I left a comment on its page, it was something like: "Oh **** is that a gun I saw in his hand?! ...oh wait, it's a bag of chips... How ****ing dangerous..."
My belief is that the only reason why it makes you paranoid is because it isn't legal and you could get caught for it, eliminate the law and no one would ever get paranoid, well almost never. Funny comment tex.
dingdingding If only the people who run these "anti-marijuana" campaigns would realize how foolish they are. ...This makes me wonder what'd be like going to an all anti-marijuana debate forum... I must google thingzzzzzzz
Even if your being sarcastic, i agree with you. Get over it. I have seen this **** ruin way too many of my friends. I have no respect for anyone that uses it.
It shows in the video that the positive outweigh the negatives. But as Domi stated you do seem obsessed with this.
I love the art style in that video, very fresh. Sure as hell beats the **** I put up with in the states. I mean seriously, I have to watch crap like that all the time. This was at least fresh. Anyway, I find that complaining about PSAs is not the right way to get your point across. The people who make the PSA's do it because they are hired to make a video that will get their "customer's" point across. Your comment about the bag of chips (no offense) made no sense. The chips weren't meant to create a sense of danger, obviously. If anything, they were just supposed to represent a case of the "munchies" as it is referred to I think. We get it, anti-drug fascists are ruining all the fun, but criticizing the media here isn't doing anything productive. I'm all for the legalization of weed, go for it. Slap a tax on that **** and call it day, but the fact is that the people who make the videos don't control the law. The politicians do, and the lobbyists influence the politicians. Raise awareness about the benefits of legalization (and the detriments of campaigning against it) some other way. Then you'll get your message across.
There was no sarcasm intended. I honestly don't understand how it could've been perceived as sarcastic.
I don't know, i just thought maybe you were being sarcastic. Tats all. Now that thats out of the way, i agree.
+ chance of death If people like Tex gave up fighting for what they believe in then nothing would be done. If it was legal there never would be a debate about it and money would be saved from high costs, police taxes, and this propaganda bullshit commercials. Seriously, there needs to be a award show for shittiest attempt at a anti drug association commercials.
Are you British too, Tex? Still can't believe it's Class B. Quite a clever advert, but nowhere NEAR as powerful as the most recent Think advert:
Your point is invalid, you've never brought anything to this constant debate, other than "It's illegal." That's all you have ever brought into the argument, and you expect me to think your opinion matters? Get over yourself. Oh, and you call it obsessed, I call it passionate. To each his own, as it were. Oh, and this: lol, they are all becoming overly-cliche at this point. I find them more humorous then moving/persuading, personally. Honestly, this thread wasn't one of my tirades, it was just a laugh at the irony they present in the video. Actually, I'm quite American. =]
Apparently you've misinterpreted me. It's illegal, and the government knows people are unhappy about this. Considering alcohol is a more dangerous substance then cannabis and even that is legal, I only see it as a matter of time. Nothing to get over, bud. Oh, and I started thinking of it as obsessed after this thread and the fact that drugs are a luxury at best. I don't see the reason to be passionate about something the body or mind doesn't need. (and if it is an addiction, I'd recommend getting help.)
Forgive my attitude in that post, I simply don't understand how a few weeks ago, you said I was turning into an asshole, when you've been presenting yourself as just that. It's frustrating, because I've always thought of you as a friend. Anyways, That thread was a copy/pasta, I hardly did any work on it. The individual body and mind may not need marijuana, but Americans do. It's unlawful and an injustice to keep imprisoning people who've done nothing wrong. You don't see why I'm so passionate (or obsessed) about it, but I don't see why the hell you're not. Our economy is losing readily available tax dollars, daily, simply because they are afraid that we may have our children thinking it's okay to use marijuana - and of course other petty reasons. Yet, instead of okay-ing marijuana, and using that money to fund better schools in the ghettos of America, and overall leading us to a better tomorrow; they continue to treat us "potheads" with an iron-fist.