PLEASE don't make another school. Let's just keep it in one thread so that we don't crowd up the forum. I'm open minded, so if you have an idea for the school, please tell me. I accept anyone who wants to be a teacher. Also, feel free to check out the CnC Thread made by our very own teacher's; Hellsrequiem AMX and Icecikle! Signature School Well, after RST came to me to learn how to create signatures, I found confidence in myself to start up a school. You can call me the principal. However, I will have many other people who can create signatures, and want to teach, help out here. To assure people of how decent some of these teachers are, I have created a rating system. The rating system will keep track of how good these people make their signatures, and how good they teach on a scale of one through 5. They will also have a small description, and what program they use. Example: So-n-So Sig Creation: 5/5 Teaching: 3/5 Photoshop CS3 While the Teacher is good at signatures, he/she has a tendency to make them do what he/she thinks is right, instead of allowing the student to blossom in the style that they want. Prefers to create Anime signatures. Also can help with Wallpapers. Teachers will start out automatically as "default" rating, until they have received a rating from their student. The teaching is graded on well you cooperate with the subordinate, and how easy you make it to learn. Also, part of your teaching rate is on the person you taught. The subordinate, now graduate, will be able to rate his/her teacher on how well he/she taught you. If things get out of hand, and some of the users rate you incorrectly I'll step in and justify it. The other teachers are allowed to justify the rating also, in case my judgment isn't agreeable. There is also a list of the teachers available. The list is split in two. One is the "available list," and the other is "Currently unavailable". The "Currently Unavailable" list will include two sub-sections. One is "Occupied", and the other is "On Break". When the teachers want to be on break, or put on the Available section, they will PM me so I can change it on this original post. Example: Available So-n-So Unavailable Occupied No-n-No Ho-n-Ho On Break Fo-n-Fo Finally, there is a list on people waiting to be taught. People will post here in this thread if they want to be taught. Remember, the main purpose of this thread is help people out in the GFX section who are having problems. BE FAIR. ----- Teachers Frag Man Sig Creation: 5/5 (1) Teaching: 5/5 (1) GIMP Teacher awaits review from other members. Prefers Anime signatures. Dizfunky Sig Creation: 5/5 (1) Teaching: Default Photoshop CS4 Is really open to creating many different styles of signatures (including renders and stocks). Must have MSN, AIM, or Skype to contact. Icecikle Sig Creation: 5/5 (1) Teaching: 5/5 (2) GIMP Teacher prefers to create signatures that include real people. LOCKdownN Sig creation: 5/5 (1) Teaching: 4/5 (1) GIMP Although this teacher mainly sends his time making signatures, he has knowledge about making banners, and wallpapers. Uses stocks and renders. [Prefers Stocks] Teaching is a bit standard. Much like the teachers you see in regular school. Even then, does a good job at explaining. reaper of bunny Sig creation: 5/5 (1) Teaching: default Photoshop CS3 This teacher is very advance in creating Anime signatures. Although he seems to avoid originality. Prefers to just give advice when the student requests it. Must have MSN to contact. Hari Sig Creation: 4.5/5 (1) Teaching: 4.5/5 (1) Photoshop CS3 Teaching seems to lean on the good side. Vinny Sig creation: 4/5 (1) Teaching: Default Photoshop CS2, GIMP Prefers sprites over everything else and chooses stocks over renders all the time. Sig style is usually kept clean, and keeps away from a signature that uses plenty of effects. Teaching style is a bit harsh. Must have AIM to contact. M.Jelleh Sig Creation: 4/5 (1) Teaching: Default Photoshop CS3 Is great with backgrounds, and uses a mac when creating signatures. Juggernaut448 Sig Creation: 4/5 (1) Teaching: 5/5 (1) Photoshop CS4 Teacher mostly does signatures, but can help with vectors, backgrounds. Compatable with all styles and renders. Must have Skype or MSN to contact. Available after 4:00PM EST. SPAGETTII Sig Creation: 4/5 (1) Teaching: Default Unknown Great signatures. Teacher really knows how to blend a signature. Actually Cool Sig Creation: 3/5 (1) Teaching: Default GIMP Prefers anime. Mace Sig Creation: 3/5 (1) Teaching: Default GIMP Prefers anime. Good with beginners, but does not know any advanced techniques. Quagmire Sig Creation: 2/5 (1) Teaching: Default PaintShop Pro x2 HellsRequiemAMX Sig Creation: 5/5 (1) Teaching: 4.75/5 (1) Photoshop CS1-4 Prefers stocks. Can help with any photoshop version. Miraj Sig Creation: 4/5 (1) Teaching: Default Photoshop CS3-4 Prefers to be teaching beginners who haven't a thought about signatures. Contact through via Adobe ConnectNow, Skype, Aim. Available reaper of bunny Vinny Mace Actually Cool HellsRequiemAMX Icecikle Hari Unavailable Occupied M.Jelleh Frag Man On Break Dizfunky LOCKdownN: Business Juggernaut448 Student Waiting List Tutorials C4Ds UPDATE: #1
This is an awesome idea! I'm re-downloading Gimp right now, and maybe once I get some free time I'll ask for a teacher.
Yeah, sure I could help, just post what you need on my profile, visitor message, or Pm me with what you need help on.
First, I chose two renders. Planet Renders // Renders - Abstract 3D Renders/kelmas5 Planet Renders // Renders - Abstract 3D Renders/kelmas2 Copied them both onto a black background, and colored them to alpha. Each had it's own separate layer, and the center of the renders were placed into the lower right hand corner. I placed the first render I found beneath the second, and set it to overlay. Then taking the Burn tool, I set it to the largest size I could get, and set to "shadows". Rubbing over only the out side of the render, keeping away from the lower right hand corner. I tried to get it as dark as I can. Taking the same tool, I set it to Dodge>Highlights this time.Get the Lower right hand corner as bright as you can too. And go over the center with Dodge>Midtones as much as you can too. You don't want it too dark. Then in the middle, select "mid-tones" and try and brighten then to the appropriate brightness. Then I duplicated the both layers, and used motion blur on the copies. Set the copies to overlay. Next, apply "Lighting effects" twice on the background. Once using a blue light, another using the white. Make sure you set it to the appropriate distance. Make sure the layer is in the very back. Add text, and you should get this. Sorry for it being low quality. I guess I couldn't do it.
I'm not sure if DizFunky can help but I'd like some help learning how to just use photoshop (I just got it). I don't really know much. For instance, how would I recreate something like this in phoshop: I used smudge, edges, dodge and some other effects. If the lesson or whatever is chosen by te teacher then sign me up.
You'll be set as a Teacher, and available. Anything you want Changed? Do you use GIMP? A small description of yourself?
LOCKdownN Sig Creation: ? Teaching: Default GIMP Although this teacher mainly sends his time making signatures, he has knowledge about making banners, and wallpapers. Uses stocks and renders. [Prefers Stocks]
I'll sign up as a teacher if you want. They'll have to add me on msn though. Probably more of an advice giver.