Sandbox Questions Answered here.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by SargeantSarcasm, Feb 22, 2009.

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  1. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    I was fortunate enough to get the mythic maps early, and since I have, I figured it was only fair to answer any questions the community may have regarding Sandbox.

    I've made a new thread so that any questions can be quickly found rather than digging through the constantly shifting Sandbox discussion.

    So, ask away.

    WARNING: If you ask how I got the maps early, or anything related to procuring them and the skulls, you will be infracted for spam. I'm helping you guys out, don't pester me with useless banter.

    a few things I've noticed:

    1) walls placed against the floor, no matter what level, once saved, will slant upward, very slightly on one side (someone else brought this up)
    2) the height of each level is as follows:

    • crypt: 14 boxes, can crouch on top of the top box i believe. The slant doesnt start until the top of the 6th box.
    • middle: 17 boxes, can stand on the top box, not jump (can stack 2 extra boxes on top but you wont be able to stand on them)
    • skybubble: 9 boxes, same as middle level
    3) the size of each level is as follows (compared to foundry's main area):

    • crypt: foundry's main area...MAYBE slightly bigger
    • middle: drivable area (death barrier stuff, explained below) = foundry and a half
    • skybubble: foundry x3 or x4
    4) the fall from the default level to the crypt is approximately 5 seconds (counting like you would a clock)
    5) the slanted sides of large wedges and "fins" (they literally look like fins) allow for tactical jumps. If you crouch and press forward enough, you can slide up the side and onto the top (even though its the height of a box)
    6) The bubble shield cancels out the killball. if you throw one down on the edge of a killball, you can walk into the killball freely as long as you stay inside the protective confines of the shield.
    7) You can fly/drive around freely just outside the barrier of the middle level as long as you keep moving. There will be a flashing and beeping to warn you. If you go to far, you get lasered very quickly.
    8) The skybubble has an invisible barrier all the way around it that keeps you from approaching the lasers.
    9) immoveable objects CAN block the lasers, but there are many lasers, and they track you. So a single wall in front of each laser wouldn't do much.

    I tested this using a BLUE LIGHT, a DOUBLE BLOCK, and a DOUBLE WALL (for stacking).


    BLUE LIGHT against a DOUBLE BLOCK to show the 3d Effect

    BLUE LIGHT interlocked flush inside a DOUBLE BLOCK

    BLUE LIGHT interlocked 1 WALL width inside of a DOUBLE BLOCK (same angle)

    So, the area effect is the same, but since the lightsource itself is unseen, so is the brightest light.

    To test this, I used 8 WALLS for the final look.
    First I placed a control wall, then I placed one stack of 2 WALLs, then another stack of 3 WALLs. I deleted the lowest WALL on each of the experimental stacks.


    All stacks slant slightly upward to the right.

    Pre-save/endgame stack on the left compared to the post-save/endgame on the right.

    So, it seems the walls themselves are the issue, not the floors of sandbox.
    #1 SargeantSarcasm, Feb 22, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2009
  2. Realistic

    Realistic Ancient
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    I do have a question. What I'd like to know is, can you throw a bubble shield all the way into the killball, or does the killball destroy the bubble's generator.

    Oh, and I suppose, how big the diameter of the Kill ball is compared to the diameter of the bubble, thats important too for applications sake.


    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Can you make purple lights?
    Is golf any good?
  4. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Can I see a pic of what the Tube Ramp looks like?
  5. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    The killball does not void the bubbleshield in any way.

    The BUBBLE SHIELD inside of a KILLBALL

    Diameter of a BUBBLE SHIELD

    Diameter of a KILLBALL



    BRUED LIGHT (A.K.A. Purple-ish)

    I'm providing facts, not opinions...unless otherwise stated.

    Ask and you shall receive.


    [opinion]Not nearly as epic as the name implies, but eh[/opinion]
  6. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Okay then, this time it won't be spam:

    - If the place an object inside a killball, does the killball react in the same way to a death barrier and delete the object as soon as you let go of it? (And can you get around this with the usual timed map event?)

    - Can the editor fly inside the killball without going poof?

    - I know the Crypt is square, but can you measure it using the territory method for me plz? (place a territory against one wall, and then be a human at the opposite wall, and it will show you the distance to the territory on your HUD) All I know about it is that it's57 spawn points by 57 spawn ppoints :/
  7. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    PALLET on a WALL before the KILLBALL of Doom appears

    PALLET on a WALL soon after

    I think its safe to say that this affects all destructible objects (I've tested it on a mongoose) this way.

