POLARIS THIS MAP IS NOT PLAYABLE. Hello, and welcome to my third post! It is my pleasure to post my first spaceship, which has features other ships don't, like a vehicle drop switch, a reactor room out of the map, and reduced-rate-of-fire defense turrets. Welcome to my UNSC Prowler, a lightly armed stealth ship used to scout and carry out stealth missions. This particular ship was sent to explore a new ring-world found orbiting the North Star, which is called Polaris, hence the name. This ship set up a small outpost with a remote control to drop a Warthog down for transportation. The outpost also features a Hornet landing and launch pad, supplies such as weapons and a Mongoose, and a teleporter leading into and from the ship's hangar. That's it for the outpost, now let's start with the ship itself. The ship has 2 Black Widow spy satellites latched to the underside, one of which was unhooked and is now scouting the area. The ship has a highly enhanced reactor system, featuring a brighter exhaust cone and four small reactors. Inside the reactor room, there are 4 reactors, a red one, a blue one, a yellow one, and a green one. There is a control panel, with restricted use, so don't try blowing up the ship, the reactors are locked down! The ship's armoring features composite brown stealth plating, mounted on the sides of the ship and on the bridge. The ship has 2 missile pods mounted on the bridge, and 4 50 mm guns. I have interlocked the fireable turrets so half the shots fired don't come out, cutting their firing rate in half, adding to the effect of Prowlers having light armament. The rest of the ship can only be explained with pics. Overview of the ship. Rear of the ship. Satellite clamps. Note one satellite floating near the Hornet. The bridge. Hangar of the ship, with Warthog. On the bridge. Hallway leading from bridge. Entering the reactor room. Reactor room, showing reactors 1,3, and 4. Reactor 2. Now, for the outpost and switch. Overview of the outpost. The switch. Isn't it obvious? Activating the switch. What happens in the ship. Warthog drops. I haz Warthog! Download link http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3Us...ileid=66339443 Special Thanks to: Sgt Visiliy for the drop pod switch. B3NW for evaluating and giving me ideas. Valaruss for showing me how to color-code. (EDIT) Looks like I was right about starting something! It's only been posted for a short time and already i'm seeing ships on Avalanche with a drop pod switch! Keep it up!
Dude, this is pretty cool, most ship maps, are just good looking, but this is good looking, and original, ! i really like the reactor room, and everything you have is original and very well made, i really like it. The switch is pretty sweet too. I was like cool a warthog on the ceiling, and then i seen the switch, and i was like, EVEN COOLER. Gotta say, this is very good. REally nice interlocking as well. Congrats man. Only problem might be the word in weapons, might be bad weapon placement, which might effect gametypes? but might also work, since its the outpost, and you might need alot of weapons near there anyways
Awesome! I love maps like these, they're random, but they are well made! I love how you interlocked the ship for the powers and you have a warthog dropping, it'd be cool to turn this into some Infection or Competitive map ! 5/5!
Hey man,not very unique but still a good map.But I feel that it could be a little bigger,it's great but if it was a bit bigger,it would be awesome.
OOO very nice, i like the engine section, and at least you coloured the boxes which nobodys bothered to do before. I hope your gonna be making lots of ship maps on sandbox. We could have hangars, engine rooms, bridge, armorys, a captains shag pad (scratch that last one), sliding doors, an elevator, service tunnels, viewport. I think that ship maps will become very popular. I cant wait
This map is really cool. I love the switch for the warthog, as well as the ships Thruster/Engine. I also like how you made the cave into a "Reactor Room". The spelled out switch was really cool too. Good Job. Keep Forging.
It is lovely to see that avalanche shipbuilding has not dried up completely. I dont know if i can get as excited about a bunch of stone ships. This ship shows some original thinking and looks good - kudos.
when i first looked i thought 'oh not another one' but i was soon to find out it was better than the others and i think you should take out the 'switch' sign (extra wepons for that team) anyway i love the reacter and i would love there to be a fusion coil in each of the reactors lol 4.5/5
This ship is so cool expecially the reactors I've only seen the pics and i can wait to explore it (im going to when i'm done typing) I wonder if the reactors can be blown up or not. Well better not waste time typing and go check it out.
there has been so many ships built on avalance........but this may just be the best one ive seen, my favourite part has to be the hanger with the warthog on the cieling, it looks so clean and neat, great job on this map P.S.I also really like that reactor room, but what do you do in there, is it just supposed to look cool
This map is really cool. I love the switch for the warthog, as well as the ships Engine. I also like how you made the cave into a Reactor Room. The spelled out switch was really cool too. Good Job. 5/5
Remember everyone, the map is not playable, so stop saying the weapons in the outpost won't be fair! If this map was playable, it wouldn't be in the aesthetics section.
I know at this point, that this map is now a few years old, but I would like to download it, does anybody have a copy of this map?