These are a series of maps I made for my infection gametype Jurassic Park. The idea behind Jurassic Park was to create an infection game where it was actually possible for the zombies to win, but was also fun for the humans. Description of gametype Jurassic Park is a alpha-zombie based infection game. One person starts the round as the alpha zombie, the T-Rex. He has 4 overshields and 2000% damage resistance. He is also slow and heavy, but he carries a sword for lunging, and a gravity hammer which can send you flying. Subsequent zombies become raptors. They have poor camo, swords, and plasma pistols. They are fast and can jump high, but only have 50% damage resistance. A few shots from a battle rifle will put them down. Humans begin with magnums. Obviously these are virtually useless against the T-Rex, so you can either concentrate on finding weapons, or running away. All other stats remain unchanged. The last man standing has a waypoint above his head. Jurassic Park v.2 This is an improved version of my first Jurassic Park map. Best for around 6 people, the games go fairly quickly. There are a few barricaded rooms scattered around in which you might decide to camp. This may end...badly. Since the first version of the map, an additional barricade room has been added, which spawns after a while, the warthog spawns have been changed, and the T-rex cage has been braced so it doesn't fly around when the T-Rex breaks out. The Lost World Set on High Ground, this map is best for about 4 people. The T-Rex spawns inside the ruined fortress, the humans outside on the beach amid the debris of a plane crash. Most of the weapons lie inside the fortress, however, getting to them may prove more challenging than it might seem. As with Jurassic Park v.2, the previous occupants of the building attempted to barricade themselves into a safe room. The fortifications are a bit more secure than in Jurassic Park. Ice Age And finally, what I think is the best of these maps. Ice Age. Avalanche is a very large map, so I recommend a large party size to play on this map. You begin after your plane crashes in what used to be an archeological dig site in the Arctic. Thanks to global warming, the massive glaciers in this place have begun to melt, freeing something that has laid dormant for centuries... Thanks to the size of the level, you have some time to get to a secure building before the T-Rex attacks. However, just because it LOOKS secure, doesn't mean the dinosaurs can't get in... There are several artifacts that have been excavated lying around the level, as well as a few outposts the archeologists set up. Lying inside may be a great weapon...or it might be a one-way deathtrap. Two banshees spawn after about 2 minutes, but the raptor's plasma pistols can easily bring the would-be escapees back down to earth. Download gametype here Jurassic Park Gametype Download the maps here Jurassic Park v.2 The Lost World Ice Age And that's the Jurassic Park map pack. Feedback is welcome and actively encouraged, I'm always trying to get better.
While I can say some of it looks ok... The first thing I'm wondering is what's each map look like. You know you can have up to 20 pics so you might want to consider adding more from each map so I know what it is. As well from the pics there is no interlocking which, until sandbox, is a must for maps with static items. So ultimately your post is horrible even if the maps may be good.
One, your links don't work. Two, I agree with the guy above me, you really need more pictures of all your maps. You won't get much downloads with just like a 3 of each. Three, I know the zombies are very slow, but you should probably change their shields to like 2x overshields and the amount lower than 2000% damage resistance. I won't rate or download till we get more pictures of your maps (plus no one can download anyways. You need to link them to the maps, not post the link where we have to copy and paste in the url for every one of them).
GLOBAL WARMING IS A SCAM. Humans only cause .017% of the greenhouse gases in the air, and 1 major volcanic eruption causes over 1 MILLION times as many harmful gases than humans have caused since we've been on Earth. It's just a natural cycle of the earth people. For those of you who say that its "happening much faster than normal", did you know the current cycle started 40 years before the industrial revolution? Stop BAWWING about something that isn't true EDIT: I know this has nothing to do with the map but this is a very touchy subject to me.
like the idea, i know alot of people have tried a jurassic theme and they are usually pretty fun, its cool to see you used pre dlc maps in this map pak, a good map for this theme is ghost town u should chek it out
There is no limit for how much greenhouse gases humans can put into the air. Well, if it is a hoax so what. Go to LA sometime and the scam of global warming might seem not so bad. If global warming helps people reduce their pollution, it is a positive thing. The last time there was a major volcanic eruption the human race was almost driven to extinction (only a few thousand people) , do you want that natural cycle to occur? The temperature spike is natural and not caused by humans, but how high do we want the temperature to rise? Maybe the theory of global warming can help us limit the temperature rise... And onto the map... The gametype looks fun but it doesn't seem that you altered the original maps much. Also, you need more images to accurately show the maps (I cannot tell what you altered). Not worth a download but with more photos, possibly.
Added new pictures Well, technically no, there are no new large structures that I added, with the exception of some buildings in Ice Age. However, the gametype doesn't really work with the normal maps, so I created these. Its a sort of symbiosis. The maps play best with the gametype, the gametype plays best with these maps. You're right, there is minimal interlocking. There are only two structures on the three maps that would need interlocking, and both of them are on Ice Age: the pyramid and the lab outpost. The only one that would BENEFIT from interlocking is the outpost, which I will do right now.
Im sorry not to be of any offense but i dont like the gametype at all. all it is, is fat kid with a different name. i personally hate fat kind with a passion only matched by the heat of a thousand suns. its just so easy to kill the new zombies and it takes for ever to get place to place as the alpha. it just plain sucks. its a good map for others but like i said, i hate slow invincible zombies, dont tell me there not invincible i know im just oversaying it.
All of these maps look great and have great gameplay. I love Ice age. This idea has been used before but you pulled it off better than i've seen before. Nice job. 4.6/5
I probably won't change your mind on anything, but here goes... Yes, it basically is fat kid with a different name. I made this before I heard about fat kid, and there are a few differences. The new zombies are not one-shotable, you have to be paying attention to kill them. They have plasma pistols too, so they don't have to run right at you to kill you. Yes, the T-Rex is slow. He is not made to chase down people, though it is possible to stalk someone into a corner. And even though he is slow, the longest I've gone without seeing someone or being shot at is maybe 10-20 seconds at the beginning of a game. If you personally don't like the gametype, I can completely understand. But I can also hope to change your mind, even if I know its an overly futile hope.
THANK YOU!! someone else also agrees with me!! and did you know (i dont know the exact numbers) that 10s of thousands of more barrels of oil are released in the ocean naturally than from oil drilling. anyways, the maps are nothing special, the first two are mostly just random stuff thrown everywhere.
First of all, oil drilling is REMOVING oil. Now back on the topic of the map... its stuff VERY DELIBERATELY strewn everywhere, thank you very much!
Wow, stop bashing him, and stop talking about global warming crap. It's happening deal with it, and leave it at that. Conspiracy theorists and stupid people alike make stupid ideas, and also create stupid ideas that go against the other stupid idea. Now, for the maps. Looks like a more fun way to play Fat Kid, sounds like a better game than fat kid, because in fat kid, everyone just runs away forever, and find little tiny spots and glitches to make the game last forever. Hope you have a time limit too. I'll try them if I can free some room on my custom files list. I think that the Ice Age idea looks great, and you should continue trying new maps. Try adding more new buildings and make the map have more little aesthetics that make it look cool. Stuff like that is always a bonus. If you ever want help, I can see you got good ideas, and I'll lend my skills.
i would say that the map on last resort is the best. it reminds me the most of Jurassic park. i like the game idea it looks like it would be really fun to play.
i don't really get how this relates to Jurassic Park. One thing i like about the map is the fact that it does not involve Foundry in any way on any of the maps. But i don't like the maps themselves
the map looks very nice i personnaly like ice age just need to interlock some objects. nice job on the map though