High Flyer V2!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Pandacub97, Feb 23, 2009.

  1. Pandacub97

    Pandacub97 Ancient
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    This is my sceond map, the new version of High Flyer =) There are many new pictures and this is an entirely new map, some people told me to fix some things, and a few peopel to me to re make a new one. I made an entirely new map, Nothing is the same as it was before, and its pretty much brand new =)

    Straight Away


    Starting Blocks

    Banked Curves

    Dont Fall

    Bounce Off

    Go Up

    Turn Right

    Go Straight

    Map Variant

    Game Variant
  2. Wolverine

    Wolverine Ancient
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    Very sloppy the interlocking is not very smooth. I guess if this is one of you first racing maps it's pretty good. At least you can interlock. Maybe a v3 and smooth track. Overall 2/5
    #2 Wolverine, Feb 23, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2009
  3. Pandacub97

    Pandacub97 Ancient
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    This map took me 3 days this is smooth
    #3 Pandacub97, Feb 23, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2009
  4. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    wow, it looks great...you did this by yourself??....i like the big turn, but i think that you shouldve renamed it considering that it is nothing like the first one... i like it, especially cuz its like the 2nd time you ever forged something.

    you might want to fix up some of the small things like those crooked doors,or those signs in the back there...
    and one question...is there like a destination, because usually there is a vip variant to racing,and if there is a destination then its like a finish line, and you get point..

    if you dont know how to do that ill help you, but overall a good map, very good!

  5. Pandacub97

    Pandacub97 Ancient
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    idk nate, or should I say tiki?? noobie =ppp but umm I dont really care right now cuz im pissed cuz that lil fricken 2 year old is tryin 2 act cool cuz he has no life and forges every second of his life
  6. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    Nice map Panda,
    Its not as smooth as others but i like the size. It is much bigger than most and more interesting pieces to it. 4/5 (Should do a V3 though cause it could get smoother)
  7. balls

    balls Ancient
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    This looks incredibly sloppy. Make a V3 that it looks like you actually took time on. It appears that NONE of the objects are aligned properly, especially your doors and walls. It's an ok attempt, but honestly, it's ugly.
  8. iTz Fuzzywig

    iTz Fuzzywig Ancient
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    The Map itself looks fairly decent there on the big turn but it is EXTREMELY sloppy. I'm not trying to sound like a jackass but I have a philosophy that your map shouldn't be done until you are proud about what you have created. I myself am not satisfied until every object is completely straight and perfect (including geomerged objects) Sure it takes a hell of a lot of more time but it comes out looking very good in the end. Maybe you could perhaps make the boxes in picture 1 more smooth and the landing in pictures 4 and 6 could use bridges instead of walls because walls tend to give the landing a much rougher landing

    Also it seems that you don't have much variety in what you are using. Try to add small things along the map to make the map more aestetically beautiful such as putting a couple of barrels with weapons and power-ups on them, kind of like what Dream 76 did on Quasar.

    Overall, a good map for your second serious map and you seem to understand some of the basics of forging. Now the only thing you have to worry about is making things more neat and maybe mix the map up a little bit, you know, make your map stand out from the rest of the race maps.

    I give you a 3/5..keep up the forging..that's the only way to get better =]
  9. SilentStrike082

    SilentStrike082 Ancient
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    Pandacub, the map is okay but like the first comment implies this is NOT smooth, some of the double boxes are misplaced, and higher than others leading to those marks in the ground from another box. The doors up the ramp are also crooked and sloppy. The only parts of this map that are smooth are the bridges. The fence walls are also messed up due to lack of interlocking. Sorry but it looks to me that you got WAY too lazy after the first couple items 2.4/10
  10. AI_Twitch

    AI_Twitch Ancient
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    Panda, we only offer constructive critisism. The map is indeed quite messy in many places and most likely were rushed in some sort.

    And the essense of the quantity of time you spend working on a project does not excuse the fact that it is not good. So if you spent three days making a map such as this, why not spend one more day to make it look good?
  11. Tyberiousfusion

    Tyberiousfusion Ancient
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    Very sloppy the interlocking is not very smooth. If i were you i'd go with a V3 because it looks incredibly sloppy and easy to fall of of on the turns. 1/5

    also if this map took you three days i would expect a bit more neatness not as sloppy unless it was rushed an awful lot.

    You aren't the only girl forger panda there are lots of girl forgers don't use that as an excuse for sloppiness, we are only giving constructive criticism not insults
    #11 Tyberiousfusion, Feb 23, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2009
  12. Kitsune Yosh

    Kitsune Yosh Ancient
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  13. Pandacub97

    Pandacub97 Ancient
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    oh ya constructive critisism..."this map is horrible 2/5 2.5/10 its all croked and sloppy it sucks I can do much better then that"..........if there are other girl forgers then where are they?

    P.S. I'm childish?????? pwn3r kid sent me a pvt msg saying F*ckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  14. Flair iz NasTy

    Flair iz NasTy Ancient
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    That reply could actually be reported, saying "f u" to someone can be very offensive, and he was right it's not the smoothest map and the time you worked on a map dosen't show it's smoothness.
  15. Tyberiousfusion

    Tyberiousfusion Ancient
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    It is sloppy so grow up and stop complaining about people criticizing your map, the point of posting it on this website is for it to be criticized on the good and bad things about the map

    Well doesn't that tell you that you should improve upon the map you created, not just yell at everybody for criticizing it

    Well i agree any more people who say its extremely sloppy or the same thing will be reported as spam so people don't post the same exact thing as otherpeople

    ok i am done posting on this map

    #15 Tyberiousfusion, Feb 23, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2009
  16. Wolverine

    Wolverine Ancient
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  17. headlessbarbie

    headlessbarbie Ancient
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    Panda, stfu. Being a girl forger, ooh, big ****ing deal. You can't forge as well because your body is different? Whaa, someone said my map isnt good, so i'm gonna insult them about how they have no life!!! Its threads like these that give FH's community a bad name.
  18. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    im going to try and not comment on how you've been reacting to other people's comments and actually comment on the map.

    here is a piece of constructive criticism: next time you do a racing map dont use the hold and save meathod, it allows u to interlock at odd angles but the smothness and clenliness sufferes greatly. instead, use staircases as building blocks to make slopes. the respective angles of staircases are 30 and 60 degrees.

    and please dont flame on your own thread, it really makes u look immature and doesn't reflect well on the community.
  19. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    What i would recommend is saving your shield doors to serve more as bounce for those sharp turns. It's kind of a waste to use them as walls especially when you have a flat sharp turn. Like in pic 4: the far wall could use more
  20. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    Even though this is a v2, i think a v3 is needed.

    ea- the walls on the first pic should at least be merged. on the 'don't fall' pic, the 'don't fall' part is just sad, fix that, even if it was intended. that diminishes from the gameplay greatly. to the right of that pic, the signs are incredibly sloppy, and the doors don't even stay in line with the boxes. the 'go up' part looks very sloppy and should be fixed... i suggest using a shield door w/ man cannon variant [for an example of this, see the racetrack "quasar" in the fh forums]. lastly, does this map go with the racetracks vip variant? at least it's a good start. 2.5/5

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