This kid in my art class has been arrested about four times so far for marijuana-related charges. Four times. And it's not addictive in ANY way? Sure, people like things. I like art and video games, but if I was threatened to be arrested for drawing, I sure as hell would stop.
No one needs Marijuana (ie; luxury). I'm sure it'd be great to smoke after a hard day at work, but that still involves the same risks as other drugs - one should not be dependent on caffeine, though a large majority of Americans are. The United States Government has a good enough reason keeping it illegal considering the amount of teens that would immediately jump on the weed wagon (as the only thing preventing their parents from stopping them is the fact that it remains illegal. my parents are like this) the minute the law was passed. Then with the whole gateway drug defense - that I consider completely true, at least judging from the youth around here - I don't think it's likely that it'll be legalized soon. Compared to alcohol, though, one can't look at cannabis as the dangerous one in comparison. I do think it will be legalized - eventually. And even if you hadn't written that, you posted it with the title "Calling all Marijuana supporters", and that's "passionate" enough for me.
No, I'm not saying Americans need to be on marijuana, I'm saying our culture needs marijuana to be legalized. (ie. Our economy, our lives, our everyday well-being). That's just silly. The fact remains that a parent is responsible for the up-bringing of a child, and to use "because it's illegal" as an excuse is the whole reason why kids do it to begin with. Telling them "it's illegal" as an excuse makes children think that they are being rebellious & mischievous & all that other ****. They begin thinking that by simply smoking it, they are cool. IF they were to be logical, they would explain to their child the negative effects smoke inhalation can have for a still-developing child. You think my defense against the gateway drug thing is true, or you think marijuana really is a gateway drug? Indeed. Now you're just stretching this out...
Economy: No. It might help, but I'm sure there are plenty of other alternatives the government could take to help improve it besides legalizing marijuana. Our lives: My life is just fine cannabis free? Our everyday well being: In certain medical cases, sure - and we're already in the process of doing that. For recreational use, maybe - using to reduce stress, sure. Using just to get high doesn't exactly correlate with our well - being. Again you misinterpret. Many parents don't care what their kids do so long as it won't get them into trouble with police. You're correct, a good parent should. Some parents aren't good. I believe marijuana is a gateway drug, yes. People experiment, and it's usually the kids without common sense who begin to use drugs in the first place (they are still developing, after all). Said people then move onto more stupid things such as acid, etc. Just explaining my reasoning.
I'm not saying the government shouldn't be researching any and all possible routes to boost our economy, I'm simply saying that it will be a nice push. Good for you? When I say our everyday well-being, I mean something a bit deeper then medicinal purposes. But...Yes, medicinal purposes, as well. I'm going to try and explain this, no matter how much I don't want to right now. Marijuana is not the gateway factor in this. It is the drug dealer. People aren't exposed to heroin, or cocaine, or meth, etc etc etc, when they walk into a gas station or a grocery store. It's not until they walk into a drug dealer's home/place of being, and become influenced by the dealer's ability to advertise this product to the customer (Not all cases).
Why do you keep complaining about it... Just stop, nothing is going to change and you are truly starting to sound obsessed about marijuana, do you realize that you are actually starting to prove that marijuana is bad for ones health by being so offensive to anyone who contradicts or thinks otherwise and by supporting it non-stop.
-_- Has no one realized how this isn't supposed to be a big deal? I only posted this to show the commercial. Everyone else (namely dom) turned this into a debate, not me. I returned to see Dom calling me obsessed with this, so I simply defended myself.
Er... you callin' me out, Tex? Huh, huh? I apologize, I hadn't even meant to respond to this topic outside my original post... but then I had to end up correcting people, then correcting myself, then it snowballed blah blah. Sorry Tex, I'll take my leave now.
I don't think a television add will ever get someone to stop smoking. Its far too light hearted. It would have to have some random statistic that would scare people, you know?