I just signed up for this site, and I'm already a junior member. What does this mean? Is this the first rank you get?
Yes, there are member ranks. 100 posts is member, 500 is senior member, 1000 is heroic member, 2000 is legendary, and 4000 is mythic so far And then there are the image rankings which are also based on post count but change more frequently. But before going off to post like crazy, please don't spam and remember to read the rules.
Read This. Very helpful, but for some reason it doesn't go past my rank, so after 1600 posts you go: Vanguard (M. Jelleh is a Vanguard) Then: Orpheus (Nemi is the only Orpheus) Then: Reclaimer (Tex is the only Reclaimer)
Yes, it does seem right. In order to get senior member you need to have at least 500 posts. Currently right now you have 445.
Actually... Here are the current user titles: Junior Member - 0 Member - 100 Senior Member - 500 Heroic Member - 1000 Legendary Member - 2000 Mythic Member - 5000 ??? - 10,000 So close Jelleh... so close ;P Also see this thread for the Forge Hub ranking system. Both types of rank depend on your post count and are a nice feature to the site. Member Title is situated below your username and your 'rank' is based directly under the member title. As Norlinsky said, don't spam your way up there, it doesn't matter much anyway. Requesting a lock now =D