Made by me, in my fileshare :happy: Also, my first post here. Marine: "Who called in an ODSTcannon? I thought we ordered a Scorpion tank!" Sarge: "Hehehe..." Comment and give me your honest opinion. Thank you. ~X05
Lol actually a pretty funny picture, I hope this might get picked by bungie...I forget if the already did lol... It's just so random but lolerific... might have been better in an action scene but who cares
Sadly, I didn't win, I think I got skipped over, I have loads of amazing screenshots, that I'm about to post of ODST's. (no effects) and I'm kinda sad, because I stayed up all night taking these... I just want to play sandbox and get mythic maps early. I tried.
lol for a while i was like... where is the pic lol comp was laggy lol refresh=winsock ontopic: pretty funny man i like it 4/5
Dead bodies would go through vehicles, so he isn't on it, hes floating in the air behind it, several feet, to give this simple illusion.
the pics you wanted to submit must be in your fileshare and must have the tags "odst" and "mythic", and they picked on monday.
Hahahaha looks pretty funny the only thing is that you can see that he is really behind the cannon if you look closely.
Its a nice angle plus that guy is just floating in air then a scorpion tanks cannon is in the way 3.5/5 would have done good in contest I think kinda cool
Ugh... I did submit this in the contest, and it was in my fileshare, and I know how to tag. BUT, it didn't win. I submitted this saturday.
Nice pic. its funny how a weird pic can be made into something sweet withe the right wording. very nice job. its on campaign too.