**The Best of Foundry**

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Love Slice, Feb 18, 2009.

  1. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    **Foundry Customs**

    Customs Today!!! Read below for times.
    UPDATE!!! The next Foundry customs will be held Friday, Feb 27, from 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM (central)

    EDIT: You no longer have to send me a me a FR over XBL... just add me by Clicking Here!

    As you all know, Sandbox's release is just around the corner. A flood of new maps will be available for download. Unfortunately, you can only have 100 saved content items on Halo 3. If you're like me (and lot of you are), you already have about 100 saved items, most being Foundry maps.

    I was trying to decide today which maps I should delete first, but it's just to hard to choose, so I came up with an idea. I'm going to be hosting customs on Foundry maps so that we can decide which ones should be kept and which ones should be tossed. I will probably start off with a few maps I have, but I will let others play on their downloaded maps, too. Also, if you guys have a map that you think should be kept on everyones hard drive, but sure to tell us about it.

    People of all skill levels are invited to come (well, sort of. I will explain later), and bring your friends. I will start some customs on Friday, Feb 20, and will be sending out invites to everyone who wants to play. The customs will continue for as long as people stay interested in them, it's not just going to be a one time thing. I will post the exact time on Friday shortly, but for now just plan on 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM central time.

    It would be best if maps are only played with the suggested gametypes/ number of players. We can make exceptions, however, if necessary.

    Be kind. No flaming other players or excessively taunting.

    If you are laggy, you will be booted.

    If delay the countdown over and over, you will be booted.

    No screaming into the mic or making unnecessary noises.

    If I give you party leader so you can load up a map, give it back to me when you are done. I know it sounds selfish, but it will make it easier to regulate the customs.

    Although I said people of all skill levels are invited, it would be best if people new to Halo don't play. The maps can't be properly tested if there are people who are still trying how to figure out how to play. Sorry.

    I will update this thread as often as possible with exact times and dates. I will also update the rules as I see necessary.

    My Gamertag

    x Encounter x

    Also, if you want me to confirm you, send me a message with it or separate saying "ForgeHub" or something like that.

    If you would like to reserve a spot, message me over XBL or on my ForgeHub profile. I can't guarantee you can get in when you want, but you will be the first on my list. Also, feel free to ask me questions or give me some suggestions. Again, my XBL GT or my profile are the best places to contact me.

    #1 Love Slice, Feb 18, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2009
  2. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'll probably be able to make it around 4:00 EST. Invite me. My GT is my username. IDK how to convert time zones well so I think that 4:00 EST is 3:00 for you... so probably whenever you start... I think.
  3. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If I can make it I'll join up with you. Send HomerSPC a friend request :)
  4. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Or you could add me sense I took the time to type my gamertag in big red letters :)

    And Ace, you are correct about the time zones.
  5. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    I'm not going to be on any time today, so its just easier if you add me :)
  6. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol BJ u r funneh.

    Im in ill add u if i remember, or i mean if u have another one, another good idea to help with saving maps, if u have Bungie Pro that basically gives u 24 extra maps, so u keep 1 saved slot on ur actual hard drive and keep 24 maps or maps that u have made on ur file share, basically giving u a total of 123 maps/gametypes to keep, i only have one saved film clip and its freakin ossim, so i have up to 122 maps. Just an idea that i use, u just have to remember to have one free slot(not on ur file share, on ur HARD DRIVE/disk if u will).
  7. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    No Bungie pro :(
    I will probably have another one this weekend. The last one was kind of awkward because everyone was being really quiet. Hopefully this next one will be more exiting. I deleted a ton of maps, but I also downloaded a few, so hopefully by the time I get the Mythic pack I will have only my favorite maps left. (I won't be getting them until March 31 when they are planned to release to the public)
  8. evilvillager

    evilvillager Ancient
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    I'll try to see if I can squeeze this in. Because of my extreme difference in time zone I might be able to come on at 4 or 5 (your time zone). Btw, I can only play on Friday and Saturday.

    GT: evilvillager
  9. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Guys, please just click my link at the top. I don't want to have to enter you guys in when you could just click a few times...
  10. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    gottcha. nice tags btw, lol. And i may have to leave before 6 if thats ok with you.
  11. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yea guys, it's come and go how you please. If you want to join late and I have room, that's great. If you join from the start but have to leave early, that's okay too. You are not required to stay the whole time.

    Don't forget to check back soon as I will be posting exact times of the customs very soon (hopefully tomorrow).

    EDIT: Oh, and yes... My tags are quite nice :)

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