I don't necessarily think the Master Hand was as evil as Ganon. OH! One character you guys might think is evil, is Tabuu. The final boss in SSBB.
LMFAO. He had this squealy voice. "YO MAN WATZ UP!!!" I'd have to say John Henry Eden, president of the Enclave in Fallout 3. (he is an AI computer)
Frag man, you beat me to it. Tabuu is the most evil person ever, and he isn't tainted by Dialogue. Plus he had that 1-hit-kill-super-uber-wtf-happened-move where he swung his wings and you just died. Kills in one even on easy ¬_¬.
yes, especially the second, it took a lot of a darker twist, although still rather goofy! I still haven't beaten sephiroth, i haven't even played it for years!
I have a couple.. 1- Castle Crashers - that wizard person who resurrects every enemy, that bit was so hard.. 2- Mass Effect - Saren (it makes more sense if you read the books, they're pretty good.. 3- Left 4 Dead - The ****ing witches yor freinds ALWAYS shoot!!!
Haha, yes! I haven't played Nuts and Bolts in a while too. I also got the oldschool B&K as an Arcade game, even though I still have the one for the 64. Came with the Pre-Order. Yeah, I'm lame enough to Pre-Order B&k Nuts and Bolts. Lol indeed. FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUU- I was going to say that.
Any evil boss where the only way to win is to escape. Usually I say "**** that" and just kill them though
I personally would have to say TzTok-Jad from Runescape. Spoiler hes lvl 702 did you know that? winsock?
Suicide Grunts from Halo 3 FTW. Lol, I love those things. I was in a clan for a while called the suicide grunts.
Not sure if this has been said before (doubt it) but Edgar from Phantom's Dust. He tried to wash away a world that was already ****ed over. Oh, and Alma from the FEAR games. ...that's one evil little *****. You think the witchs from Left 4 Dead are bad? Ha! --Alma tears you down to your bone... and then some.
zeus '' not really'' evil but in god of war you fight him and it pretty tough and yeah i find him evil in a way during the fight or mike tyson from mike tyson punch out he bit a doods ear off the evil to me lol yeah
Nah the most evil boss is def. Abyssion from the Tales Of series. That guy was harder than a mutherfucker to beat.
I didn't see any mention of PH (Pyramid Head) from Silent Hill 2. He had to have been the most evil badass mofo in any creepy game ever. I watched my friend play the series cause I was too much of a wussy to play myself. Scared the crap out of me. Anyways, what other evil monster/character rapes and kills his own hellspawn and drags around a giant knife that kills in one hit? Also, some others would be Alma from FEAR. Maybe not one of the baddest dudes, but the final boss from the first Condemned. That boss was a *****. And now to think of it, Tabuu on extreme or expert difficulty in SSBB. My friend and I beat boss mode on the hardest difficulty, it was insane, although we used the cheapest characters for bossmode (Pit and Metaknight).