Midori - Gallery Thread I

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Midori Shinju, Feb 23, 2009.

  1. Midori Shinju

    Midori Shinju Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I saw this was here and browsed the forum for a while, finding mostly signatures. After thinking it over, I decided to put some of my art up. All images are ©Shinju-the-Dragon.deviantArt. I will probably update now and then with newer art in mini clutches at once. This will be my largest since it is my first thread of art.

    Do NOT copy, trace, reuse, redistribute, alter, or use in any way, shape or form without my permission!
    My answer will probably be no.

    This was a speedpaint, done in about 8 hours purely in Photoshop.

    Character ©Shinerai.deviantART Done in Photoshop

    Character ©skysealer.devaintART Done in Photoshop and Painter Essentials

    Done completely in Photoshop within 15 hours.

    Character ©Shinerai.devaintART

    That's all for now folks! Enjoy and comment as you wish.

  2. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
    Senior Member

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    One question. How does a tree branch hold up a 1000 pound Spartan?

    Otherwise you're a great computer artist. I've seen someone else do stuff like these, but I think you're both pretty close.
  3. Antarctica

    Antarctica Ancient

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    Another question, why is it sooo blurry.



  4. Midori Shinju

    Midori Shinju Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Lol, yeah..I actually hadn't thought of that. Maybe it's a tree from another planet or something, perhaps it's a super tree! Eh, consistency lacks but tell that to the scripted trees in halo 3 I can jump around in. ^^;

    It's blurry because...

    • I painted it on that size canvas in Photoshop so there was no resizing or scaling nonsense. Really it was meant for practice.
    • The brush I used, is a soft edged brush. Hard in the middle and faded along the outside. As much as I do think the sharpened version is a good take on the image, I have to say I much prefer the image in it's original state. Soft and fluffy! Basically...it's unfocused because that's how I painted it. :p
  5. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    I'm going to find that tree, and hit you with it. :D

    Well great job otherwise.

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