outside the map.

    MAP: Paintball
    Game type: Paintball
  2. Like 520 ninjas

    Like 520 ninjas Ancient
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    For a map with no geomorphingor fusion this isnt too bad. you dont see a lot of paintball maps that have actualy paintball barriers. i really think you should so a v2 though because theres no fusing and it looks like you can get out. theres a lot of good videos on how to fuse on the forgehub and just on youtube.
    im going to test it out today with some freinds :D
  3. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    This really isnt a mini game its a swat varient and map and as for it being "good" as you put in the title what exactly took you really anytime to build on this map to make it "good"? I think you have some more work to do and i reccomend using more indestructable objects in your map so nothing just dissapears while playing.
  4. M1:K3

    M1:K3 Ancient
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    Hey man this looks a lort like R n T
    do you live in miami? theres a paintballing place that they have a feild just like this
    if you havent been there than thats really funny that you made a copy of ti lol
    and i dont think its that bad (ill boost up your rating: ****) lol
  5. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    I hate when people make paintball maps when they don't even know how to play paintball. This map looks nothing like a paintball field, and the gametype is completely unrealistic. I'm not saying that this map isn't fun, but don't call this "paintball" when it's not. You say it's only for 4v4 or less, but in real paintball there are often many more than 4 on a team. Sorry to be jerk, but it has to be said. I probably wouldn't have been so harsh had you not incorrectly labeled this as the "best paintball map EVAR!1!1!1one!1"

    I would suggest putting some double and single boxes down in the middle. Pretty much all paintball fields have large bunkers in the middle. Also, use the barriers together to make bigger bunkers. No where in paintball do you see bunkers like that. Also put some dumpsters (standing up the long ways) around. Those are pretty close to the size of a cylinder bunker. Add some more starting spawns to each side so more people can play.

    Oh, and the ONLY way to make an accurate paintball map in Halo is to somehow get people to pick up a spiker. Spikers are surprisingly similar to a real paintball marker. I would spawn the teams by one way teleporters and have them pick up a spiker on the way. If you have enough available, make people duel wield them. Duel wielded spikers have almost the exact same traits as a paintball marker whose trigger is being walked.
  6. A snorkel

    A snorkel Ancient
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    like i said in my first post the game play is really quick, and the fact that
    you are using a plasma pistol the disapearing objects is not a problem at all.

    as for getting out of the map... good luck on that one. i would like to see someone
    jump over the wall with 200% gravity. and the other team shooting at them with a
    weapon that is an instant kill.

    i put it in the mini game section because that is what it is. it is a tiny map with only
    one purpose. the rounds generally last less than a minute and there is a
    bunch of them. so really it is a lot of mini games being played back to back.

    and to the spiker idea, those shoot way too fast for a map of this size. walking the trigger is almost impossible in halo.
    unless for some reason you have a modded controller. so one finger does the job. remember it is one hit kill
    and you cant run and slide behind cover. i could see those on a bigger map with more cover.
    as for the more player idea. once again i go back to the map size. it really is small if you
    cant tell from the pictures.

    i have been playing this map for quite a while and have gone through a huge amount of variations on gameplay.
    this is by far the most fun, and evenly balanced weapon for this map.

    please guys play the map before you tell me how to "fix" it. then i will take you seriously.
  7. Tyberiousfusion

    Tyberiousfusion Ancient
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    This is by far the wost paintball map i have ever seen. I an not sure at all how you call this the best paintball map ever, it definitely looks like you threw it together in like 5 minutes.

    I could've crapped one out better than this

    0/5 Horrible
  8. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    This is also something important to consider. All of your items are movable items, which is fine. But movable items will have about a 15 sec period when they are not on the map. This could be okay for ornaments, but not so reliable for cover. That's where immovable objects come in.
  9. A snorkel

    A snorkel Ancient
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    lets see it.
    and why do people think i said the best paintball map ever?

    and once again for the special children. play the map before you tell me it dose not work.
  10. waterflame

    waterflame Ancient
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    yeah okay paint ball map with no geomerging that i can see or interlocking
    i have a qustion tho what are the walls their for with the long hall way in picture 2 it looks like you can just walk right out of the map into the rooms over their just asking over all tho 3/5 no D/L cus im at full space in custom games and dont feel like it over all good job with out interlockg/geomerging
    keep foring
  11. Emerica

    Emerica Ancient
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    the game play seems good but the map resembles nothing of a paint ball field. I also believe that you should have used the Carbine as a weapon because plasma pistols don't have that paint ball gun look to them.

  12. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    i don't care how you said "play the map before you tell me it dose not work". a special child could figure out that it doesn't just by looking at it. by the way, you seem like the "special" one, you can't even spell does right. no offense there.

    in other words... change the title to "bad paintball". one thing that stands out is that it's too easy to get out of the map, there is not a single merge, and the only obstacle is barriers, wire spools, and barrels. boo... 1/5
  13. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    Wow... please tell me you are joking. I was talking about when you walk the trigger on a REAL paintball marker. 2 spikers shooting at the same time is about the same speed as walking the trigger on a marker would shoot. My opinion on this whole thing is that people should just stop making paintball maps in Halo. Just go out and actually PLAY paintball.

    Sense when have paintball markers been able to shoot a paintball at almost the speed of sound? A plasma pistol is MUCH better than a carbine. Wow.
  14. Leoparddude

    Leoparddude Ancient
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    Let me just make this clear. It doesnt matter if a map has no merging. Some of you are judging the map just by that and not actually playing it.I cant see anywhere where it actually would of improved the map. On the other side though it really isn't the best paintball map ever. You should never call you map the best on the title or even on your post. All it does is make people agrivated. You should make the map inescapable first off. And then as Eyeliss Sid said you should use inmovable items instead. Or merge the movable items into the ground. So overall I'd give it a 3/5 but it needs work.
  15. A snorkel

    A snorkel Ancient
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    this map is impossible to get out of. you can't do it unless you play with normal settings.
  16. CyraxZ

    CyraxZ Ancient
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    If your gonna make a paintball map and call it 'good', atleast put some time into it. Based upon what I see, the entire thing could have been laid out in less than 1 hour. Simply stated: You have nothing to brag about.
  17. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    very original paintball map. the layout is ok but the overall effort is the biggest factor. when making a map its imperative that you spend time to make it good. the map looks like it is thrown together. try harder next time. i hope to see more from you.

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