Guys, it's so plainly obvious as to the changes he made. He wrote Venice down in the corner, duh! EDIT: But in all seriousness, it looks like he might have sharpened it a bit. Could be wrong, though.
I don't see why the only thing you would to to the image is dim the colors. It looked better before you did that.
So I have to destroy my original stock in order to create something good? I can't adjust the colors, alter lighting effects, or not use smudging/brushes? “It is better to be high-spirited even though one makes more mistakes, than to be narrow-minded and all too prudent.” -Vincent Van Gogh More and more on Forge Hub I've seen the willingness to judge on the basis of cursory glances and overly conforming biases. It's killing the Forge Hub community, and driving many people away from it. This may not be the best Photoshop work ever, but it has it's merit in the Graphics & Arts community. If subtleties can't be appreciated in art, then it must signal the end of artistic creation as we know it. I didn't overly distort the image, because I wanted to retain the natural beauty of the shot. The quiet stillness and rustic fluidity that grungy brushes, over abundance of smudging, and other disruptive effects would kill. My point was to capture a gloomy Venice waterway. I feel like I did that, and if no other criticism can be thought of other than... "This sucks, it's so boring, you only wrote Venice in the corner," ...Then please, don't post in my thread. Write a response that has some substance to it. What should be changed? What areas needs improved upon? Why do they need improved upon? If you can't answer any of these questions with more than just a post that barely isn't spam, you shouldn't be replying to a CnC thread. ~Krazy Kumquat
Dude, the sig sucks. You did very little to it, and it is just all around very bland. Colors are ****, you did nothing good with the lighting. You didn't even bother with depth. To top it all off, the text is misplaced, and just a bad choice. Happy now? That is all there is to say. Yes, i am not the most talented on the site, but i know what makes a good sig, and what they look like, and this one just isn't good. It's not even artistic, so don't bother using that quote. You have to improve upon the lighting, colors, depth, flow, and text.
You didn't capture the feel of a gloomy Venice waterway, the original image did. While I know you did not intend on this, you essentially stole this piece of art and called it your own.
I wrote up a whole paragraph response where I immaturely cussed at you several times but I managed to regain my composure despite your hideously inflammatory remarks. *deep breath* Normally I would say I'll take your advise and do a version two, but since no real constructive criticism was given to base off of, I can't. I will however make a second version to this, seeing as the best I could glean from your post was the text isn't that great. On a side note... Who are you to judge what is and isn't artistic? If you can't judge something fairly then I suggest you bite your tongue next time. If you can't refrain from posting a terribly biased response, then please don't cuss so constantly when "criticizing" a picture. It's really unbecoming... EDIT: Thank you for a much more mature reply. I will be adding a version two shortly, hopefully it won't get such gruesome feedback...
What are you talking about? I told you what you had to work on. Lighting, Depth, and text can all be improved on. And when i said this isn't artistic i meant that the sig isn't artistic. The original photo is amazing, but the changes you made, if any, weren't artistic, meaning, it didn't take any artistic talent to do so. You take things to seriously, from what you can see, i do have talent when it comes to graphic arts, so, i decided to help you. Which i did, but then, instead of reading the post, you read the first sentence, and flipped out. translation of my posts: Mess with the colors a bit, but not in the way you did the first time, you made it look dim, and boring. Improve on the colors by mixing thing up in a good way, add some more depth by sharpening, blurring, and lighting, and move the text around, try a new font, size, and color.
Urgh this type of attitude really annoys me. You did nothing to the stock image, as far as I'm concerned this is just plagiarism. Dont claim that sharpening and adding text makes it art, it does not.