    Furthermore, I dont see why a timed map event wouldn't circumvent this. For example, if you have a mongoose spawn at start, but halfway through the match you dont want people to use it, so you have a killball spawn where the mongoose does at 2 minutes.

    I'm the large white ball to the left.

    Let me preface this by saying, I hate you. I hadta go through some trouble to do this. Anywho:

    86.5 M = Distance from one end of the Crypt to another.
  8. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    How is geo merging in a general look... Simple?

    Is there any door like objects?

    Do objects still fall through the map when geo merging them low?

    Can you still forge under the floor of the map? like how you go under foundry to support objects and merge them upward.
    #8 Blaze, Feb 22, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2009
  9. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    I dont understand your second and last question.

    Fall through what map...skybox?
    Under what map...skybox?

    edit yours to clarify, and i'll edit this with the answer.
  10. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Can movable objects rest on the grid in the Sky Bubble? If they can, when you go into a custom game do they then fall?

    OK edited question: If you throw an oddball into a kill ball, does it act the same as if you threw the ball over the edge on guardian. Basically does the ball respawn at its starting point. That move on guardian in MLG is known as "playing ball" because the announcer says "play ball."

    Why are you awesome enough to make this thread and answer with pics and everything?

    Where do babies come from?
    #10 Ladnil, Feb 22, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2009
  11. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    PALLET floating on the Skybubble floor.

    As you can see, the Pallet rests nicely. The floor is just that, a floor, the only difference is, if you break the barrier, you die. You can rest objects on it freely, that picture is from the oddball custom game that I played to reveal the answer to your second question.

    Oddball in the KILLBALL

    As you can see by my matyrdom, the defiled skull of god knows who is unharmed inside the killball. Upon my respawn, it was still there, inside the killball. So if you want a serious oddball map, don't put a killball.
  12. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Have you attempted geo-merging yet?
  13. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    Attempted, no.

    I foresee trouble for many reasons.

    1) As Blaze asked, there are no door-like objects to use the common Foundry technique of geomerging. So its back to the old method. Brace, then lower the guide, savequit, pull until satisfied.
    2) The sandy dunes are uneven, but that shouldn't be a problem for those used to forging on maps other than Foundry.
    3) I really don't know how the skybubble floor would respond. Already, I can tell it has different physics than a regular floor, aside from the obvious death-trap allure it has for our corporeal selves. For instance, when placing an object and dragging it along the floor, it seems to have more friction, more pull exerted on the object than Foundry's floor.

    Those are just my impressions though.
  14. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Can you interlock the golf hole into an object so that only the flag pokes out of the top?
  15. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Fixed, and this is very, very useful information for people like me planning objective maps.
  16. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    First off let me thank you in letting the community ask questions while you can be utilizing your exclusive content. It is really thoughtful, and thankful in what you're doing, even in tedious questions. As for me, here are a few unanswered questions that have been on my mind recently.

    1. Is it possible to go from the crypt, to the middle tier via gravity lift/man cannon. Or does some weird gravitational barrier prevent you?
    2. Is the kill ball an immovable object? As in, if you save&quit while suspended in air, will it stay?
    3. If the kill ball is immovable, can it not be used to merge, depending it soaks itself into another object.
    4. Do you have to use a teleporter to travel from the middle tier, to the sky bubble? Or is it possible to stack boxes extremely high, then exert yourself into it. Or will the death barrier kill you?
    5. Seeing the pallet is suspended on the imaginary sky bubble grid, if you were to stand on the pallet, will it hold you, or fall to your death?
    That is all the questions I'd appreciate answers to. Thank you, once again.
  17. Rogue Shadow IV

    Rogue Shadow IV Ancient
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    On the ground level of sandbox the default how far out can you go without being shot, because maybe you could use an object to protect you from the towers like the turrets on snowbound you could use crates and stand behind them.
  18. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I've seen lots of floating lights. We're those lights made float by save and quit or do they automatically float when you let go?
  19. BanditK

    BanditK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    When on the sky floor how far down is the drop before you get killed by barrier?
  20. redearth

    redearth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Since he's gone I'll answer for him. As soon as you touch the grid you die. No falling required. I saw it watching Insane live.
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