RECOIL v1.3 Description: Recoil is a map that uses the back half of foundry. In the switch from v1.2 to v1.3 the map really took the shape of remedy with way diffrent gameplay. Some ghanges you'll see are big change in defender side, moved sniper, some new weapons (carbines, plasma rifles and pistols), and the map now has two places that connect attack and defender side. Weapons: 1 Sniper 1 Shotgun 7 BRs 3 Carbines 3 SMGs 2 Spikers 4 Plasma rifles 2 Plasma pistols 1 mauler 10 Spike grenades 1 Regenerator 1 Bubble Shield 1 Power drain 1 Active camo Gametypes: This map supports all gametypes except infection. Slayer and CTF are recomended but KOTH works great also. Pictures: Main room Attack side Lower level of main room New tunnel (connects both main rooms) Exit to tunnel and beginning of new defender main room Defender main room New sniper spawn Other view of main room Defender side Back hall defender side Attack spawn Hallway attack side Outside overview Download Recoil v1.3 If you have to many maps and you'd like a preview Down load map video ENJOY
although the forging is very good, the actual gameplay looks very average, and the fact that there is really only one route from one side to the other gets very frustrating while playing.
ah i like the improvements. I think you should add infection though. This is one of those maps with good hiding spots and whatnot. But i like what you've done here, very clean (umm what is that soccer ball doing there?)
rewib65: there are two paths from one base to the other the back hallway and the tunnel gunner grunt: thanks for the tip on infection and the soccer ball in the last pic its just scenery
Finally, a map that blocks off the easy side of Foundry. I love it!. One question though, how on the world did you manage to get that fence box in the hallway like that? Mustve took pretty long considering that a fence box is huge. But yes, good layout, you can barely tell that it's foundry. 5/5
The gameplay looks like it might only support small groups of people, but very fun and tactical gameplay. I have to say the interlocking and geomerging on this map are amazing and very well done. i just wish the map could have been bigger.
the map looks very well forged. the idea is very nice. i dont know about gameplay because it seems like there is only one way to go. i like how everything is very neat. very nice job forging and i cant wait to play your map.
looks really good! not too cramped and not to open! definatly downloading... only thing i dont like is all those crates in the middle of the map i know you can do better than that! you should have put something else there if you want some more cover in that area...nothing a little editing wont fix!
This actually looks quite good, I'm gonna download and check it out. Some suggestions though: 1. Shotgun and Mauler : Remove one. 2. Put receiver nodes or weapon holders on the crates to make them stable. Good job, hope to see you do better in the next version.
This looks really, really original, so I definitely need to check this out. I will be back with a review as soon as I can. Is an FFA Slayer game a good game to play for a review? 6 people, perhaps?
FriGiDD: I didnt want the crates to be stable I want them to be like movable cover and short jumps to the sniper Awkward Silence: FFA slayer would be ok for a review but team or CTF might be better either way the gameplay flows because of the weapon placement for just about all game types.
no no no the merging interlocking and merging is great; the gameplay is just awesome and makes for a very fun game of slayer 4/5
Thanks and to the original quote there are two paths that connect the main rooms the problem was in the original the battle was in the hallway and I wanted it to be in the rooms.
I loved Remedy, so I think Im gonna like this. I really enjoy these back hallway maps, but you gotta be really good at spawns, and weapon placement for them to be "enjoyable" One side looks pretty sweet, but it like the other is bland and boring. Maybe you just ran out of stuff? Nvrmnd, will try
Thaks you know the shape of the map may be like it but the different barriers, lack of teleporters and different weapons makes recoil a different experiance