I'm not taking credit for this effect. I've seen it done by someone here before, I don't particularily remember who. But anyways, let me know how it is. Link to it's details.
Wow that's awesome looking. I really like how it seems like an earthquake is going on or something. 5/5. How'd you do that?
I see you a lot Leeumm Your pics never seem to be replicates and this trend seems to be staying so congrats on another good pic 5/5 Keep on taking some you are good, and nice ideas also
Woah, I love this, but it hurts my eyes...but i love it! Is it possible to do this effect with a different color, that would be pretty cool.
Yep, it's pretty simple to do it with any color you wish. It takes some good timing to get it right, though. ^_^ Thanks man. I try not to have pictures like everyone else. Some, I'll admit, may not be completely original. But thank you, I appreciate that.
looks rly cool m8 nice job oh and was it in a g nade or brute shot explosion by chance with juicy on? 4.9999/5 keep em cumin m8
Wow, very impressive pic!I usually dont like snipe pics at all because there in almost every post.But this one really stands out above the rest.Great shot.
Actually, the lighting was from a spike nade with juicy on, though I wasn't inside of it. It's shaky like that because I had my friend swing a hammer when he had Active Camo. What happens is the hammer stays camoed (for some reason) and when you go inside of the top of the hammer and look at the Spartan, he appears shaky. I agree about the sniper pics. I'm subject to it myself, I tend to take a lot of sniper pics, but I'm switching it up a bit. I used a sniper for this one because it just looked much better than anything else.