Foundry Intimidation fv

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by crazyzebu, Feb 14, 2009.

  1. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The previous version of this map has 480 downloads and counting!

    INTIMIDATION FV is medium-small sized map meant to be played with assault, slayer, oddball, and KOTH. It has many features including near perfect interlocking, amazing flow, tactical jumps, elevators, and a great selection of balanced weapons!

    INTIMIDATION FV features many improvements from its predecessors. The interlocking is much smoother and ALL of the infamous camp spots have been removed (no more raping). Some new weapons exist on this map to improve gameplay and the big pool has been redone to eliminate camping. You can now chuck grenades under EVERY single shield door in the map! Also, when playin KOTH, the hill will move around, creating interesting gameplay.

    Thanks to everyone who left comments on the other versions of this map, I took many of your suggestions. Thank you vorpal saint, this map wouldn't have been possible with out your great advice! Thank you bobble00 for testing the map with me when no one else would.

    You might want to give bomb carriers reduced speed due to the small size of the map. This map works best with teams of 2-4 for objective games. There's no way to get out because the map is high up where the jump barrier is. Have fun and please leave feedback (good, bad, ugly) and RATE! This is my third post on forgehub!​


    Supported Gametypes:

    • Assault
      King of the Hill
      Brute Needling

    -1 mauler
    -1 spiker
    -1 plasma rifle
    -1 plasma pistol
    -2 carbines
    -5 br's

    -2 plasma
    -1 spike

    -1 bubble shield
    -1 regenerator

    There is also a bubble shield that spawns in the pool =)

    Regenerator shelf on left to help you survive the sniper =)

    The safe box also helps you survive the sniper but it has space to chuck a grenade underneath.
    Your not as safe as you think you are, hahahahahaha....
    The bubble shield can help you win but watch out for those two instant respawn fusion coils beneath the B sign.
    Going up the "B" elevator.




    Download Brute Needling

    (not required)[/CENTER]
    #1 crazyzebu, Feb 14, 2009
    Last edited: May 28, 2009
  2. Phantasm

    Phantasm Ancient
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    0 have one picture. i would definitely include many more because it looks like you have 2 "elevators." since the map doesnt look bad, get more pics and you should be fine.

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the picture definitely reminds me of a map i saw. especially cause of those 2 bridge ramps and the open box with a shield door. did u make this whole thing?
  4. sloner52

    sloner52 Ancient
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    dude just click edit on the first post and u can change whatever u want 2 that way u dont need it 2 be deleted
  5. Reidypeedy

    Reidypeedy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow! this si awsome dude like it looks really great and well forged and all but u need more picks so we can understand it better
  6. Pomegranate17

    Pomegranate17 Ancient
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    after dl'ing it it seems better but before i did i couldnt tell much from your pictures and apparently the other ppl cant either so plz post more to give ppl a better feel of the map b4 they DL it; on the good side i do like the elevator and that under pass 3/5
  7. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Please wait until I have completed my post before passing judgement on it.
  8. Phantasm

    Phantasm Ancient
    Senior Member

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    see now this is what im talkin about. i told u ur map wud do well with more pics and description. ill give it a dl. just from the post i give you a 9,000,000/9,000,005
  9. TympanicMetal

    TympanicMetal Ancient
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    I just rated your map 5 stars, to get this map from 3, to 4 stars, because this map deserves it :).

    Nice merging and stuff dude.
  10. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    The map looks a little small, and some parts look open. It is pleasing to the eyes however. I think that the shotgun spawn is nice as well. And having two "elevators" looks like it would work. This is an example of type of map I want to see more of on forgehub. Most maps are built out. But this map was built up. You rarely see a map that executes this well. And for that I salute you. 4/5.
  11. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    The map is pretty small and I tried to put as many interesting features into what space foundries budget gave me. I also suggested no more than 8 players because too many players really destroys gameplay. I am at zero on the budget for this map; I tried to make it as large as possible. The elevators were barely able to be made with such a limited budget but they really add to the gameplay.

    I really appreciate your help. I am glad I could build on my post instead of starting over. There should be some + rep coming your way =)

    Thank you, and have fun!
  12. JAC Overlord

    JAC Overlord Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this looks very neat. The two elevators are pretty cool, and the map as a whole looks very good.
  13. Aesthetic Forger

    Senior Member

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    I like it. Excelent forging (interlocking etc.) ill DL and see how gameplay is. One thing though. The fact that the shotgun is in between the two ramps... couldn't one grab teh shotgun and kneel and camp and wait until someone walks down the ramps and gets ambushed?

    I hate shotgun campers.
  14. Banana Peel

    Banana Peel Ancient
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    I like this alot. It looks like it took you awhile, the aesthetics are good i think and great interlocking. it looks really neat. The only thing is from the pictures it looks reallllyyy small. 3.8/5
  15. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes they could but they can be easily spotted from overhead and from below. If you want to get him just jump from the ramp to the second "mini level". It leads right to that nasty camper. Also, pick up the mauler from beneath the camper. He wont expext you to sneak around the corner and give him a taste of his own medicine. =) There is also a spike grenade below the shotgun that can be thrown through the gap to stick the camper. Maybe we shouldn't call him a camper any more because he cant camp!!!

    Each level is very small but the entire map is actually medium sized. The interesting thing about this map is that it has so many different levels and ways to access each level. Please do a forgethrough before

    I would also like to let everyone know that new pictures have been added, so check em out. And read the fine print, it will help you!
  16. Craigien

    Craigien Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks good. I am sure it is fun. Good job.
  17. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm glad you two like the map but I would appreciate some better feedback than, "Looks good."
  18. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    wow, a previous version was the fist map I ever downloaded on Forgehub. I showed it proudly to all my friends and said "this is the best map ever" all the time.

    In fact, it is very fun to play on, well forged, creative etc.

    Nice that you made one more version, I am downloading and will rate it later.
  19. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the positive feedback =). I hope you enjoy the latest version!
  20. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yup i did, its even better. A definite 5/5, download, ppl! I like that you drained the pool, before it was just too good for camping.
    And that new path also improves gameplay alot.
    BY the way: that window curve thing looks strange...

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