I don't think any movie should be rated N-17 for just violence. There better be a crapload of sex if it's going to be that.
As long as it doesn't get NC17 because Dr. Manhattan's blue dongle is swinging all over the place like it is in the comic, I'll be alright, lol.
Yeah, that'd be the only reason. But so far they have been selling tickets, so it'll probably stay as R in the US, at least, I already have my tickets, and I bought them when it was R. It'll probably remain that way.
I coulda sworn he wasn't anatomically correct...like the Ken Doll... or at least thats how he's portrayed most of the comic...theres a scene that shows it?
Yeah, there's no way that's actually the case (book-faithful constant ***** nudity from a principle character). I'd find it hilarious, but it ain't happening. @Sarge... the version I read was.... correct, there were quite a few scenes. Want a scan? actually, I probably shouldn't do that.
really? god I must have blocked it from my memory...all i remember was that he looked naked, and blank down there...like theres nothing there... @ Pred...no its k...I believe you lol. I did get my book at the school library...but they don't buy anything censored, its pretty much a gathering place...
Well yeah... he did have it, but Dave Gibbons didn't go into extreme detail with the character. Basically all you saw was a line that sort of resembled a *****, and a circle underneath that. He didn't try to make it look exactly like one. I'm sure in the movie they might, or they might just do a ken thing, like you said.
they might show it once, but I highly doubt it. Male full-frontal is taboo in America whereas female is welcome lol. speaking of which GTA:IV - The Lost and Damned DLC features 5 seconds of animated *****... so wrong. k im done discussing the subject, thats enough ***** for a strictly-heterosexual male to talk about.
I was just catching up on this thread and I was about to post that exact picture whisper. There you have it folks, Hollywood has Dr. Manhattan wearing a speedo.
But he did wear one in the book. It was a small part, but he did. And it was at the time the Crimebusters were together, and that picture takes place when they are together. It still may happen, but I doubt it, like I said before, Ken.
this wont be rated R at least not in canada harold and kumar 2 was 14A and there was a bottom less party
because i love ***** in my face. no, i was speaking that the costumes in general are fail (imho =P) the only one that looks right is rorshak or however the **** spelled it is whatever i am an enormous fan of the book and so far im just saying im not ****ing convinced hollywood will ruin this movie. there are just so many elements that i cannot see them getting right. they may do some of it well, but i cant see them pulling the entire thing off perfectly and it MUSt be perfect its ****ing watchmen, not spiderfag
On the TV trailers they proudly exclaim the movie is directed by the same guy who did 300. Which to me says "we're treating this like it's just another comic book movie". Watchmen and 300 may be similar in that they're both graphic novels, but when you look at the respective stories it's obvious they're at completely different ends of the spectrum. There's nothing about 300 that would indicate its director should make Watchman. You can't watch an over the top action flick and then think to yourself "hrm, guy that made this seems to have the skills needed to produce a character driven drama that tackles complex ideas such as free will and absolute morality". I'm not looking forward to Rorschach leaping sideways through a room, duel wielding pistols, shooting enemy henchman, and then drop kicking a mob boss, all while intermittently slipping in and out of bullet time.
It's most definitely R in the states. I got sucked into the graphic novel, and i loved it. There is A LOT to it and i hope they were creative when making it into a movie. I actually have faith that the film will turn out pretty good. but at the same time it's so easy to **** this up, and if they ****ed up, then they ****ed up hard. It's either going to be good, or really really really terrible. I plan on going to see it at the imax in hopes that pretty visuals will make up for the pile of **** the rest of it could be. also, they better show dr. manhattan's *****.