Top 3 Favorite Maps

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by CMCX360, Feb 23, 2009.

  1. CMCX360

    CMCX360 Ancient
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    Sorry if this is not allowed, or been posted before.

    Taking a question from the Bungie Podcast (April 10th), what are your top 3 favorite Halo series maps? It would be nice if you would include some reasons why too.

    Mine are, in order:

    1.) Ascension
    2.) Midship
    3.) Ghost Town

    Ghost Town is my third favorite because it's my favorite map to play Team SWAT on. There are so many nooks and crannies you can escape to, it's a blasty-blast.

    Midship is my second favorite because it's very close-quarters, and it's cool for Assault matches. And it's purple.

    Ascension is my absolute favorite because there are long winding paths, two "bases" which have nice sniper points, and there is a banshee. I like the hidden rocket area too.

    What about you guys?
  2. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    1. Fondry
    2. Sandbox
    3. GhostTown.
  3. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well never played Halo: CE and Halo 2 online so here's my top 5 Halo 3 maps... (I'm changing it to top 5 because I couldn't limit myself to 3)

    1. Sandtrap
    2. Cold Storage
    3. Guardian
    4. Avalanche
    5. Isolation (Not a typo)

    Sandtrap because of the awesome big team action. Vehicle aren't too overpowering because the two lasers and the rockets even them out. Also if you miss the opportunity to get in a vehicle, there are plenty of other good weapons and places to go on foot.

    Cold Storage because of the awesome SWAT and Swords gameplay. The map seems different every game because of different uses of teleporters and the many different routes you can go.

    Guardian is an all around awesome map. Great LOS, good balance for an asymmetric map, and a lot of choices of where to go and how to get there. My only problem with this map is when one team gets the hammer and shotgun seeing as they are relatively close to each other.

    Avalanche again for the awesome big team gameplay. Tons of vehicles and opportunities to succeed on foot. Very balanced game with many different possibilities. Also the cave gives a very unique forging opportunity and the overall gameplay of this map is great. The map especially excels in Multi-Flag

    Isolation because it's fun. I really don't know why most people hate this map. Great for Team Slayer of 2v2 to 4v4 and a really good Lone Wolves map. The multi-level feel is where this map wins. It is very easy to transition from the underground to the higher ground yet there is a distinct separation of the two. The only complaint here is the proximity of the Rocket Launcher and the Ghost. If a person/team gets both, it can be a bit overpowering but with the openness of some parts, it is easy to flank it using good team tactics.

    Well there's my top 5. Wow I wrote a lot.
  4. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    never played halo: CE multiplayer and i dont play halo 2 multiplayer any more, so my top 3 halo 3 maps are:
    3. Rat's Nest
    2. Last Resort
    1. Guardian

    these are my top 3 default maps to play on multiplayer, it has nothing to do with forge.
  5. ABigScaryBear00

    ABigScaryBear00 Ancient
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    Ascension-good times in the banshee sniper sneaking into the camo
    standing on the pillars

    Lockout-always was fun to play ninja swords on + one of the best slayer maps without changing anything

    Guardian-I <3 BR's and Guardian is so Br friendly + mosh pit is always fun Br Snipes practice helps so much on that map

    also nice idea for a post never occured tome
  6. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    1) Zanzibar

    Either you love it or you hate it. I just happen to be one of those people who enjoys playing One flag on Zanzibar. Note that I like Zanzibar, Not Last Resort. Bungie incorporated vehicles into this map perfectly. Smaller ghosts and specters can easily jump the ring and maneuver around this area. Larger Warthogs and wraiths were forced to head the other way and meet at around camp froman and result in a burning pile of destroyed vehicles. The ultimate form of intense gameplay!

    2) Lockout

    Another halo 2 favorite I am surprised that it has not been mentioned so far. Lockout was a true masterpiece. All gameplay revolves around the middle platform and the unique layout of structures surrounding it. Lockout combines interesting angles and elevation perfectly and you can tell during gameplay. Plasma grenades launch across the map lowering opponents shields, and players engage in one of the most exciting BR duals of their life. What a map!!!

