Railway Crisis

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by HotShotX, Feb 22, 2009.


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  1. HotShotX

    HotShotX Ancient
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    An homage to an Infection map I played long ago on Last Resort, Railway Crisis takes that map to a new level - Rat's Nest. Hanging over the cliff in RN are 8 open crates, each of which hang dangerously atop a weapon holder. The crates sway easily in the air at the slightest movement, and offer the only protection from the infection for the humans.


    The zombies on the other hand, are armed with rocket launchers, man cannons, and a plethora of vehicles for ramming the crates.


    The game will always start with a single zombie, run 5 3-minute rounds, and zombies earn points for infecting the humans, while humans score points by being the last man. Scoring is always open to interpretation by the host, but overall it's meant to just be a fun map.


    Humans are subjected to additional gravity, and are often trapped in a single crate once they begin shifting wildly, but are certainly prone to escaping and reaching the top of the crates or the ledge itself.


    This however, is easily remedied.


    Action Shots:




    Humans overall take very little damage from rockets or ramming, but just enough to infect them when they plummet to their deaths. The occasional human that reaches the ledge can be killed via ramming or assassination, and cannot damage the zombies aside from assassination.

    Other issues include non-infected humans respawning in crates that have already dropped, but to some extent the round is too short to make it a big issue.

    Map - Halo 3 File Details
    Game - Halo 3 File Details

    If you all could, leave me some feedback on the map and gametype, I'm always interested in improving the design.

    Update: I initially uploaded the wrong gametype. If you have a King of the Hill Railway Crisis gametype, please delete it and download the Infection type. Thank you.

    #1 HotShotX, Feb 22, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2009
  2. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    I like this. I have seen maps where you try to knock humans out of boxes but never with flying vehicle suicides. Hopefully the zombies have instant respawns. Looks pretty fun(ny) =). I'll give it a download. Also, in your poll, whats better: fair, or average? Great or exellent?
  3. HotShotX

    HotShotX Ancient
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    Everyone has the quickest possible respawn (3 seconds). Ratings are from highest at the top to lowest at the bottom.

  4. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    OK, but next time just put three options to make it easier to understand. How about "bad, average, good"
  5. red steel

    red steel Ancient
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    The idea has been used before, but the way you built the map is alot more amazing. Thats the main thing i didnt like about the map on last resort, people would just jump out of the boxes and try and hide through out the map.
  6. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    A new twist to the classic map Swings, I like it! I've always been a fan of the original, but I like the fear of falling to your death much better. I'll take a peak and let you know what I think.
  7. Death Height

    Death Height Ancient
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    looks like fun! youve got a dl from me.
  8. Phantasm

    Phantasm Ancient
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    I think this is much better than swings. the fact that u cant just fall out and still live for a while is much cooler. right when i saw the vehicles i could see myself trying to drive vehicles into the mancannon and bailing out at the last second. very fun mini game.
  9. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    These type of mini games are fun. Yes I believe this would be considered a mini game. Another map similar to this was created by Speed-e-cake, called the Se-Saws. But that map was more of a re-imagination of the Swings, while this one is a re-imagination of the Train, both similar mini games taking place on Last Resort. This looks like a good old fashioned Halo 3 type game. What's great about using Rat's Nest for this game is that the humans inside the train cannot jump onto the map so easily.
  10. Lordbell21

    Lordbell21 Ancient
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    The Gametype I downloaded from your link was King of the Hill, and I spawned to my death everytime.

    Thought I'd let you know.
  11. HotShotX

    HotShotX Ancient
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    You're right, I uploaded the wrong gametype, my apologies. I'm uploading the correct gametype now, and will change the link in the OP.

  12. Lordbell21

    Lordbell21 Ancient
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    I made my own make-shift gametype. The game was fun. Should be more fun now that I have the appropriate one.
  13. Painkiller

    Painkiller Ancient
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    Looks a little sloppy, but fun all the same. The point of it is cool, and the map choice is interesting. I mean, I could of easily remade this on Standoff or Avalanche.
  14. HotShotX

    HotShotX Ancient
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    No you couldn't. The crates only sway properly on Rat's Nest or Last Resort, and Rat's Nest was the only one with a cliff. The crates become frozen in place on any other map.

  15. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    Sounds like a cool idea, I liked the train on Last Resort, but I hated humans escaping. This map would make a much faster round, making it less boring for humans that have already died. The vehicles are a great touch, and it's great that it's outside the map, or the zombies would be tempted to use the turrets on the warthogs to shoot out the humans.
  16. HotShotX

    HotShotX Ancient
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    Everyone's had a day or two to download and play the map, so what are your thoughts on it?

  17. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    i've seen other recreations of the original, this looks like the best by far, perhaps even better than the predecessor. this is because the swaying system looks crazy [because of weapon holders instead of teleporters], and the man cannons give the gameplay a kind of "jenga" twist.

    the only ideas i have for improvement are perhaps a larger weapon selection for zombies [if there is any at all, i can't tell from the pic]. perhaps a fuel rod and missle pod.

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