I thought this was definitely one of the more enjoyable 2v2 experiences I've had on Foundry in a long time. This map really has it's own feel. There's really no piece of geommetry or whole area that ever reminded me of any other map. The geometging and interlocking is great as well. During my game, there was not one spot we spent too much time in. The fight spread through the entire map and the flow was very good overall. I did feel like I had to jump to get some places, but I thought there was a ramp to get everywhere. The weapon setup was fine in the 2v2 version, I can't say for the 1v1 version though. The ONLY thing that I can find wrong with this map is that the spawns are less than stellar. Maybe it was just my game, but I'd say through the 50 kill game, I spawned next to someone from the other team or facing towards them about 4 times. This really is one of my favorite 2v2 maps and you've earned a spot among the greats. Congrats on making an awesome map! I can't believe I haven't found this till now.
Thanks man, I appreciate the review. The spawn system is strange here, much like the other default asymmetrical maps that Bungie's made. I've had games that start out pretty wonky, then for the rest of the time the spawning is spot-on. Other times I've had some pretty flawless 2v2 matches on both the MLG and the Matchmaking version, and the spawning systems are set up exactly the same (1v1 setup is different). I've modeled it after Guardian and Cold Storage, being relatively small asymmetrical maps. For the majority of the time, it works pretty well. As well as most Bungie default maps, and that's all I could really hope for. I'm glad you enjoyed the map, and I'd love to see the film of the game. Thanks again for the great feedback.
this is great, some advice though, for the roofs, use interlocked corner walls on their sides, it will make it look like a temple. besides that, it looks like fun, will DL somewhere in between 4.5/5 and 5/5 lol
Wow. I played it again and the spawns were absolutely horrific. And oh my god I love this map so much, but the spawns were just terrible. I will save the game right now if I still have it, I think it might be gone though. But really, if you fix the spawns this would literally be my favorite 2v2 map ever.
Please, if you have the film, send it to me. I just played a couple of games on it yesterday and after reviewing the film things played really well. I want to look at what's going on. EDIT: I thought I had accepted your FR when you sent it to me a while back, I guess I didn't, lol. Send me another one so we can get some games together.
This is a good looking map, the different structures you've used to break up lines of sight look really nice, real unique. But it's not like you went overboard with it, the fancy structures look good and all, but they serve a purpose. Classy is a good word to describe these aesthetics. The little hidden jumps are cool, especially the one leading up towards Foundry's windows. Hitting that jump successfully is really satisfying, it's like the platforming equivalent of shooting a Warthog with a laser.
Squid, you need to invite me next time we are on together so we can get some games goin here.. i promise ill be gentle i dont think ive played a match here yet, only ran around it a bit. I definitely liked what I saw, and it seems like the varying elevation was done very well. Id love to give more feedback, but i just need a bit more harmony in my life.
You guys should have told me this was up! This is, without a doubt, one of the 3 best competitive 1v1 maps to date. Keep up the awesome forging Squid, and keep on doing whatever you do Lightz
Thanks, Batty! I have to give credit to Tak for the idea of those two jumps. He played a ton of 1v1 with HtL and mentioned how cool it would be if you could get to the OS from the floor of the window room. The other jump to the sniper walkway kind of hatched from that initial idea. They really are satisfying when you make them, especially the one you mentioned. The 2v2 version has the flag return up there, and it's actually possible to throw the flag on the walkway once you hit that jump. Dude, any time. Even when I get slammed by better players, I still really enjoy playing this. We can even play the team version if you'd like(as long as you're on my team of course). One Flag plays pretty well on here, especially with the MLG variant that zonked made with unlimited caps in a 5min round. Thanks, man! Really happy to hear that you dig this, it's been the most enjoyable forging experience I've had so far. It started with a great design, and from there it was all cake. Even all the tweaks and the significant changes from the original version were thoroughly enjoyable, mainly because of all the positive feedback and criticism that people like yourself gave. Thanks again.
I looked and the only film I had left on this was a 1v1 that I played later. The spawns were perfect in my 1v1 except for one spawn. I watched the video and there were some hilariously epic things that happened involving the active camo. I sent the friend request so I could download the 1v1 version, because I only originally downloaded the Matchmaking version. I'll go send you another one when I get on later.
This map resembles what you are trying to recreate but i don't really get the graveyard part, its not exactly like a graveyard, but its and overall good map Although i don't know what you are trying to recreate??? anyway 5/5 great job -Tyberious
noce job on the map but isnt it supposd to be in the MLG section. anyways i like how you added in some jupms and the interlocking and geomerging are very clean. i would say thet i love the layout if you didnt take it from another game but u did so no compliment for you. im just kidding. it is a really well made remake.
Map is very smooth and clean. Merging as well as geomerging seems flawless judging by the pictures. I do like the resemblance though I have never play UT3. Kudos. Good job. 5/5
No worries. Let's try and get some games on the team version soon. If anything needs further tweaking, I'll be sure to do it. Uh, how can you not get that? It's not supposed to be a real graveyard, dude. And how can you give me a "5/5" when you admit to not knowing what I've done here? You baffle me, young sir. Why would this have to be in the MLG section? Because of the Custom Powerup? The team version that I've made clearly has non-MLG weapons on it, and the 1v1 version is as competitive as you can get. Until this gets into the MLG circuit (which it won't), I'll be keeping it right here, thanks. And to be clear, this is not a remake. Not a remake. Thanks, but I'd recommend that you don't comment on a map based solely on the pretty pictures I've posted. Play a few games on it, than get back to me to tell me what you thought of it. I promise it'll help you become more respected in this community.
Alright these are coming in a bit late but we finally got some nice youtube gameplay footage of the map. Both are cut off a bit short but you can get a general good idea of how the map plays 1v1. First one is me and a friend playing, and the second is a guy from mlg absolutely destroying on the map. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56RJ85FvPPQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxD5t8YmAOc
Sweet, I'll add these to the OP. The second clip that LIGHTZ posted is what happens when you learn the timers for the powerups and weapons. The dude he played against is no slouch, so don't feel too sorry about him. Since there is no point limit on the gametype, the final score of that one was 36-8. The final score in the second video ended up being a tie, 19-19. There's some great examples of how to use the tactical jump to get up to the OS from the window room.
excelent remake but i do think that you need to rethink the time for you custom power up and also the invis because in your clip you got it about 3 times in under 2 mins so i think that that is far too fat but other than that great job
I just got UT3 and it will be fun to see how Shangri-La's gameplay differs in the halo version. I really look forward to playing this. One thing though>>>the ramp in picture 7 has a large bump. I love the sword bridge, very unique. Great aesthetics!