    3) Foundry

    I had to mention this map not because of its incredible gameplay but because of its infinitely expanding possibilities in forge. Imaginative forgers will find themselves flying around foundry manipulating boxes and bridges to form the ultimate battle field. Or maybe they made an impressive aesthetic piece that will make their friends jaw drop. Foundry has to show up on this list even though its gameplay is not perfect, But because you can forge it to perfection. Only to be dethroned by Sandbox!!!

    *Wow am I proud of this write up.*
  7. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    I would have to say:

    1. Avalanche
    2. Rats Nest
    3. Coagulation (and/or Bloodgulch)

    I simply love Big Team Battle maps because they require, in my opinion, a great deal of ground teamwork and vehicular teamwork. My favorite gametypes are the objective gametypes because they have those edge-of -your-seat moments that most small maps do not have.
  8. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    Pre-DLC - Valhalla
    Heroic - Rat's Nest
    Legendary - Avalanche
  9. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    1 guardian
    2 construct
    3 the pit
  10. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    (1) Blood Gulch
    (2) Last Resort
    (3) Hang 'Em High

    Standoff might be a close fourth, but I've liked plenty of the Halo maps. I'm pretty indecisive when it comes to stuff like this.
  11. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    The Pit
  12. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    1. Death Island (H1:pC)
    The level is pretty much a giant island with many different paths for vehicles to traverse to the other base and a teleporter to the top of the island that led to intense sniper matches. Great for big 8v8 games of CTF.

    2. Ice Fields (H1:pC)
    Two ways to go. Over the bridge, or under the bridge. Another great map for 8v8 CTF or 8v8 One-sided Assault. You spawn and you can either get in a warthog to try and quickly drive up to the top of the bridge and fight for the heavy weapons and overshield or drive under the bridge and pick up the heavy weapon down there and continue to the enemy's base. Another option is go to the back of your base, through a teleporter that leads to a small ledge under the bridge. Controling the bridge and the sniper ledges attached to it are key to winning.

    3. Danger Canyon (H1:pC)
    This level reminds me somewhat of Sidewinder in an abstract way. You can take vehicles down a somewhat winding, linear path, or take tunnels that lead to each others base. A ledge that overlooks the vehicles' path and parts of the tunnels make it a great place for snipers. Also a great map for 8v8 Assault or CTF.

    Ehh..I got a bit carried away but what can I say, Gearbox makes great 8v8 maps.
  13. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    1. Construct

    The game play is fun weather your loosing or winning, each section of the map plays different and has its own feel to it. There is hundreds of ways to get around it as well. The lifts are fun, catchy and appealing. The map is far from repetitive.

    2. Last Resort (custom)

    The reason why I added the custom tag was because I like last resort maps, it brings back the old days feel. I remember the countless "Raccoon City" maps that I'd have a blast on. The map was the first Forge map, and will always be the classic one.

    3. Foundry

    All the hours spent...all the days spent.... Good Ol' Foundry. Its the tool box of forge, the "Holy Grill" of forge.. All the good times had on this map.
  14. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Excluding the maps on the Mythic Map pack, because I haven't played on them yet, here's mine: (sooooooooooooo HARD to choose)

    In no particular order:
    - Lockout
    - Foundry
    - The Pit

    Honorable Mentions
    - Guardian
    - Ascension
    - Headlong
    - Midship
    - Narrows
  15. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    1) Damnation

    2) Prisoner

    3) Hang 'Em High

    Halo CE will be the greatest halo forever, there's virtually no argument against.

    Hon. Mentions

    Chill Out
  16. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    In no particular order:

    Beaver Creek
  17. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    For Playing on:

    Rat's Nest

    For forging on:

  18. TheRayzerTag

    TheRayzerTag Ancient
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    1. Foundry/Sandbox
    2. Sandtrap
    3. Distortion (by Budhacrane)

    Honorable Mentions:

    Never played Halo: CE or Halo 2
  19. Dreaver

    Dreaver Ancient
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    There are loads of awesome maps, here's a list of my favorites:
    Ascension, Headlong, Ivory Tower, Lockout, Midship, Relic, Sanctuary, Zanzibar, Sandtrap, Avalanche, Guardian, High Ground, Sandtrap, Standoff, Valhalla, and hopefully the Mystic maps.
  20. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    Oh yeah, I forgot that one. Ice Fields was a pretty damn good map.

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